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Anatomicum | Jennifer Z Paxton
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I love these illustrations - in another lifetime I‘d love to be an illustrator 🌟#bookishdreams

Oryx So cool. Makes me think of the Wellcome trust bookshop. 4y
iread2much Very cool! 4y
Mitch @Oryx 👍 4y
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Folios new autumn editions .... niiiiiice!


Oryx Oh my. That is tempting. 5y
Mitch @Oryx I think it‘s almost essential for someone with a litsy handle like yours! 🤣 5y
Oryx @Mitch well I do only have two copies (paperback, signed hardback - my prize possession) and on audible and in Kindle. It's not take enough, is it? I really do need another version. 5y
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Oryx (been on the folio website - am now plotting how I can get this for Christmas) 5y
Mitch @Oryx 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
DrexEdit 😍😍😍 5y
Ruthiella Pretty! 😀 5y
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I adore Neil Gaiman, both the man and his writing. I dream vividly and they are usually most unsettling in nature. However, last night I dreamt I was at Mr Gaiman's home, having dinner with him & his wife. What a lovely host he was! Though I don't remember the details, I recall that the conversation was splendid. That's a dream I'd be happy to see come true! 😂 #bookishdreams #neilgaiman


Last night I dreamed I was hanging out with Hillary Clinton at her house. She had a neon sign over her couch that read “Not all who wander are lost.” On the opposite wall was a white board where Bill had written their ongoing list of current reads.

My subconscious is obviously processing some things. 😳

#dreams #bookishdreams #whencurrentreadscollide

LauraBeth 😂 Could you tell what was on the list? 7y
TheBookHippie @LauraBeth 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻my question as well 🙋🏽 7y
Tamra I hear they are readers like us. 😁 7y
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RanaElizabeth As I'm currently in the middle of What Happened and just finished the family chapter, I can tell you that this is actually very likely! 7y
dariazeoli @LauraBeth @TheBookHippie I wish I could, but it remains a mystery! 7y
dariazeoli @Tamra What Happened confirms this! ☺️ 7y
dariazeoli @RanaElizabeth My brain for sure was recalling that chapter as well as the LoTR read along I‘m doing 😁 7y
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Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz
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whoops i've been forgetting to post on here. i'm less than 30 pages away from finishing "new world rising" and i am hYpE. it's pretty good but not amazing.
#alexandeliza #hamilton #hydrangea #bookandflowers

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The Raven Boys | Stiefvater, Maggie
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what are some of your favorite candles/candle companies? 💕
#candle #theravenboys #trc #nature

jordz_the_bibliophile I've been wanting to buy from this candle company for a while!! Lovely picture ❤️ 7y
WordWaller My favorite candles are cheap candles but I LOVE getting fancy candles as gifts haha 🙈 7y
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Illuminae | Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
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hullo 💕
today has been super lazy. i took a bunch of photos though and now they're all importing :)
i'm currently eating vanilla wafers and watching new girl so fUn TiMeS.
#illuminae #beautifulcover #mom #model

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A List of Cages | Robin Roe
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today i went to the woods with my friend and take photos, and that was fun but we kinda got lost a few times 😂
i'm watching new girl and this show CRACKS ME UP why wasn't i watching this before 😂👌
#alistofcages #alexandeliza #bike #hamilton #robinroe #melissadelacruz

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Caraval | Stephanie Garber
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hi! i'm so excited for litsy! from what i've heard it's like a cross between instagram/bookstagram and goodreads and that's so cool! anyways, i finished "caraval" by stephanie garber yesterday and i absolutely loved it! 5/5 ✨s. it keeps you totally interested throughout the entire book!
#caraval #bookmark #flatlay #candles

Utopiyll Ohhh I can't wait to give this a read!! 😍 7y
beasreads @Utopiyll you totally should!! 7y
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miriamthemermaid CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT! 7y
Bookishhorcrux I really want to get this book! I've heard so many good things about, I just haven't had the opportunity to get it 😅 7y
beasreads @Bookishhorcrux pleeeease get it 😂 THEN I WE CAN FANGIRL ABOUT ❤ 7y
Bookishhorcrux Yes we shall😂 7y
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