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Bookwormjillk It feels kind of ick that they‘re all deciding this stuff for Meg without her knowing. 3mo
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Cuilin @Bookwormjillk the last line about “learning to love him” was a bit ominous. 3mo
mcctrish @Cuilin absolutely ominous and ick 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly Poor Jo! She just wants her family to stay the same always—probably more than ever, after her fears for Beth. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk @Cuilin @mcctrish - I don't feel like her parents are trying to push her into a relationship she isn't interested in. More that it was common at the time for a young man to check with the parents and let them know that his intentions/attentions are honorable, and that they approved him as a potential suitor. Women who ended up in a bad marriage didn't have a lot of recourse at this time; it was important that parents “preapproved“ ⬇ 3mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) potential husbands to help protect women, who had limited options to care for themselves. I think Marmee just sees that Meg already admires and respects Brooke, plus thinks he's kind of cute haha so it's likely that she'll be open to his attentions. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - I have so much empathy for Jo!! My siblings and I were so close growing up and I hated it when we got older and everyone started going their own directions!! It's tough to make that adjustment. 3mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks I was just going to say the exact same thing! I have 3 sisters--just like Jo, and I hated it when we all moved away and got our own lives. We all live in the same area, but it's not the same. 💚💙💚 3mo
julieclair @Cuilin Agreed. The “learning to love” him idea doesn‘t sound like a great way to plan a life together. But as @TheAromaofBooks noted, times were different then. Kind of sad. 3mo
Cuilin @julieclair @TheAromaofBooks yes times were definitely different back then and I‘m guilty at looking at it through a lens of fourth wave feminism. 😬 3mo
julieclair @Cuilin So are we all! 😃😘 3mo
Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks oh for sure it was a different time, but did even Jo have to be in on it? 🤣 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - LOL As someone with a bunch of siblings... yes 😂 😂 😂 but more seriously, I think it was because Jo came to Marmee with concerns that Brooke was “sneaking around“ (the whole glove thing), and that Marmee told Jo so that she would know that he was being straightforward/honorable and not trying to do anything behind their backs. 3mo
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