My new favorite book. An uncomfortable but interesting look at what the world would be like if power changed from the hands of men to women. I'll be thinking about this one for a long time to come.
#thepower #soundslikeselfhelp #bestreadof2018
My new favorite book. An uncomfortable but interesting look at what the world would be like if power changed from the hands of men to women. I'll be thinking about this one for a long time to come.
#thepower #soundslikeselfhelp #bestreadof2018
"This goes to show you that sometimes the unseen is not to be feared and that those meant to love us most are not always ones who do."
What a delightful, dark, enchanting, BEAUTIFUL book. I might just pick it right back up and read it all over again.
"And what lesson am I to learn from this story?" asked the beast when she was done.
"That there are better things than princes."
- The Language of Thorns
#thelanguageofthorns #leighbardugo #moderndayfairytale #princecharmingisoverrated
How beautiful is the new #leighbardugo book? If you think the front is lovely, you should see the illustrations on the inside! 😍😍
#thelanguageofthorns #midnighttalesanddangerousmagic #ilovefairytales #grishaverse
So excited for this one!!!! 🤓😁📚
#thewomaninthewindow #ilovemeagoodmystery
This book. I am in love. I literally just finished the book and had to rush on here to write a gushing review because I feel all inspired to change the world, or start a riot... not too sure which one at the moment. It was so funny and sweet and motivating. Not to mention powerful. Nothing gets me more than watching girls stand up for each other and fighting back against the patriarchy. #grrrlpower
Another great dedication. It felt appropriate after seeing the cover of #Time magazine.
#breakthesilence #girlpower #standupforsomething #jodimeadows #beforesheignites
My new favorite series 👌👌
This dedication 💓💓
#hunted #meaganspooner #beautyandthebeast
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." - Alice in Wonderland
Those of you who know me know that I can not resist anything Wonderland related. This new YA series, Queen of Hearts, is the perfect fix for my addiction ❤♠♥♦♣
#queenofhearts #bloodofwonderland #ohalice #bookaddict #
How #beautiful is the cover for #thetraitorskiss? I've just started it so I'll have to let you guys know how it goes 😊
#bookcover #teenfantasy #erinbeaty
It's been a long time since I have been this excited for a book 🙃🙃
#eeekkkk #cantwait #teamrhysand
Its been a while since I've posted a picture on here but I just finished #theprincesssavesherselfinthisone and it gave me inspiration. What a fantastic little book of poetry 😍
#girlpower ✌
I just finished the most amazing book. You know those ones that punch you right in the feels and leave you with a book hangover? If you get a chance, read The Break. What a beautiful novel.
#thebreak #bestbookever #canadareads #governorgenerals
I may have actually squealed when this book arrived. This whole series has been so fun. I am glad she decided to continue with it, even if it is in the form of a graphic novel 🤓
#thelunarchronicles #wiresandnerve #ikorocks #graphicnovels #booknerd
Afternoon snuggles with my little man 💓📚
#snugglesandbooks #wiresandnerve #theawesomebookofawesomeness
Today's book. I've heard a lot of negative things about this one but I need to find out for myself 😌
The ending of this book has totally thrown me for a loop. It may have ruined my life. I feel so sad, and nothing makes sense anymore. If you need me I'll just be over here in a puddle of my own tears.
A comfy blanket, fantastic series of books, and a hot cup of joe = the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning 💓
#queenofthetearling #invasionofthetearling #fateofthetearling #lazysaturday
Hellz to the Yeah. Loved this 🤘
I have not been keeping up with my book challenge this month and figured it was time to catch up. #athousandnights would be #bookwithanumberinthetitle and #thereader works for #bookwrittenbyafemaleauthor. I'm not sure if I've already done that one or not? Haha 😅
#2017readingchallenge #inspireyourworld
Meh. I didn't feel a lot of emotion towards this book one way or another. I will read the next one in the series but I do feel like I missed why this is the "book of the year" and what all the amazing reviews were about. . .
DNF. This was not my cup of tea. I found it to be a rambling mess and when you took all the weird craziness away there was literally no story left. I just couldn't help but notice that it was trying SO hard. And nobody likes a try hard.
Today's book is #Victoria. I want to get it read before I start the show 😊 It also counts towards my #2017readingchallenge.
#onewordtitle #inspireyourworld #historicalfiction
This was so much fun. I can't wait to start the next one 😊
Hell yes. I am loving Rat Queens.
I am in hardcore love with this series. There was some things in the book that I could pick apart (the love scenes between Aelin and Rowan being one of them), but the ending made up for everything. Thanks for the book hangover, Sarah J Maas 😅
Just started this one on audio. I have mixed feelings about Amy Schumer so we will see how this goes 🙂
Another picture of #empireofstorms. Have I mentioned I love this series? 😆
#throneofglass #sarahjmaas #femaleauthor #2017readingchallenge
Another extremely chilly day here ❄ I can't wait to curl up with the latest Throne of Glass novel and a big, warm cup of tea 🍵
2017 Reading Challenge: A Book by a Female Author
#2017readingchallenge #26books #inspireyourworld #throneofglass #brrrr #sarahjmaas #femaleauthor
Snuggles and book reading. My two favorite things 💓
Picked this book up on a whim today and I've been sucked right in! I can't get enough of it. Review to come.
This will be the first book for my 2017 reading challenge (book published in the last year).
#whatsheknew #mystery #takeachance #2017readingchallenge #26books #inspireyourworld #bookpublishedinthelastyear
Next book challenge with @tasha. We would love to have others do this with us, so feel free to join in 😊😊
#2017readingchallenge #inspireyourworld #26books #whoswithme
I didn't love or hate this book. It had an interesting premise and great setting but for some reason the whole thing fell short for me. The characters were flat and indistinguishable and I couldn't really get into it :(
What a magnificent ending to this book. It left me with goosebumps. Love, love, loved this series ❤
My newest purchase. The illustrations are adorable and the comic strip are very quirky and cute 🙂
#ilovedisney #comicstripcollection #disneyprincess
I adore this picture 😍
Why go out on a Friday night when you could stay in and read!? 😄 It's also -35 degrees CELSIUS here right now so that definitely helped make the decision to not leave the house 😣❄
#ironcast #sixofcrows #babyitscoldoutside #ohcanada #stayinandread
Well this was disappointing :( Amy used to be so kickass and now she is just so very whiney and angsty. The whole book felt rushed and pointless. And the series didn't even end! There is going to be another book!!! Super frustrating
I've been trying to work my way through all the series I've started over the last couple of years and haven't finished. I thought this was the last one in the Dorothy Must Die series but a friend mentioned today that there will be one more? Anyways, I hope Yellow Brick War continues to be as fun as the last two 😄
#yellowbrickwar #dorothymustdie #teenfantasy
#novemberbookchallenge #29: November Book Haul
I usually borrow my books from the library, so there wasn't a huge book haul this month. But everything in the picture was fantastic 👌
#boneshaker #theroyalwe #walkonearthastranger #snowlikeashes #threedarkcrowns #heartless #novemberbookchallenge #novemberbookhaul #angiebookishnovember
#novemberbookchallenge #28: Bookish Merchant
I don't know if you guys have noticed yet, but I am kind of obsessed with Harry Potter 😆🤓
#HarryPotterAddict #bookishmerch #angiebookishnovember #HarryPotter
I am feeling very apprehensive about this one. I loved Half Bad and immensely disliked Half Wild. Fingers crossed that the series ends strongly.
With Malice is a very enjoyable, fast-paced teen mystery that reminded me a lot of the Amanda Knox trial. This book wasn't perfect, but I did really like it and would recommend it to anyone looking for something entertaining and speedy.
#novemberbookchallenge #26: Book Shelfie
It's hard to capture a proper book shelfie because I have 17 bookshelves in my house 😶 But here are my general fiction shelves!! 😆
#ihaveaproblem #bookshelfie #fiction #angiebookishnovember
#novemberbookchallenge #25: Currently Reading
Another sick day with my littest one. Which means a lot of reading for me! 😆 I just started With Malice and I'm totally hooked. The writing isn't the greatest but I definitely want to find out what's going on!
#angiebookishnovember #sickkids #fluseason #withmalice #eileencook