This should not be #controversial, but it seems it is in today's political climate. In 2008, John McCain ran on a platform of fighting climate change, now the Republican Party rejects science. #jubilantjuly #science #facts #trumpedupreadinglist
This should not be #controversial, but it seems it is in today's political climate. In 2008, John McCain ran on a platform of fighting climate change, now the Republican Party rejects science. #jubilantjuly #science #facts #trumpedupreadinglist
A sermon and history lesson for white america. Not only that racism still exists, but that the problem is much larger than that, that is a cultural problem going back to the founding of this country that we systematically fail to address. Dyson tackles white privilege and its impacts on the lives of black Americans. An important read that goes up through the election. #trumpedupreadinglist #diversebooks
At the beginning of the book Dyson tells of getting pulled over because someone reported he was abusing his son. After describing the humiliation he was put through, he ended the section with the quote pictures below. The truth of it really got me. Powerful book. #trumpedupreadinglist #diversebooks
Goodies from the library!!! Glass House for my #TrumpedUpReadingList, American Born Chinese with my cousin's enthusiastic recommendation and Waking Lions after hearing about it on All The Books @rebeccaschinsky @Liberty
Pearl is my next Book club pick. Dignity was on my #TrumpedUpReadingList Excited for both!! 💃🏽
Current events have lead me to expand my periodical subscriptions along with TBR pile. Both Dissent and Jacobin are now gracing my mailbox with their presence and thus far, both have been worth the money. Support independent presses. (Filed under editor Michael Kazin's latest book - would love to see Litsy expand the list to include magazines, or allow people to add titles!) #AltMediaNotAltFacts #shopindie #resist #trumpedupreadinglist
I had the opportunity to listen to senator sanders speak to a packed auditorium last night! Feeling inspired. Democracy is not a spectator sport. #trumpedupreadinglist #hopefulreads
The first thing my advisor said when I met him was "Most people have never heard of public history, but everyone has seen it in practice. Congrats on joining an unknown profession." The latest NCPH journal arrived today and I'm super excited that there's an article about my new city in it!! Projects like this are so important- especially in today's political climate #publichistory #trumpedupreadinglist #resist
#RiotGrams #CurrentRead
Just a few chapters left in this fabulous audiobook. Loving this smart non-fiction that discusses law enforcement, gangs and the two sets of laws that govern many American neighborhoods. If you want to understand the frustration behind the phrase (and movement) Black Lives Matter --read this book. Extremely well done. #TrumpedUpReadingList