#stephenking17 Day 5 I'm going to go with Duma Key. I think I could survive as long as I'm a minor character in the area. I just want to lay on the beach and read. #bookiwanttobein #bookyouwanttobein
#stephenking17 Day 5 I'm going to go with Duma Key. I think I could survive as long as I'm a minor character in the area. I just want to lay on the beach and read. #bookiwanttobein #bookyouwanttobein
#BookYouWantToBeIn I've been in a carnival kind of mood so I would go with Joyland. It also seems like a less dangerous choice compared to his other books. #StephenKing17 @Josie @Gayan
I'm going with this as the #BookYouWantToBeIn because I think it's about the only one my scaredy-cat tendencies could handle. #StephenKing17
#stephenking17 #bookyouwanttobein I missed yesterday but didn't want to completely miss out. Book I want to be in is 11/22/63. No pennywise, no redrum, but an otherwise amazing cast of characters, and I just love the time period covered in the book.
#stephenking17 #bookyouwanttobein Definitely in Gilead, at the time of the gunslingers, before Roland was the last.
My #BookYouWantToBeIn is actually a short story. I'd love to hang out with the group from The Body. Especially since I had a huge crush on Corey Feldman as a kid! 😍 #StephenKing17
I'm recycling today for #bookyouwanttobein. Stephen King books are terrifying and I have absolutely no desire to fall into one. But I would love to get to sit under such a master author, to pick his brain and become a better writer by absorbing some wisdom. #stephenking17
Honestly, I don't think I want to be in any Stephen King book, so it is a difficult task to pick one. Being snowed in over the winter at a beautiful hotel sounds wonderful, just maybe without the evil twins and madness. I just want the bar and plenty of books 😂#bookyouwanttobein #StephenKing17
Day 5: #bookyouwanttobein : I just realized that I can't find my copy of The talisman 😫😫😫. But anyhow, that's Mr King's book that I'd like to live in. Plenty of harrowing moments but ohhh, the adventure! It's always been one of my favorites and now that I think about it, it's overdue for a reread! If I could only find it! #stephenking17