After listening to 100 episodes (still not caught up!) And loving every one of them, I decided to give their book a go! I love these ladies! #myfavoritemurder #mfm #fuckpoliteness #stayoutoftheforest
After listening to 100 episodes (still not caught up!) And loving every one of them, I decided to give their book a go! I love these ladies! #myfavoritemurder #mfm #fuckpoliteness #stayoutoftheforest
#ssdgm #staysexydontgetmurdered #exactlyright #stayoutoftheforest #fuckpoliteness #youreinacultcallyourdad
Murderino right here! Anyone else?
#ssdgm #murderino #fuckpoliteness #youreinacultcallyourdad #stayoutoftheforest
Diving back into the world of true crime for my Murderino Bookclub this month! Nothing like some coffee and Jim Jones to start your day lol
I'm not going to lie, I have totally acted out Fear #92 in order to stay sexy and not get murdered (a little #murderino shout out).
Loved this collection of irrational (or maybe not so irrational) fears!