Ooh. And squee. Long COVID delay. Finally it‘s nearly here. Let‘s see if the magic can continue. #morrigancrow #wundersmith #fantasy #nevermoor Plus my #orchid which just keeps giving
Ooh. And squee. Long COVID delay. Finally it‘s nearly here. Let‘s see if the magic can continue. #morrigancrow #wundersmith #fantasy #nevermoor Plus my #orchid which just keeps giving
Started this recently and I am loving every moment of it! It goes great with a heated blanket and a cup of cocoa. #Wundersmith #JessicaTownsend #books #reading #Nevermoor #read
I love Nevermoor! Please let me go back soon 😊🌂 I‘ll bring my brolly and everything! The second book was just as good as the first one and I cannot wait for the third one to come out. It was pretty creepy in some parts but also charming and wunderful!
#nevermoor #wundersmith #morrigancrow #jupiternorth #jessicatownsend
Here's my #Top18of18 #18in2018
Sorry only 15 books here cause my app only let me add 15. I've enjoyed & love most of the books I've read in 218, especially #AnnaKarenina , #Circe, #HauntingOfHillHouse , and #Wundersmith , they are my top 4 favorites. Do you see any of your favorites here?
What's your favorite read last year?
#booknerd #bookreview #readinglife #AussieReader #Classics #Fantasy #YA #bibliophile #favoritebook #favoriteread #bestbooks