These are just a selection of the covers in the current UK Kindle Spring sale! #backsofwomen #MarchIntoReading
These are just a selection of the covers in the current UK Kindle Spring sale! #backsofwomen #MarchIntoReading
Here's a subcategory for #Marchintoreading #thebacksofwomen #backsofwomen tagged to the book that first started my interest in looking for covers with a woman holding someting #behindherback
Weekend plans #currentlyreading #backsofwomen #marchintoreading
Some of my favorite book covers feature #BacksOfWomen! I'm going to call this pic, "Crouching Val, Hidden Books." I promise, all six SAA books are in this pic! These are my most read books, I read each of them two or three times a year! Right now, I'm feeling #GardenSpells! My first SAA love!
#MarchIntoReading @RealLifeReading
#marchintoreading #backsofwomen
I thought I'd have to search and search for books that fit this prompt. As it turns out, I found these three plus many more. All of these are still TBR. I really need to read some of Alice Munro's works soon!
I hate that books with female bodies on the cover often get labeled "chick-lit," which suggests they are somehow "less than" books that men will read. This novel got so-so reviews, but I loved how it explored the roles we play within our families, how we perceive others vs how they perceive us, and how all of that baggage can limit us.
You could say I thought it was a lot smarter than it got credit for.
#BacksOfWomen #MarchIntoReading