Currently reading this under-the-radar book which was brought to my attention, well, here, of course! #blameitonlitsy or maybe in this case #thankstolitsy 😊 🎃
Currently reading this under-the-radar book which was brought to my attention, well, here, of course! #blameitonlitsy or maybe in this case #thankstolitsy 😊 🎃
Ah! Thank you @WilliamMorrowBooks what an absolutely gorgeous ARC with that French flap/deckled edge double whammy. I was already excited but those comp titles have me like 😍. When #blameitonlitsy becomes #thankstolitsy
It‘s been a tough couple of weeks so I got a little book haul to cheer me up! Work is done for the week now, happy Friday everyone 🍻
This #truecrime was fascinating and terrifying, and also so sad that the author didn‘t live to see the cold case she was so obsessed with play out. The depth of detail she gave about the nature of the crimes was completely chilling; this is not a book to read at home alone. An excellent read and another #thankstolitsy
I‘ve been wanting to read this for ages #thankstolitsy
A year of new to me authors so far! I‘ve not read any Kristin Hannah but see she gets lots of Litsy love so this was a #thankstolitsy choice. I‘m looking forward to it...
I know there's a #BlameItOnLitsy tag, but I think I prefer #ThanksToLitsy. Because #ThanksToLitsy I discovered both of these books that I can't wait to dive into. I'll be starting with Claire. 🦎 (why are there no dinosaur emojis?!?!)
Two #newin into the TBR pile. Also some time to have a look at my reading tracker. Six months in i‘ve read 52 books which totaled in 3297 pages, the rest audio. Only 3 in german, which i tried increasing again, but i DID read 16 male and 30 female authors ✊️ The 100 books in 2018 looks perfectly achievable, go me! #thankstolitsy