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Garden Spells
Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
In a garden surrounded by a tall fence, tucked away behind a small, quiet house in an even smaller town, is an apple tree that is rumored to bear a very special sort of fruit. In this luminous debut novel, Sarah Addison Allen tells the story of that enchanted tree, and the extraordinary people who tend it. The Waverleys have always been a curious family, endowed with peculiar gifts that make them outsiders even in their hometown of Bascom, North Carolina. Even their garden has a reputation, famous for its feisty apple tree that bears prophetic fruit, and its edible flowers, imbued with special powers. Generations of Waverleys tended this garden. Their history was in the soil. But so were their futures. A successful caterer, Claire Waverley prepares dishes made with her mystical plantsfrom the nasturtiums that aid in keeping secrets and the pansies that make children thoughtful, to the snapdragons intended to discourage the attentions of her amorous neighbor. Meanwhile, her elderly cousin, Evanelle, is known for distributing unexpected gifts whose uses become uncannily clear. They are the last of the Waverleysexcept for Claires rebellious sister, Sydney, who fled Bascom the moment she could, abandoning Claire, as their own mother had years before. When Sydney suddenly returns home with a young daughter of her own, Claires quiet life is turned upside downalong with the protective boundary she has so carefully constructed around her heart. Together again in the house they grew up in, Sydney takes stock of all she left behind, as Claire struggles to heal the wounds of the past. And soon the sisters realize they must deal with their common legacyif they are ever to feel at home in Bascomor with each other. Enchanting and heartfelt, this captivating novel is sure to cast a spell with a style all its own.
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Does anyone else love Sarah addison Allen as much as I do? In some ways she gave me sanity….I was feeling stressed and depressed with 2 very young children and saw a copy of Garden Spells - at the grocery store! It was an absolute total splurge for me at that time. But i remember reading it and the escape lightened my mood and gave me a much needed break. Anyone else have a book that really helped you through a hard time?

wanderinglynn I absolutely love her books! 3mo
cinda.marie I love SAA! I‘ll read whatever she writes! 3mo
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Tamra I read this during a difficult time and it was the immersive distraction I needed. (edited) 3mo
Chrissyreadit thank you @AmyG @Tamra @JuniperWilde for sharing books that supported you! 3mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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I loved this so much! Very charming with a great cast of characters (though my absolute favorite might be the apple tree 😂) and with such lovely magical realism. So far, I‘ve not been disappointed by SAA!

#tbrtarot - 4th one from the left side of my bookshelf

Jas16 I love this book! 4mo
Texreader Great review! I ❤️ this book too 4mo
CBee I, too, love this book ♥️♥️ 4mo
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DieAReader 🥳Great 4mo
TheAromaofBooks This one has been on my radar for a while. 4mo
StaceGhost Her books are such comfort reads for me! I loved this one especially 4mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 4mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Hoping to read more of my own books than library books this month. I always get distracted by the shiny and new. #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 4mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Evanelle was my favorite character in this book. I loved her gift and how she always trusted it. I tried to imagine the pop tart scene with AI here. It‘s not spot on, but, if you‘ve read it, you know.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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A quick read, and very much like Practical Magic, but, a little more gentle. This was a bit too romancey for me, but I do love how the Apple tree was given so much personality. I also loved the character Evanelle and her gift.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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A favorite book #Family of mine is the Waverly family. These two books about them are both magical & heartfelt. 🍎❤️✨🍏💚

Eggs I‘m so crazy about the Waverleys🧡🩷❤️ 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau I love the Waverleys 💞 8mo
JenReadsAlot Just love her books! 8mo
Bluebird Another fan of the Waverley‘s here! 😍 8mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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If you liked Practical Magic but wished it was ✨spicy✨you may like this.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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#AutumnPlease #Day15 #Magic While I love any witchy story, I have a deep love for books about earth magic, stories about quiet witches using their magic to help their communities. This is one of my favourites. I‘m hoping there‘ll be a third in the series. 🤞🤞🤞 #Scarathlon #SpookyGhostClub 6pts

Eggs I love her books ✨🖤✨ 9mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love her books 💫 9mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Sarah Addison Allen‘s books sparkle with whimsy and Southern charm. This is the third book I‘ve read of hers, and they‘ve all been sweet and comforting. I also love the enticing food descriptions. This one casts a spell while reading and is an enchanting pick for October! 🎧

Aims42 I love her books so much, haven‘t read them all but I‘m working on it 😊 9mo
ICantImReading @Aims42 Do you have a favorite so far? Mine is Other Birds 🐦🥰 9mo
Aims42 @ICantImReading I loved Other Birds too! That was my first book by her that got me hooked 😍🥰 I‘ve enjoyed the “Waverly Family” series, definitely read “First Frost” 👍 And I really liked “Lost Lake” also. I haven‘t found a book by her that I didn‘t like and devour lol 9mo
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ICantImReading @Aims42 ooh thank you, I will absolutely check them out!! ✨ 9mo
GondorGirl @ICantImReading @Aims42 I've read (and loved) all of her books, but I think my favorite is 9mo
ICantImReading @GondorGirl oh thank you, that‘s actually the one I had my eye on to try next!! 😍 9mo
BookLove4Ever This one has been on my tbr awhile now. ❤️ 9mo
ICantImReading @BookLove4Ever it had been for me, too! I hope you pick it up at just the right time and that you enjoy it! 🙂 9mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Oh WOW did I adore this book! I immediately ran and checked out the second in the series. This book was everything I needed for the start of the fall season (despite it being 90 degrees outside). It had a female led family, mysticism, nature that has a mind of its own. ADORED! 5⭐️

GondorGirl SAA is one of my favorite cozy authors. I've lived all of her novels, especially 10mo
bridge12 @GondorGirl I haven‘t read that one yet, I‘ll have to add it to the list because she‘s quickly becoming one of my faves too 10mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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The woods behind my parent‘s house. I feel my mom here and a little magic.

Melismatic Beautiful 🥹 10mo
dabbe 🧡💜💛 10mo
AmyG Very beautiful ❤️ 10mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Just saw this post on FB and am so excited! SAA is an auto-read author for me. 😍

wanderinglynn She is for me too! Thanks for sharing! 12mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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This was a sweet story of two adult sisters reconnecting after 10 years estranged. The portrait of life in a small southern town was spot on - the petty jealousies, the social climbing, the long memories. I enjoyed the exploration of how the different characters had each taken their circumstances & forged adult lives for themselves. The romance plot felt weak to me, as did the final confrontation with the villain, and the magic seemed extraneous.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Finished Garden Spells last night and I‘m hoping to make it to the post office today! If I somehow don‘t manage to get it mailed today it will have to wait until next week because we are traveling for the holiday weekend. Thanks for a fun round 17 everyone!! #LMPBC

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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A lovely quick read about a family w/ unexplainable gifts & a magical apple tree. It has serious Practical Magic vibes, but is more character driven. I love the sisters & how the book explores their differences & how they are shaped by their different childhoods. I loved the tree & its interfering tendencies. There's a side plot w/ another couple in the town that could have been cut entirely. Easy to sink into and wonderfully tied up in the end.

Bookwormjillk Cool bench 13mo
AvidReader25 @Bookwormjillk It‘s at our airport! I love it. 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one!! 13mo
AvidReader25 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So many people recommended it to me! 13mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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I loved everything about this book! This is exactly my favorite type of magical realism. Thank you for choosing it, @peanutnine and thank you for the lovely bookmark! I will get it in the mail in the next week so you won‘t have to wait so long for this one, @CSeydel #lmpbc @BethM

peanutnine So glad you enjoyed it! ☺️ 1y
CSeydel Space Unicorn Blues arrived yesterday! Thanks! 1y
CSeydel Garden Spells arrived today! Ack, I‘m still reading Space Unicorn Blues. I‘ll finish it in the next couple days & mail it out @peanutnine 14mo
peanutnine @CSeydel 👍🏻 14mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Weekend plans...

IndoorDame My favorite of hers 💚💚💚 1y
DebinHawaii What @IndoorDame said! 💚🍎 1y
Aims42 Such a great book! Enjoy!! 1y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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This read so much like Practical Magic that I found it distracting through at least the first half of the book. I ended up liking it more than I thought though.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Does anyone else get strong Practical Magic vibes from this book?

Julsmarshall Yes! 1y
BethM @Julsmarshall im finding it distracting lol! 1y
Karisa Yep, I love the magical realism in both of those books. I found this one to be more lighthearted though. Great book 💗 1y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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3️⃣1️⃣ A Haven on Orchard Lane ➡️ 3️⃣2️⃣ Garden Spells

#ThingsInCommon: apples on covers

Clwojick Great job! 😍 1y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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#LMPBC #GroupC
This book was so magical and lovely! I didn't know what to expect going in but it was just perfect for a light read 😊
I hope y'all enjoy it as well!
@BethM you should have it by Tuesday
@Johanna414 @CSeydel @suvata

Johanna414 I'm really excited to read this one! 1y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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I finally actually *read* a Sarah Addison Allen book, instead of just collecting. A small town story about a magical family with a magical garden. This would have been a fluffy read were it not for the dark reason that Sydney returns to her hometown to embrace her sister, the emotionally damaged Claire, and the Waverley family legacy. Excellent characters and a lovely dose of magical realism make this one a winner!

Aims42 I‘m reading “Lost Lake” right now and really loving her characters in this one too 🥰 She has such a gift for storytelling! I‘m working my way through her backlist after reading last year‘s “Other Birds” 🐦💙 (edited) 1y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Enjoyable and easy to read story of a Southern family with magical abilities. Difficult issues, including domestic violence, are addressed, so definitely not a fluffy book, but still hopeful.
This is another of my “50 for 50” challenge books.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Trying this again - had the wrong shade of green! The leaves on the left side of the cover match with #lovebird 😊 #Pantone2023 @Clwojick

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Intriguing and suspenseful with lovable characters and a small town setting, this story had family secrets, some romance and a bit of magic. I really enjoyed it. Not sure how it took me so long to notice this author, but I‘ve already bought another of her books and can‘t wait to dig in. #litsylove

wanderinglynn SAA is one of my fave authors! 2y
cinda.marie @wanderinglynn I can‘t wait to read more! Do you have a favorite of hers? 2y
wanderinglynn Garden Spells is probably my fave. But I also liked 2y
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cinda.marie @wanderinglynn Thanks, wasn‘t even aware of that one yet 😍 2y
GondorGirl I adore all of her books! Besides this one I think my favorite is 2y
cinda.marie @GondorGirl Currently reading that one! 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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I did it - I finally read a Sarah Addison Allen book! And now I am firmly ensconced in her fan club because this BOOK! It was wonderful! Can‘t wait to read more of her work - this just left me with a warm fuzzy feeling ♥️ My first book of 2023 was perfect!

CBee @BookBosomed1 thank you for gifting this to me in a swap, I just LOVED it! (edited) 2y
BookBosomed1 @CBee So glad you enjoyed it. 2y
CBee AND this counts for #booked2023 (more than one prompt but will use for #threegenerations)! @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @alisiakae 2y
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Cinfhen Yay!!!! That‘s fantastic!!!! 2y
CBee @Cinfhen I meant to mention in my review - my heart about burst because the elderly character said “Cokecola” and my dad ALWAYS said it like that ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
peaKnit She is one of my favorite authors, welcome to the fan club ☺️ 2y
Librariana Aawww! I love that your first read of 2023 gave you the warm fuzzies! Allen is an author that keeps popping up in my searches of recommendations for titles with touches of magic. I've not read anything by her, but I do hope to pick something up in the future 😁☺️😊 2y
CBee @peaknit 😊😊 Awesome! She‘s definitely one I might not have heard about if not for Litsy! 2y
CBee @Librariana I think you‘d enjoy this then! I have another book of hers as well that I can‘t wait to read now 2y
Librariana @CBee Wait!! I think I have that one, too!! I think I bought it on a whim because I had seen reviews on Publishers Weekly... and I might've been the one who added it to the District's catalog! 😳😳😳 2y
Cinfhen Awwww!! I love little quirks like that, that make a book so special ♥️ 2y
CBee @Librariana it was a BOTM choice a few months back, too! Also - not sure how you feel about this, but I love to share books, especially ones I love, so I‘d be happy to send Garden Spells to you! Let me know 😊 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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mrp27 I loved todays story. 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Bklover I love those tiny tales! 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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TheSpineView I live the beach in winter. Something about the stark landscape that draws me. 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Sparklemn I'm so glad you've been sharing these. I'm on a break from all social media (except Litsy!) so it's helpful to have the links. Such a fun concept! 2y
Texreader @Sparklemn Oh good! I‘m happy to see I‘m not the only one enjoying these. It is a lot of fun 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Bklover Those are fun! What a great idea! 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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If you‘ve been seeing my posts about SAA‘s micro stories and wondering what they are, here‘s the tiny story for Day 8.


Susanita Clouds in her coffee! Now I have “You‘re So Vain” playing in my head. 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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PurpleyPumpkin 😂 This was great! 2y
rubyslippersreads And Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie! 🤣 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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