Does anyone else find that after a really stressful work week when you‘ve got a full weekend of chores and errands, all you have energy to do is read true crime? I blame Karen and Georgia for this 100%
Does anyone else find that after a really stressful work week when you‘ve got a full weekend of chores and errands, all you have energy to do is read true crime? I blame Karen and Georgia for this 100%
And finally @Kdgordon88 You spoiled me! I LOVE everything about this. You really got me. I love the books. I can't believe you got the cookbook! I died laughing when I opened it. It might be sick and twisted but I can't wait to try some recipes 🤣 The keychain #SSDGM ❤ Jack! Socks! But OMG that MUG! I love me some Poe and I'm displaying the box. The Halloween clings are already up. Thank you sooo much for the thoughtful gift. Happy Halloween 😘
You're in a cult, call your dad! #SSDGM
Such a good book! This one really highlights the lengths to which Sam will go for Connor and the absolute trust every member of the Proctor family puts in each other when the shit hits the fan. I love this family and their friends!
Mallett uses case studies to explore the systemic failures of our criminal justice system. My stomach churned as I read case after case of wrongfully convicted people released after years with little more than a “lol soz”. By examining how and why miscarriages of justice occur we learn how to avoid them, and the importance of making adequate restitution where they do occur. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/new-releases/ #SSDGM
My Favorite Mug - the MFM animated clips are hilarious (@mfm_animated on Instagram), so I was happy to support it with this purchase. #MFM #SSDGM #MyFavoriteMurderMug
Most Murderinos will already be at least somewhat familiar with many of the stories recounted in Stay Sexy And Don‘t Get Murdered, but Kilgariff and Hardstark offer more nuanced and detailed insights than they might off-the-cuff in a podcast recording. Their radical vulnerability is very impressive. Full review: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/stay-sexy-and-dont-get-murdered-karen-kilgar... #SSDGM #MFM #TrueCrime #Murderino
When the other book you‘re reading comes up in your current read...
“I held up the book I‘d brought to read tonight—Ann Rule‘s classic The Stranger Beside me...”
#SSDGM 🤷🏻♀️
Last year when this book came out, I was on a self-imposed book buying ban and it was the one book I was ready to purchase as soon as it was available. Shortly after New Years day this year, my husband came home with this tucked under his arm. He told me he was proud of me for making a commitment and sticking to it as he handed it to me, still wrapped in the Half Price Books bag. I was so excited! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
my first audiobook 😳 borrowed from my local library 🤩i‘ve already read the book but it was fun listening to this dual memoir.
i can‘t believe i‘ve gone this long without listening to audiobooks! #gamechanger #murderino #ssdgm