Another #awesomecover. 😆👌
Much beloved copy of my mother's #Hungarian #cookbook. She's in a nursing home now and I don't read Hungarian but I do love this book from many years of seeing my mother use it when she was well. #seasonsreadings2016 #notinenglish #awesomecover
It was so nice out today, I actually got to read outside! 🌞 And I am LOVING this book so far 😍
#andidarken #awesomecover #nicedayincanadaeh
One thing I love about working at the library is going through the New Books case and taking off old New Books to make room for new New Books. I don't do processing so this is my best way to see interesting books that I didn't know were coming out. These are two I noticed today. I loved Brom's take on Peter Pan in The Child Thief so I can't wait to read this one. The other, I feel, speaks for itself. 😁 #newrelease #awesomecover #creepy
#uglycover or #awesomecover ?
There is a lot going on here - I wish you could zoom to see the naked dancing circle, creepy tree cat, armored kneecap spikes, tattooed elves on red-eyed horses, and more...
#somethingforsept #septemberphotochallenge