Possibly one of my favourite reads of 2017 😍😍 Such a magical story! ❤️
#Caraval #StephanieGarber #Legendary #Magic #Hardback #UKEdition #Reading #Book #Books #Reader #Chapters #BookOne #Favourite #2017 #Read #Love
Possibly one of my favourite reads of 2017 😍😍 Such a magical story! ❤️
#Caraval #StephanieGarber #Legendary #Magic #Hardback #UKEdition #Reading #Book #Books #Reader #Chapters #BookOne #Favourite #2017 #Read #Love
So I've finally made my own bookstagram! Give me a follow! I'll be posting regular updates and will be making reviews, sharing bookish photos and just fangirling in general! 😂 Haha! Thanks in advance guys! #Bookstagram #Littens #Follow #Books #BookishPhotos #📖 #📚
I'm so sorry I've not been active recently! I've been so busy with personal issues ... In other news, I got the acting job! Woohoo! 🎭 I also finished ACOTAR and loved it so I've moved on to ACOMAF 😃
QOTD: What is your favourite snack while reading?
~ I'm really weird and I have olives and cheese😂
#ACOTAR #ACOMAF #ACOWAR #BookLover #Bibliophile #Acting #Trilogy #QOTD #Snacks
Look at what my friend bought me! Eeep! I've heard so many good things about this series!📖😍
QoTD: Have you read this series and did you like it? (No spoilers please if you have)
#Cinder #TheLunarChronicles #MarissaMeyer #TBR #BookLover
Snapchat filters are so funny 😂 I really want to carry on reading ACOTAR but I'm just not in a reading mood at the moment ... so I'll probably read in bed tonight🌙✨
I went to a charity shop and found this gem for 29p ... What a find 📖😍 Very happy with this 😊
QoTD: Where would you love to travel to?
^^I would love to travel around America , Germany and Japan 😁
#CharityShopFind #TheBookOfLostThings #JohnConnolly #Hardback #America #Germany #Japan #TBR
Very quickly, I just want to post about the Harry Potter 20th anniversary ❤️💛💙💚 This book series changed the outlook an entire generation had on reading and you know what? That's the true magic of Harry Potter⚡️ #HarryPotter #20Years #Gryffindor #Hufflepuff #Ravenclaw #Slytherin #Magic
Red Queen & sushi ❤️ No better way to relax! I may be slightly less active today as I have an acting audition (to be a zombie which is exciting!!) so wish me luck guys and gals! 🎭
QoTD: What is your favourite stand alone book? 📖
#StandAlone #Book #Acting #Auditions #RedQueen #VictoriaAveyard #Mare #Cal #Maven #Sushi #Food #Happy #Actor
This book is so beautiful 😍#Caraval #Hardback #StephanieGarber #BookLover #BookEnthusiast
Raw by Chris o'Connell is an okay script. I like it but I feel that it's not explained well enough and so by the end of the script your still left with questions that really shouldn't be there. The style of writing is great and the characters are very credible ... the plot just doesn't feel completed by the end of it ...
My review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
QoTD: What book(s) were you really looking forward to but ended up being disappointed by and why?
A quick throwback to my makeup from when I played Bageera in the stage adaptation of Rudyard Kipling's “The Jungle Book”. There's no better feeling than the one I get when I'm acting ❤️🎭 #TheJungleBook #RudyardKipling #Acting #Bageera #Mowgli #Baloo #SheerKhan #Script #Makeup
Have you ever just looked at a book and thought “OH MY GOD! This cover is gorgeous!!”? Because that's the reaction I have every time I see both of these books on my shelf ❤️ I can't wait to read them📚
#Caraval #Carnivalesque #StephanieGarber #NeilJordan #Hardback #Excited #TBR #SoPretty
“Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.”
QoTD: Are you a page folder or a bookmark user?
#HarryPotter #Hermione #Ron #Dumbledore #Gryffindor #Hufflepuff #Ravenclaw #Slytherin #JKRowling #Quote
Have you read Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard? If yes, what did you think of it and have you read Glass Sword and King's Cage yet?
/Photo featuring my iced tea\
#RedQueen #Mare #Cal #Maven #Red #Silver #VictoriaAveyard #GlassSword #KingsCage #RedQueen4
I thought this book was good and it was a fun read but I was expecting more...I felt that it fell short of my expectations (particularly because of the hype surrounding the series). The series picked up for me and I loved the final book but I just found that something was missing and I just can't quite put my finger on it...overall, a fun read and I can definitely see why this would be a 5⭐️ read for some!
My review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️ (3.5)
This book is just ... ugh ... so good!! 😍
QoTD: Which Hogwarts house are you in? ❤️💛💙💚
#Illuminae #Gemina #Obsidio #Trilogy #HarryPotter
“Who are you?” said the Caterpillar.
This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I - I hardly know, sir, just at present - at least I know who I was when I woke up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”
QoTD: What book never fails to make you cry?
Mine is The Fault in our Stars 😢
Last one for a while, I promise...
1) Sheffield, England
2) I have far too many to choose 😖
3) Once again, far too many to choose from 😰
4) Probably The Lion King
5) The Walking Dead ❤️❤️
6) Does Starkid count at musical group? If not, Robbie Williams/P!NK
7) Green 💚
8) YA/Dystopian
9) I study BA honours Acting at University🎭
10) Yup, I have a black cat called Suzie and a doggo called Belle🐾
I enjoyed all of these books! Particularly “The Tales of Beedle the Bard”. There's so much character to them & it's a wonderful extension to the wizarding world that most of us have now come to love. Also, I just love these editions of the books! Definitely recommended if you love the Harry Potter series & want to expand your knowledge of it. They're all very quick, but very fun, to read 📚
QTtA: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TToBtB: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
FB: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love everything about this book 🎪 Highly recommended for YA lovers who haven't already read this ☺️ #TheNigntCircus #ErinMorgenstern #Circus #Magic #Chocolate #Love #BlackAndWhite #Green #Red #Beautiful #YA #ThorntonsChocolate #Mint #MintChocolate
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So far I'm really enjoying this book 😊 I'm surprised it's taken me so long so start this series ... but I have a bad feeling about a certain character *cough* Tamlin *cough*
#ACOTAR #SarahJMaas #Feyre #HowHaveINotReadThisBefore
Another little introduction as I'm new here😊
1) Never have read Harry Potter so at least I can experience the magic all over again ❤️
2) /slightly weirded out by this question😂/ Always spill food in my books, I guess...😂
3) Dust jacket off...It irritates me when it starts to slide off while I read
4) Poetry! I need to invest myself in a story and prefer them to be long so I can fully connect📖
5) Black and White⚫️⚪️
#BookishWouldYouRather #Me
A great book for anyone studying German! Brilliant explanations, examples an easy to grasp (even for beginners). Collins is wonderful when it comes to language dictionaries and is by far my absolute favourite! I can't wait to buy a Japanese one
#Review #Languages #Deutsch #German #Deutschland #Bilingual #Trilingual #Collins #Dictionary #FiveStar #Grammar #Verbs #Vocabulary #Self-Study
When you know you should really be doing something productive but Snapchat have cute filters and you're easily distracted 😂 #Snapchat #Filter #Me #Procrastinating
QoTD: Which do you prefer: paperback/hardback?
I much prefer hardback because it feels sturdier and I love taking off the protectors and looking at the covers 📖❤️📚
Sorry for the non-book related post ...
1. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England ??
2. Instagram hype ?
3. I'm yet to find one that hasn't made me say "the book was better"
4. unfortunately no. But if I did, I'd call them Crush bc Finding Nemo ?
#Welcomelitten @saguarosally
#Throwback to rehearsals when I had the pleasure to play Alice, in the modern stage adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. This was such a brilliantly intriguing take on the original and the script is marvellous! If you can, I highly recommend any lovers of Alice in Wonderland to read this script ❤️🐇🕕☕️🎩#AliceInWonderland #CheshireCat #MadHatter #KnaveOfHearts #QueenOfHearts #TweedleDee #TweedleDum #WhiteRabbit #Duchess #LewisCarroll #Script #Actor
“Within days of remembering how to put one foot in front of the other and not fall over, I'd walked and counted and mapped with pictures in my mind every floor of the hospital that was access allowed. I could have found each nurses' station, lab and room by number blindfolded; I could close me eyes now and see it all before me.”
QOTD: What is your favourite genre?
#Slated #Fractured #Shattered #Trilogy #Quote #TeriTerry #YA
Forever wishing that this book series would receive the love it deserves ❤️ I can't recommend this series enough! #Slated #Fractured #Shattered #TeriTerry #Love #Fountain #UnderratedSeries #Trilogy
I love this little book! A nice, quick and thought provoking read 📖 #TheLittleBookOfThunks #IanGilbert #Flower #Cute #FunRead