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Cloud Cuckoo Land
Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of perhaps the most bestselling and beloved literary fiction of our time comes a triumph of imagination and compassion, a soaring novel about children on the cusp of adulthood in a broken world, who find resilience, hope, and story. The heroes of Cloud Cuckoo Land are children trying to figure out the world around them, and to survive. In the besieged city of Constantinople in 1453, in a public library in Lakeport, Idaho, today, and on a spaceship bound for a distant exoplanet decades from now, an ancient text provides solace and the most profound human connection to characters in peril. They all learn the story of Aethon, who longs to be turned into a bird so that he can fly to the paradise of Cloud Cuckoo Land, a better world. Twelve-year-old Anna lives in a convent where women toil all day embroidering the robes of priests. She learns to read from an old Greek tutor she encounters on her errands in the city. In an abandoned priory, she finds a stash of old books. One is Aethon's story, which she reads to her sister as the walls of Constantinople are bombarded by armies of Saracens. Anna escapes, carrying only a small sack with bread, salt fish--and the book. Outside the city walls, Anna meets Omeir, a village boy who was conscripted, along with his beloved pair of oxen, to fight in the Sultan's conquest. His oxen have died; he has deserted. In Lakeport, Idaho, in 2020, Seymour, a young activist bent on saving the earth, sits in the public library with two homemade bombs in pressure cookers--another siege. Upstairs, eighty-five-year-old Zeno, a former prisoner-of-war, and an amateur translator, rehearses five children in a play adaptation of Aethon's adventures. Konstance, encased on a spaceship decades from now, has never lived on our beloved Earth. Alone in a vault with sacks of Nourish powder and access to "all the information in the world," she knows Aethon's storythrough her father. Like Marie-Laure and Werner in All the Light We Cannot See, Konstance, Anna, Omeir, Seymour, the young Zeno, the children in the library are dreamers and misfits on the cusp of adulthood in a world the grown-ups have broken. They through their own resilience and resourcefulness, and through story. Dedicated to "the librarians then, now, and in the years to come," Anthony Doerr's Cloud Cuckoo Land is about the power of story and the astonishing survival of the physical book when for thousands of years they were so rare and so feared, dying, as one character says, "in fires or floods or in the mouths of worms or at the whims of tyrants." It is a hauntingly beautiful and redemptive novel about stewardship--of the book, of the Earth, of the human heart.
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Got a cute background from a Google search of Istanbul, Turkey to show off our version of a Turkish flatbread pizza (that our young kids will eat). 🇹🇷🤣😍💛 #FoodandLit

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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We made it to Reading!! Fortunately we were in the air when all went to heck. It was super quiet at London Heathrow because all the planes were stopped. Kind of dystopian-like. The trains were all delayed because a body was on one of the tracks. It turned out to be a mannequin. Didn‘t read much en route (it makes me airsick), but I‘ve been listening to the tagged book in the hotel. #Turkey #foodandlit @Catsandbooks

Bookwormjillk I‘m so glad you made it! What a day! 1w
AllDebooks What a day to be travelling. Welcome to the UK x 1w
PurpleyPumpkin Glad you got there safely!😅 1w
Bookwomble Welcome to Blighty 😊🇬🇧 1w
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When in Tucson I always go to Bookman‘s because of their extremely affordable used books. 🤩 Plus with young readers we can get them some cute reads. I got some Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, A copy of Jane Eyre, some Stephen King for #LosersClub, and some reads I‘m really excited for. 🥰 Yay #BookHaul

TheBookHippie So fun. 1w
julieclair Great book haul! 1w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
IndoorDame I remember Bookman‘s from when I was a kid! I‘m psyched to hear it‘s still there, it was the best!!! 7d
Roary47 @IndoorDame They closed the older store to move to a new location, but there is still two in different locations. 🥰 6d
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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This seems pertinent about now in this book

#Turkey #foodandlit @Catsandbooks

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Roary47 Yay! I‘m going to try to read this one too! 2w
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr

Easily the best book I've read in the last few years 🩷🩷🩷

Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy! 3mo
majkia Welcome to Litsy! 3mo
TieDyeDude Welcome to Litsy! 3mo
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RamsFan1963 Welcome to Litsy! 3mo
Ruthiella Welcome to Litsy! 😊 3mo
bthegood Welcome to Litsy 🙂 @LitsyEvents is good to follow if you think you might wan to join in some of the many activities here (book clubs, read alongs, #BookSpinBingo) - (edited) 3mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird Welcome to Litsy! 📚 3mo
eskoch28 Thanks!! This is actually a welcome back! I used to be on here under erinsuereads and erinsuegreads! @librarybelle @majkia @tiedyedude @ramsfan1963 @ruthiella @bethegood 3mo
Ruthiella I remember you! You live on a farm. 😃 3mo
eskoch28 @ruthiella I do!!! I missed you all! 3mo
Librarybelle Oh! Welcome back!!! 3mo
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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March is national reading month so we did a book swap at work :) I could have also grabbed the new Emily Henry but I was a dolt and thought I already read it 😂

KadaGul @BethM "Beach Read" by Emily Henry has taken my breath away! In my opinion, it's her best work yet! I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. 4mo
BethM @KadaGul I loved that one! The one I failed to grab was Happy Place. 4mo
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You could hardly err on a book about a book, or a library, or better yet both. And if it entertains the idea that manuscripts don't burn - you have it all. Though they do burn, or drown, or get eaten by mice. But stories survive and get retold. Bulgakov's Woland has more flair with that, but Doerr's Zeno Ninis feels closer to us, mere mortals, with his humility and humanity. And with his story

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr

“Why can‘t healing happen as quickly as wounding?” What a phenomenal book about the trajectory of time, memories and the steadfast heart of human nature. READ THIS IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!! top of my favorites now

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LibraryThing's Book Psychic (https://www.bookpsychic.com/) recommended Cloud Cuckoo Land for me- so far, it's a match! 🔮

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I am going to look for him at football games. His students are so lucky! Go Blue! 💙💛

MittenGirlPeach How very cool! 11mo
dabbe Sheer awesomeness. 🧡💚🧡 11mo
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr

liked it! great characters

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1. ☝️
2. The interwoven stories, the tone, the true-feeling emotional lives of the characters.
3. Los Angeles (a recent-ish development that was quite a surprise to me).

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author !

@Eggs #WondrousWednesday (a day late)

Eggs Thanks for joining in 🥳🥰 12mo
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Finally! I‘m not sure what is says about me that I will sit on a book for months (years) after anxiously awaiting its release but here we are. I really enjoyed all the characters and plot lines in this one. I am glad each story was told in a linear fashion otherwise it might have been confusing. 4.5 🌟 2nd book finished for #JubilantJuly and #4 of my hardback #14books14weeks list.

Ruthiella Yup. Did I preorder Shrines of Gaiety in 2022? Have I read it yet? 🙊 12mo
Amiable I haven‘t read this one yet —glad to hear you loved it. 12mo
ReadingRachael 😬 Lol! I feel seen!!! 😂. I can be really bad for doing this too……including in the case of this book. I will now make sure it is on my #BookSpin list for next month. I think part of me doesn‘t want the anticipation to be over 🤷‍♀️ 12mo
Andrew65 I do that too! 🤔😔 Well done 👏👏👏 12mo
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Joining in #JubilantJuly with high hopes to finish all these books plus keep up on a couple of buddy reads.

As always, I love this choose your own goals readathon.

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 12mo
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Characters felt believable but the atmosphere was a bit too depressing for me.

I loved the very beginning but soon this started to feel sad and threatening. And this dragged a lot. I thought that the ending would be amazing and worth going through all pages before it but this didn't deliver that.

This had two interesting storylines but two totally unnecessary ones and one that could have been edited shorter.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Thanks for the tag @Klou!

1. Cloud Cuckoo Land (sorry @BarbaraJean I thought I read it last year but it was my first for 2023)
2. A Symphony of Echoes
3. Covenant of Water - Abraham Verghese
4. I have no idea 😂
5. The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern - slogging through and not loving it

MommyWantsToReadHerBook 7. Uzma Aslam Khan
8. Not sure!
9. Cloud Cuckoo Land, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
10. Symphony of Echoes I guess
11. The Starless Sea
12. Would really like to read Demon Copperhead and Covenant of Water. And I think there's a newish Kate Atkinson out there too.
BarbaraJean It's hard to remember which year a book lands in sometimes! Cloud Cuckoo Land definitely is on my list... but maybe I need to get around to reading All the Light We Cannot See first. I want to read Demon Copperhead and Covenant of Water as well. Demon Copperhead is sitting on my library holds list and will probably arrive when I don't have room for such a long book! 13mo
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It was a week of finishing things. Finished Cloud Cuckoo Land, review to follow but ❤️❤️. And finished a #knitting 🧶 project for a friend, which is another 💜💜. I‘d likely re-read/knit both because they both turned out amazingly!

dabbe Your knitting is BEAUTIFUL! 🤩🤩🤩 13mo
SG2014 @dabbe Thank you! 13mo
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Cloud Cuckoo Land is an ode to the librarians—those who guard the books and share their immense, beautiful world of fact and fantasy to young people. I found hope in this novel, that the most lonely and forgotten people—an orphan in 15th century Constantinople, a plow driver broken by war, a child left alone on a spaceship—will make contributions experienced centuries later, when they dedicate their lives to protecting the stories they love most.

LaraReads Oh how I loved this book! 💙🤍💛 14mo
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This is the next one I just added to #mountTBR!

SG2014 Move it to the top and start reading because this book is amazing! 13mo
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr

Wasn‘t as good as previous works like All the Light We Cannot See, but still a very good book.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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1-6 June 23 (audiobook)
Such a great book. I regret listening rather than reading but have been trying to clear my TBR pile in anticipation of the Booker longlist.
Set across three different timelines, Doerr‘s novel pays homage to books and the importance of stories. It is beautifully told and highlights many issues - animal cruelty, education of women, the environment, dealing with difference. It is impossible to do it justice here but I loved it

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Beautiful holiday Monday to enjoy the sunshine and some relaxation.

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It takes a solid 100-150 pages to feel like your following the multiple story lines. It all starts to pay off around page 500 or so when the author eloquently intertwines the stories. A beautiful piece of art

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So strikingly true. Doerr has an amazing way with words. 💜

SamAnne Loved this novel. 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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The message is simple enough - yet quite profound if you truly grasp its full potential. Your story - as it is - is important. Almost a year later, I finally finished this book. Amidst a pandemic reading slump, the monotony of daily life, and my own suffering, this book of big and small questions was important, though never easy, for me to read.

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CBee It‘s nice to see you posting again. I also loved this book, and understand how it could take a while to get through. So many things to think about. I hope you are doing well 💚 1y
LiterRohde @CBee Thanks for the kind words. 🧡 There were long stretches during the past few years where my brain refused to read, so it‘s nice to be posting again about books I‘m actually reading. 1y
LiterRohde @CBee A mix of everything I mentioned in my post along with the fact that it was a library book which I kept running out of time to read and therefore it had to go back - sometimes for months - all conspired against me. Hence, the ridiculously long read time. Each time I got it back it felt like starting over since each of the POVs were so connected yet spread out. I think the struggle was worth it though. As you said, much to think about. 🤔 (edited) 1y
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CBee @LiterRohde I can 100% understand that. The past few years have been so difficult 🙁 Hooray for reading again, and hooray for finishing this one! I honestly wish I‘d taken more time with it - I didn‘t read it very fast, but I still would‘ve liked to savor it more. 1y
CBee @LiterRohde maybe one day I‘ll reread it! I love Anthony Doerr and also recently read his All the Light You Cannot See, which was incredible. But so different as well. 1y
SamAnne One of my best reads in a long time. 1y
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This book was perhaps the most imaginative and best written book I‘ve ever read. The author Anthony Doerr wrote this as a “paean” for books- basically in praise of books. This book follows characters in 3 points in history- thousands of years apart- in Ancient Greece, present day Idaho and in the far future aboard a spaceship, all reading the same book “cloud cuckoo land”. Brilliant

SamAnne One of my best reads in awhile. 1y
paper.reveries This is sitting on my shelf and must be read immediately!!! 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I loved this so much. Made all the better by Marin Ireland‘s narration.


Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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📸: Typorama


Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Up next: I haven‘t heard anything about this one but I‘m a sucker for anything narrated by Marin Ireland.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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This did not work for me. It felt over-explained (eg the first scene in a spaceship at pains to tell us it‘s in the future) & preaching the message that books are good & can be life-changing. Action slowly unfolds in nicely written scenes with no dramatic tension. Favours written books over oral story-telling traditions. Ending felt contrived. Too earnest for my taste. Many have loved it so don‘t let me put you off. 😉

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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A breathtaking, heartbreaking, timescaping adventure, and yet, not, because most of the characters' real journeying leading to growth is internal, is a recognition of the immutability of their paths and at the same time, the value of them as such. Escapism vs acceptance.
As much about the emotional connection each person made to a certain recurring text, as the contents of the book itself. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality The crucial roles of preservation and translation, of libraries and librarians, in making works through the ages accessible, always going to love books with such themes.
Love of nature running through, also a beloved theme.
Captivating writing but not too flowery
Key to long books: short chapters. 2/?
Robotswithpersonality So so, many ways for war, conflict, conquest to be destructive

I could guess that others might object to the rep involved in Seymour's character, but I think it's important to recognize the portrayal has more to do with nurture than nature. He's not a naturally/brain-chemically bad seed, but someone who didn't have many sources of solace, who was neglected, or at the very least not provided with the kind of resources that would allow him to thrive, and then misguided, manipulated, and that could happen to any kid. 3/?
Robotswithpersonality Historically I'm sure it's just thought of as overworking work animals, but the sensitivity shown in the portrayal of a boy's relationship to the oxen in his care, and modern sensibilities and ethics mean that I want to add a warning for animal abuse - fellow vegans, you're gonna cry.
Robotswithpersonality Touches on unethical company practices around data manipulation, connected to slave (below legal minimum wage) labor in prisons.
Also likely to spike your climate anxiety.

⚠️ Homophobia, internalized homophobia, POW experience, PTSD?, ableism, internalized ableism (how boy with facial abnormality was treated in medieval times)
SamAnne My best read by far in 2023. While I was reading this an unscrupulous developer logged the hillside above my house. Acres that I came very close to raising the money to add to the adjacent city park. I felt for Seymour. 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Here's to the best kind of fool.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Yep, this is a good one. Much as I expected from the author of All the Light We Cannot See, Doerr brilliantly weaves together storylines stretching over vast distances of space, time, and understanding. I alternated between audio and print on this one, which helped with some of the Greek and gave me a chance to hear Marin Ireland again, someone who's fast becoming a favorite audiobook narrator for me.

SamAnne My favorite read of the year so far. Just beautiful. 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Who WRITES such things? The use of language, the discussion of etymology, I'm hooked.
Were it not for the fact that basically every character in this book is in jeopardy, I would be having a wonderful time! 🙎🏼‍♂️

SamAnne Just finished this last month. Loved, loved loved it. 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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"You're gonna need a bigger boat." ??

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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And people WONDER why I don't want to go to space! 🫣

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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Hands down the tagged. Best read of the year so far. For March: it‘s my birthday month! It‘s been yet another year where me and my partner wonder what minor deities we‘ve offended. It‘s just been hit after hit. But we are still blessed in this universe and Spring is coming. I plan to read a lot and take part in all the readathon. And hike and camp in eastern WA State‘s beautiful desert, watch sand hill cranes, see the first flowers. ⬇️

SamAnne Read in front of the campfire. And avoid ticks….😂😐. @TheSpineView 1y
TheSpineView Hope March beings you all good things! Thanks for playing 1y
kspenmoll Your goals sound wonderful- I hope for a March of peace for you! 1y
Crazeedi I hope your March is the beginning of a clean slate! And that it brings only good things!! 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I didn't audiohike today, but I did listen to the tagged on the drive to and from the trail. And I have the print book to enjoy while I wait for my kid at his class this afternoon.

RaeLovesToRead Great view 😍 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Five star read for me. I loved how Doerr wrapped all the story lines together perfectly. Loved the themes of choosing life on earth over “in the clouds” despite the grief and hardship that comes with love and beauty. I loved how the novel reflected the power of words and story and how they have helped people over millennia weather life and make sense of it. The power of handing stories down and the value of libraries! ⬇️

SamAnne Seymour‘s storyline hit me in the gut on many levels. While reading this I watched bulldozers and chainsaws take down acres of forest above my house, forest that I came close to protecting as parkland, but didnt pull it off. The natural area is what has helped me weather all the challenges of living in a low-income neighborhood. A bit broken-hearted. I‘ve lost a few TrustyFriends this month too. 1y
Bookwomble It must have felt awful to see the devastation of those trees 😔 1y
Jeg I loved it too. 1y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I am sucked into this novel!! I love a novel about the power of story and word. Can‘t wait to see where this one goes! A good companion with a glass of wine on a day that has been a rough transition from vacation back to the home world.

ImperfectCJ My spouse and I are planning to listen to this one together on a little road trip we're taking next week! We probably won't finish it (it's not that long if a road trip), but I'm excited to start it with him, at least. 1y
SamAnne @ImperfectCJ It might be a hard audio. Lots of changing POV and side snippets. Loving the print, maybe others can weigh in on the audio. 1y
ImperfectCJ @SamAnne Thank you for this insight! I'll make sure we have a backup audiobook in case this one doesn't work out well in that format. 1y
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I wanted to love this but I struggled with the disconnect between storylines for most of the book. Zeno's story was the only one I felt truly invested in throughout. I will say I loved how the pieces came together but still felt like I needed more from the ending and the characters' destinies. Overall, I'd still recommend.


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This is a speculative fiction book that takes time to read. Multiple views with multiple timelines. A book within a book. None of this was my cup of tea. I can, however, appreciate the talent of the author weaving this all together. 3 🌟 I almost did not finish, but i got wrapped up in 1 or 2 of the storylines, but they ended vaguely. I still say it's a pick, though.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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There are five different stories in this tale the very human need for stories and for the people who cherish and pass them through the ages. The different threads take a while to come together but they eventually do, rewarding the reader who perseveres with a complex and ambitious novel. Full review at http://booknaround.blogspot.com/2022/12/review-cloud-cuckoo-land-by-anthony.html...

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr

3 stars: meh, but still worth reading.
I have been so excited about this book for so long, but ultimately, it was a disappointment. The story follows 5 characters, and there were only 2 I was truly interested in fully. The ending is not well explained (it appears the author did not himself know what happened) and the book that the book centers on is not as all-encompassing and epic as I would have hoped.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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This has been on and off of my TBR since it came out. Hubby promised to buy me a book since he needed to pick up one while I was at work. I was able to convince him to wait, but he kept his promise of buying the book. 2 trusted bookish friends have recently said it was better than All the Light We Cannot see, so I decided to see for myself. ☁️

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Finished last night. Excellent . ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

CarolynM I‘ve not been drawn to this in the past, but if you‘re giving it 5 stars I might need to reconsider 🙂 2y
MrsMalaprop Didn‘t Veronica rave about this one? A book you both loved is a rarity! 2y
Jeg @MrsMalaprop yes and she gave it at Xmas and I got it. I‘m surprised she liked it actually. When I think about it , I‘m surprised I liked it so much. Not a book I would usually read from the blurb and it‘s thickness. 2y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I‘m loving this book. I‘m nearly finished. Much has struck a chord with me, but this particularly said “ isn‘t that the truth” .

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I almost DNFed this, but it grew on me. It became a so-so for a while, as it was incredibly strange & it took way too long to connect all of the characters. However, I ended up caring about each character so much that I wanted to know what happened in their individual stories only to be more & more delighted by the end. Ultimately, it‘s a scholarly, fantastical, beautiful ode to stories & how they connect us all. The narrators were fantastic too.

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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I couldn't put this down! At times it absolutely broke my heart but I couldn't stop reading. I love this man's writing. Beautiful, thoughtful, just wonderful. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jeg It‘s on my TBR shelf. My gift from book club Xmas. The person who gave it has raved about it for sometime. Might just read it next. 2y
Megabooks 💯💯💯💯 2y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Jeg you won't regret it! 2y
Jeg I‘ve nearly finished 2y
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