Book mail is the best mail! 💙📚📫
#isabelallende #alongpetalofthesea #signedcopy #signedbytheauthor #shopsmall #malapropsbookstore #bookmail #beautifulbooks #bluebooks #thesea
Book mail is the best mail! 💙📚📫
#isabelallende #alongpetalofthesea #signedcopy #signedbytheauthor #shopsmall #malapropsbookstore #bookmail #beautifulbooks #bluebooks #thesea
Hi Littens! I'm back. We were on vacation, enjoying our first family vacation and we were off line. I read only a few pages on my Kindle because I spent the whole time with my baby girl. Only one and a half months and she will be 1 year old. Time flies so fast.
I'm still on vacation with my minds so here are Saved by Pirates series.
#savedbypirates #gbailey #paperbacks #booknecklace #bookspine #bookstack #bluebooks #litsylove
Playing #AugustABC catch-up! Aug 2 was #bluebooks
The Raven Cycle is so heckin‘ good. I love the story, the characters, and the whole world Stiefvater created. By far one of my favorite series.
I think Jodi likes #BlueBooks 📚💙📚💙
I recommend all of these!!
#BlueBooks #AugustABC
#AugustABC #BlueBooks
I've read all of these so far except for Ancestral Night. Hoping to get to it sometime soon(ish) 😅