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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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Fire Rush | Jacqueline Crooks
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Audio is OUTSTANDING 🎧🙌🏻♥️A coming of age story set in the UK, late 1970‘s where a group of Caribbean descendants live in estate housing trying hard to fit in but racism, classism, police brutality and prejudices are hard to overcome. Touching on home & belonging this shortlisted novel is full of beats, sorrows, madness and redemption. Parts got dark & felt a little too long but definitely an impressive debut & worthy entry for #WomensPrize23

jlhammar Oooh, good, I‘m in line for the audiobook. Looking forward to it! 1y
Cinfhen I think you‘re gonna LOVE it @jlhammar I can‘t wait to hear your thoughts 🩷 1y
TrishB Definitely on my payday to buy list! 1y
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Cinfhen Do u really hate audio @TrishB ??? Because 99% of the dialogue is in the Jamaican patois and hearing it is so good plus the audio has all the dubsteps and reggae beats / 1y
TrishB I just can‘t do it 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Cinfhen You always make me laugh @TrishB BTW: I found a wrapped package addressed to you from God knows when …. Im hoping there was no food in there 😅mailing it out tomorrow- I can‘t wait to see what‘s in there 😂😂 1y
Cinfhen Go audio @Chelsea.Poole 😂😂 1y
Chelsea.Poole Oh for sure lol 1y
squirrelbrain I bet this is fab on audio! So glad it made the shortlist. LOL at your package - now *I* want to know what‘s in it too! 🤣 1y
TrishB Lol!!! I can‘t wait to get that 😁 how exciting. 1y
Hooked_on_books I agree it could have been tightened up a bit. Such a good story and great audio. 1y
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Fire Rush | Jacqueline Crooks
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#DailyAudioWalk this book was just announced as a shortlist contender for the #WomensPrize23
Audio is EXCELLENT and I can understand why the judges went with this one (it‘s definitely UK centric) and deals with race, identity, belonging & homeI. It‘s not my favorite from the list but it‘s worthy🤩Today is Israel‘s Independence Day- 75 years strong 💙🤍🇸🇻 celebrating with an ice coffee & chocolate - 2 things I‘ve been actively avoiding 😛

AmyG Aroma! There is a memoryof Israel. I was so tired….I needed alot of coffee. 1y
Cinfhen It‘s not a complete trip to Israel @AmyG if you miss a stop at Aroma 😘 1y
Megabooks Happy Independence Day! 1y
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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I don't know what I could possible add to the near-unanimous praise for this novel. Kingsolver has crafted a beautiful, heart wrenching, honest, epic tale of a singular young boy growing up in poverty in the Appalachians. Demon is such a fabulous character, with a beautifully crafted narrative voice that pulls you along through the highs and lows of his first quarter-century. (cont'd)

TheKidUpstairs And he is surrounded by a masterfully written cast of supporting characters all of whom, whether you love them or hate them, are so genuinely human in their highs and heartbreaks, and attempts to escape the net that society has thrown over the hill counties.

Kingsolver has given us something special here.

AmyG Agreed! Great review 1y
Cinfhen Yup!! It‘s destined to be a modern classic 1y
JuniperWilde ♥️ 1y
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#CurrentListen 💜I‘m pretty sure this one will be shortlisted for the #WomensPrize23

Megabooks I was not a fan of this audio, but have the print book from the library now! 1y
Cinfhen I‘m actually LOVING the audio!! I think this narrator is sooooo good!!! Glad you could borrow a physical copy from the library @Megabooks 💜 1y
Centique I‘ve got this on hold. 👍 My random pick from the long list (seems to be what I‘m doing, one from every long list 😂) Did you see Book Depository is closing down? Eeek. So hard to get some obscure titles here without them. But I will try the local store once more. 🤞 1y
Cinfhen I did @Centique I‘m SOOOOOOOOO SAD 😢 I‘m in the same boat now! Ugh 😑 glad you were able to find this one….it‘s SOOOO GOOD 1y
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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LeeRHarry Good to hear, I have it out from the library and it‘s my next ebook I want to get to - forgot about the mythology prompt for 52books23 so thanks for the reminder 😊 1y
Librarybelle Sounds intriguing…especially the funny bits! 1y
squirrelbrain I‘m reading this at the moment but not loving it yet - it feels a bit scattered to me, with too many characters. 1y
rmaclean4 @squirrelbrain there are several storylines, but they pull together in the end. Not my favorite of the Womens Prize long list, but glad I read it. 1y
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