I missed yesterday's challenges, whoops #junebookbugs #ashapeinthetitle
I surprisingly don't have any books with #ashapeinthetitle but this book has the word "shaped" on the cover so I'm counting it! #junebookbugs
#ashapeinthetitle »» the Secret Circle series is a sorta shameful secret read for me lol
#numbertitles »» I love the 101 one. Very cute!
#completepsycho »» Kathy Bates plays SO many great crazy person roles! (Recently on AHS, but classically with Misery.)
#junebookbugs @RealLifeReading
#characters2017 @LibrarianRyan
I'd just decided to skip today's prompt for lack of anything on my shelves when I remembered this! Any other Katherine Neville fans out there? The Eight is one of my favorite books and I wish she published more often! #ashapeinthetitle #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading
Here's my favorite #ashapeinthetitle story.
It's about shapes. And friends. Great for preschoolers as well as students.