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Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules | Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg
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Thanks to everyone who participated in the #bibliogiveaway! I put all the names in the random winner generator and @irre won! 🎉

This was really fun! I think I will do another giveaway in the next couple months. It clears up some shelf space. 😂

@irre - I will be in touch!

DebinHawaii Thank you for the giveaway @Liberty and congrats to @irre !!! 👍😀 8y
Hazel0303 Congrats @irre ! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Congrats @irre !👏🎉 8y
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ErikasMindfulShelf Omg!!! I'm jumping and screaming!!! Thank you @Liberty 8y
Liberty @irre Please email me your address at Liberty at Litsy dot com. 😊 8y
Cinfhen Congrats, happy reading❤️ 8y
ErikasMindfulShelf @Liberty On it's way?? 💕📖💕 8y
Liberty @irre Ahhhh! I know, I need to get to the post office. Sorry it has taken so long! 8y
ErikasMindfulShelf @Liberty Totally ok. I know you've been super busy. Wish I could have come to Book Riot Live to meet you. Maybe next year! Thank you again!! 8y
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Out from Boneville | Jeff Smith
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Over Labor Day weekend Mostly I worked and stressed, but when I wasn't? BONE 😍 #bibliogiveaway

Bette 💕Bone💕 8y
Casi I still crack up on this panel every single time 8y
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For #bibliogiveaway I kind of sucked at the reading but at least got through this book. I really need to cancel all plans including work when there is a readathon going on!!!!

Murder Is Binding | Lorna Barrett

Often you read a mass market mystery book & it's just bad. This wasn't a situation like that, luckily. I don't feel a desire to keep up with the series but it wasn't BAD. You figure out the killer fairly quickly but it kept my attention & was all about a book town so I can't complain. My 1 read over Labor Day weekend for the #bibliogiveaway Alas, getting a house ready for a baby takes up a lot of time 😳 he's cutting into my reading time already!

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch
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I forgot to post about my #biblioweekend. Finished Dark Matter, Afterlife with Archie, and Rat Queens vol. 1. Made big progress on You Will Know Me (finished yesterday) and Rebecca read by Anna Massey. Last weekend was so busy that I might have to have another #biblioweekend this week. 📚💕 #bibliogiveaway

mhillis That's great🙆🏻 8y
Mcoun Isn't every weekend #biblioweekend? 8y
StephBengtson @Mcoun True. 😉 8y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Yep. I got sucked in just like everyone else. I power listened to this one over the holiday weekend. I even volunteered to mow the lawn so I could listen without any obligation to talk to people. 😉 This story seemed pulled from the headlines, which I'm sure was the intent. I wanted the answers but the behind the curtain look into the lives of the people involved was best way to discover the truth. #bibliogiveaway

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I'm late to the party, but here's what I got done over #biblioweekend #bibliogiveaway. Thanks for the chance, Liberty! 😃

MrBook Nice! 😁 8y
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#biblioweekend was not as successful as if hoped but I finished Dark Matter and started light romance since I needed a break from thinking and Amy Schumer's book to crack me up a bit. #bibliogiveaway @Liberty

Re Jane: A Novel | Patricia Park
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My post for @Liberty 's #bibliogiveaway! I read this over Labor Day weekend. It wasn't my favorite but I really enjoyed it. I liked learning about a different culture and experiencing Jane Eyre again! #biblioweekend

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