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Little Women (Little Women, #1)
Little Women (Little Women, #1) | Louisa May Alcott
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Finally finished, #hashtagbrigade. Having not read this since I was in my 20s, I was surprised to find I did not love it now as much as I did then. I still adored the sisters, Marmee, and Laurie, but I grew weary of the sanctimonious speeches of the narrator on how to be a loving wife and mother in 1800s New England. I guess as a 59-year-motherless-old lady, I didn't want or need to hear them, and there were too many. Still 💜'ed the stories.

TheBookHippie LOL I reread it every December with my Grandmas snarky comments in my head. We had so much fun reading this book together. Probs not what you‘re suppose to do with the story 😵‍💫😭🤣 5h
dabbe @TheBookHippie Now, that's a fabulous idea! I'll picture a Mrs. Grundy reading those parts. 🤩😂🤪 5h
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Read4life 💙💙💙 50m
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Catching up on reviews. Finished this last week with the #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead
Overall I enjoyed this. I remember trying to read it when I was 10 or so but I couldn't connect with the characters. I felt I could appreciate it more as an adult. I liked the character growth throughout the story, seeing them mature and finding their own paths (even if my inner feminist balked at certain life choices) Now to watch the movie(s)

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Unpopular opinion. The moralizing was just too much. While reading classical literature I understand it‘s a reflection of the times, this was different for me. Alcott had an agenda. “Ladies you may have dreams, but be ready to put them away to serve a husband. Or die, that‘s also an option” This was served in nauseating endearments like sugar coated evangelism. Rather like trad-wife content today. I‘m glad I read it. I prefer the adaptations.

Cuilin Thanks to the #hashtagBrigade and @BarkingMadRead for creating a safe space for varying opinions. (edited) 1w
BarbaraBB I felt the same when I read it a few years ago. And I love your view 😍 1w
Cuilin @BarbaraBB thank you 😊 1w
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CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Ha, I loathed this too! 1w
dabbe I feel differently having read this as a 58-year-old as well and am more on your page than I was when I was younger. And thank goodness for varying opinions! That's the richness of discussing literature. 🩵💙🩵 1w
Cuilin @dabbe I can‘t believe the book that I just finished is the same novel I read when I was 12!! (edited) 1w
Cuilin @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian loathers unite 🫶 1w
dabbe @Cuilin I felt the same way reading WUTHERING HEIGHTS. I couldn't believe how much I disliked Heathcliff and Cathy this time around! Romance? Hell, no! Obsession? Hell ya! 1w
Cuilin @dabbe I think I‘ll skip a reread of Wuthering Heights for now. lol (edited) 1w
TracyReadsBooks Alcott actually made a living writing serialized sensationalist stories for a newspaper and they are so much better. Entertaining and definitely over the top but generally a lot of fun. 1w
Cuilin @TracyReadsBooks Glad to hear this. I‘ll have to check out one of these stories. Thanks 🙏 😊 1w
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I'm always down for a reread of one of my heart-books, so I was happy when this came up as a #HashtagBrigade read. I know its old-fashioned sensibilities aren't for everyone, but I think many of Alcott's lessons on love, patience, kindness, and selflessness are timeless. This one has been hugely influential for me throughout my life, so while I understand some of the criticisms of it... I don't accept them 😂

I'm not sure how old this particular⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) edition is, but Mary Steele wrote her address in it in 1933!! 1w
Cuilin Sorry, 😬 scroll right past my review. Lol 1w
TheAromaofBooks @Cuilin - haha no worries, I know everyone comes to every book from their own perspective. I generally just let reviews I don't like roll on by 😂 Reading a book is a very subjective experience, and I've definitely hated on books that other people love!! 1w
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Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks thanks. I feel the same way about Jane Austen as you do about this book. I have a hard time with people saying they read Pride and Prejudice and hated it. I‘m like what are you talking about? What I do appreciate is Litsy being a safe space for all opinions. 🩷 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I agree with you so much! 😍 Heart book is a great way to describe my relationship with it. I have criticisms of it, certainly, but it also taught me a lot of good lessons, and I disagree with many of others‘ complaints. (Like apparently a lot of people hate Bhaer??? I think they‘re reading him differently than I do.) 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I wonder if your Mary Steele read the book because of the Katharine Hepburn film? That‘s the year it came out! I just watched it and it was absolutely gorgeous. And I don‘t just mean the costumes 😂 Hepburn is a pitch-perfect Jo. 1w
AvidReader25 I love this book so much. One of my favorites to reread! 1w
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I enjoyed the #hashtagbrigade reread of Little Women. Jo is still my favourite but Amy comes a close second - she is pretty fearless in charting her own destiny. We talked a bit about LMA having a bit of an agenda re:gender roles in LW. Old eyes can see the problems easier sometimes

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Librarybelle Thanks for another fun #HashtagBrigade ! 1w
Bookwormjillk Thanks for hosting us once again! Jo collecting boys read a little weird, but having people chorus from trees on my birthday is new #LifeGoals 1w
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Cuilin The teacher in me loved the idea of the boys school, not sure that ever made it into any adaptation? Thanks for hosting, but I‘m glad this one is done. 1w
mcctrish And they ( and we ) lived happily ever after. Thank you for hosting it was nice to revisit the Little Women 1w
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I feel like it was hinted at but not actually shown (edited) 1w
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead @BarkingMadRead I think there‘s a Jo‘s Boys book. 1w
peanutnine What an unexpected ending! I'm not mad about it though. This was a fun read overall! I'm glad I finally read this one, I'm grateful for the buddy read giving me the incentive! 🤗 1w
willaful @Cuilin Bookwormjillk There are two sequels to Little Women -- Little Men, which is about the school, and very fun, and Jo's Boys, which is about the kids grown up and marrying off. 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I am always disappointed by this ending. Jo says she is going to write still, but she doesn‘t actually do it that we see. She claims to have this long-cherished dream of opening a boys‘ school but it‘s never been mentioned before! 1w
julieclair The ending was a bit out of left field, but I actually liked the idea of the boys school. Thanks for hosting, @BarkingMadRead . I would never have re-read this without the #hashtagbrigade . 😘 1w
Graciouswarriorprincess Thanks for hosting! 1w
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I came to this #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade #buddyread having read Little Women a couple times in the past. With this reading, I picked up on Alcott‘s casual mention of domesticity for women—so 19th century! 😂 I still like the book, but I think my love for it has quieted a bit. My feelings may change again if I reread this 10 years from now—who knows!

#52BookClub24 #IncludesAWedding

BarkingMadRead I think this is why I love the movie so much, it doesn‘t focus on that so much 1w
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@BarkingMadRead thanks for shepherding the #hashtagbrigade through one of my favorites! I‘d been feeling like it was time to pick this up again. I love that with much cherished favorites you notice different things with each subsequent reading. This time I read out of a copy with the original illustrations and it really kept the intended audience in the forefront of my mind. 👇🏼

IndoorDame It was so clear that this was released as a proper children‘s book with one or two small illustrations per page. But even more interesting was that book 2 (released separately a year later) was not only about older girls, but clearly written for readers as they grew up with one or two illustrations per chapter now. 1w
BarkingMadRead That‘s such a beautiful version!!! Mine was illustrated but there was usually only one illustration per chapter with the occasional color illustration thrown in 1w
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead color illustrations would be cool! These were definitely all b&w 1w
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Tuesday ch 46: Bhaer is getting ready to go west #averywetproposal #happilyeveraftereventually #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

mcctrish Nobody ever wants to actually say what they are thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2w
Bookwormjillk I love the Jo/Behr thing this time around 2w
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Clare-Dragonfly “Not empty now” 🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭 1w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I knowwwwwwww 1w
willaful @Clare-Dragonfly 😍😍😍 1w
julieclair I thought this chapter was absolutely perfect! 🤩😍 1w
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Would you like to own the MARCH SISTER DOLLS from Ashton-Drake?

If you‘re interested, please, email cynthiaannehurt @ gmail . com

It‘s a local Michigan author friend who has these dolls and would like them to go to a loving home!

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ch 45: Daisy and Demi get their own chapter? #iprotest #bringonthebhaer #bidinghistime #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

peanutnine It killed me how they go on and on about how well behaved the children are, after detailing how very spoiled and a menace Demi was as a toddler 😂 2w
mcctrish @peanutnine Demi is an absolute menace 😆 2w
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mcctrish Daisy is all sweetness pretending to make house and Demi is lording over all of them #boywillbeboys #hardpass 2w
Bookwormjillk Their baby talk drove me nuts 2w
TheAromaofBooks I generally enjoy small children in real life, but they never seem to work in books, even coming from one of my favorite authors 😂 This is pretty much my least favorite chapter, partially because it doesn't really add anything to the story. 2w
julieclair This chapter felt like a “commercial break” from the real story. 😂 1w
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Books 140-146 of the year.

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Amy and Laurie want to help Jo and Bhaer #itskindofsweet #ilikethemtogether #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

Clare-Dragonfly She really does call him “my lord” 😂 2w
peanutnine I wasn't sure at first but I do like these two together. They seem better suited for each other than him and Jo 2w
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mcctrish I think I‘m caught up, I like Amy and Laurie together- she puts him in his place although their names for each other are cringe 2w
julieclair They‘re starting to grow on me as a couple. 😉 2w
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish haha yes I like them together but I wouldn‘t necessarily be able to stay in the same room as them with that cutesy name calling. 2w
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peanutnine This chapter was real cute, but what a weird coincidence that Laurie and Bhaer both show up in the span of two days lol 2w
Bookwormjillk I somehow forgot about this chapter. It was a good one. 2w
julieclair I‘m rooting for Bhaer. 2w
mcctrish So much of this I forgot but I am so glad Bhaer arrived 2w
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Librarybelle I‘ve always wondered about this pairing too. It never quite fit my imagination for a viable possibility. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2w
Bookwormjillk Yeah this was always weird to me too, and shocked me the first time I read it. This time it seemed okay. 2w
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Clare-Dragonfly I think I was pretty shocked by this pairing the first time I read it, but I love it now. I think he does love her, and that‘s why he gets over Jo so quickly—but he sure justifies it to himself strangely! 2w
TheAromaofBooks I've actually always shipped them. Partially because I think he and Jo are a terrible match. Maybe partially because I was SO convinced that my best friend in high school was going to be my husband & was heartbroken when he didn't agree 😂 But like Laurie I realized that a lot of my feelings were romanticizing him/glossing over reasons we weren't a good match. I think that's a lot of what this chapter reflects - Laurie realizing that he was more ⬇ 2w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) in love with an idea of Jo than her as a real person who would be his life-partner. Alcott also glosses over the correspondence and deepening relationship between Laurie and Amy, so I think that adds to making their romance feel more abrupt than it was. But I think they are so well-matched and complement each other well. 2w
quietjenn I think that Amy and Laurie are a much better match, so I'm good with it. He and Jo always felt like Just Friends to me. 🤷‍♀️ 2w
IndoorDame I hated it when I was really young, but on subsequent readings Ive always really seen it 2w
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Bookwormjillk I would have been okay just skipping this one 🥹🥹🥹 2w
TheAromaofBooks I love the reminder that we don't have to do huge “important“ things to live a life that is useful and remembered when we're gone. Small kindnesses do make a big difference. 2w
mcctrish 💔💔💔 2w
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Bookwormjillk Glad to see one of the guys getting yelled at for a change! I thought Amy was really sweet when he told her about Jo though. 2w
Clare-Dragonfly I love how Amy bosses Laurie around. 2w
julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly I do, too! She treats him just like an older brother. 2w
mcctrish Amy is a bossy boots 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2w
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Cuilin My question is this, if they had an Irish lady in to help, plus kitty was doing the cooking, what was Meg struggling with? Why couldn‘t John parent with her? It seems Alcott wrote this chapter as a lesson to women to not forget their husbands even if they have twin toddlers? I just can‘t with the moralizing. 3w
Bookwormjillk I felt for Meg in this chapter. Everyone‘s telling her she‘s doing it wrong and she‘s just trying to hang on. But yeah I thought she said 6 months but then he was acting like he was 2 or 3. 3w
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Librarybelle I had similar thoughts, @Cuilin . 3w
willaful @Cuilin It read to me that she wasn't letting him co-parent, which was a big part of what had to be worked out. And she was over doing it and neglecting herself too. I actually think it's pretty decent advice for a new mom.

From the beginning of the chapter, I think they're about a year old; Demi is precocious. It says she didn't have a problem until about a year, and the 6 months is how long John has been being absent from home.
Cuilin @willaful Yes agree, taking care of yourself and also accepting help is great advice for a new mom. Alcott centering John‘s loss of wifely attention seems purposeful and that‘s what really irritates me. I know I‘m judging from a contemporary feminist viewpoint. I love classical literature, but I seem to be struggling with this novel more than others. It‘s triggering me. I‘ll unpack that sometime soon lol 3w
Clare-Dragonfly I hate how it‘s all Meg‘s fault that John is unhappy! He should have been stepping up all along so she had some time and space for herself! I‘m sure it wasn‘t at all expected in the time period, but he‘s clearly capable of it. 3w
Clare-Dragonfly @Cuilin Kitty is the Irish lady; they just have one person in to help (I guess). But I‘m also puzzled why she‘s worn so thin when she‘s not cooking for the family or doing the housework. Not to denigrate her effort or say that twin babies are easy! 3w
Cuilin @Clare-Dragonfly oh that makes sense. I missed that. Thanks. 3w
julieclair It bothers me that it‘s viewed as Meg‘s fault that John “has to” find companionship at the neighbors‘ house. 2w
mcctrish I‘m behind and catching up. I‘m with @Cuilin and the moralizing. First time moms do make mistakes ( you don‘t know what you don‘t know) and I know everything took 100 times more effort to do so of course Meg would need help but Jeez Louise the about when John says enough is enough Meg listens 😬 2w
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Bookwormjillk What happened to Fred? 3w
mcctrish Here we go 3w
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BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk he went home because his brother was sick and we haven‘t heard from him since 3w
Clare-Dragonfly I loooove this chapter! 😍 Except for all the weird national stereotypes and the antisemitism… 😥 3w
mcctrish @Clare-Dragonfly 😂😂 I‘m laughing at your comment not the racism #uglyrussians #meekjews LMA ain‘t mincing words 3w
julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly 💯 3w
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Bookwormjillk Poor Laurie. Poor Jo. (Also I admire LMA as an author for not putting them together. She probably got hate mail about this.) 3w
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk I bet she did too 🤣 3w
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peanutnine I'm so proud of Jo for standing her ground and not caving under the pressure to accept, especially because she does care about him in some way 3w
TheAromaofBooks I always feel so bad for Jo in this chapter. She really does care deeply about Laurie, and it's hard to tell someone you love that you can't give them the one thing they really, really want. I really admire the way she looked at the long-term of what a marriage would really be like between them, and recognized that it wouldn't really be happy for either of them. Ah Laurie - young love always thinks there is no other path! 3w
Clare-Dragonfly So sad! But Jo‘s right, she gave Laurie every sign that she did not want to marry him, and yet he persisted! He‘s pretty childish in this chapter. @Bookwormjillk I‘m certain she did! I know she got lots of letters after the first part was published from girls begging for Jo and Laurie to get married. 3w
julieclair I‘m getting more and more certain that I never read part 2. I always thought Jo and Laurie did get married! At least in my youthful mind, they did. 😂 3w
BarkingMadRead @julieclair 🤣🤣🤣 3w
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Cuilin I 100% agree with Mr Dashwood. Has Jo really stopped writing, like for good? I don‘t remember this. 3w
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I didn‘t remember this part either! 3w
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Bookwormjillk Bhaer looks a lot younger than I pictured him in this picture 3w
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk the book definitely makes him out to be older 3w
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk if I had to choose between Christian Bale as Laurie or Gabriel Byrne as Bhaer. I‘m choosing Gabriel Byrne. 3w
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin I‘ve never seen the movies 🫢 3w
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk it‘s been years since I‘ve seen it. I also liked the more recent one. I just recognize Gabriel Byrne‘s picture and then I looked up who played Laurie, I did not remember. 3w
Clare-Dragonfly Jo! Swinging between extremes and then giving up entirely is not the answer to your pangs of conscience! 3w
Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk Both of the recent movies make him so much younger! I say this with love, because I honestly love Professor Bhaer and his romance with Jo, but the actor in the Greta Gerwig movie is way too young and hot 😂 3w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly 💯 3w
mcctrish @Clare-Dragonfly so true! He‘s a rumpled old man 3w
julieclair Bhaer seems like such a good man. I don‘t remember any of this. I think when I read Little Women as a kid, it must only have been Part I. 3w
Clare-Dragonfly @mcctrish Rumpled old man is a perfect description even though he‘s like my age 😂 (but the idea of marrying a 21-year-old is horrifying! Bhaer and Colonel Brandon, you are incomprehensible!) 3w
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Cuilin This is my favorite chapter. I love the atmosphere of the house and all the guests. 3w
mcctrish @Cuilin me too 3w
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TheAromaofBooks I have so much love for Bhaer and the way he is so kind and good to everyone around him. 3w
Bookwormjillk The nicknames for Bhaer cracked me up especially Ursa Major 3w
Clare-Dragonfly Jo has mentionitis! 🤭 3w
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Bookwormjillk Nothing could go wrong. I‘m sure it will all be fine. 4w
peanutnine But does Beth *actually* love Laurie? Seems sus 3w
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BarkingMadRead @peanutnine right? She just doesn‘t seem the type 3w
mcctrish Laurie is just a pawn 3w
julieclair Beth doesn‘t love Laurie, and Laurie doesn‘t love Beth. Wake up, Jo! 3w
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Cuilin OK Alcott maybe not all is forgiven but your compliments to Ireland were noted. (if you‘re ever in Ireland, do not look for Queenstown as it is known by its Irish name Cobh pronounced Cove) I really enjoyed this epistolary chapter. 4w
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin I liked this chapter too! 4w
mcctrish What a whirlwind Amy is on!!! I love the epistolary chapter too 4w
julieclair I, too, enjoyed this chapter. Amy sounds like she‘s having the time of her life! 😃 4w
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🤣😂😅😆😳😱 I took a picture of my little reading buddies cause they‘re being especially sweet, they almost never both come to sit with me at the same time, but when I saw the photo Cass looked so fearsome! Maybe the camera knows something I don‘t!? #catsoflitsy

PuddleJumper Haha still adorable! 4w
CBee She‘s telling you something juicy - or maybe venting 😂😂😂 4w
dabbe She's gearing up for Halloween! 🖤🐈‍⬛🖤 4w
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IndoorDame @dabbe 😂😂🧛🏻‍♀️🐈‍⬛🖤🖤 4w
IndoorDame @CBee she has been suuuper chatty lately! 4w
IndoorDame @PuddleJumper ❤️🖤❤️ 4w
CBee @IndoorDame see, she just needed to dish 😂😂 4w
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Ch 30: laughing about this pic because the aunts do not look good in the background 🤣 #anyway #morepettygirlsatthefair #amyisabettergirlthanme #laurieandcompanysavedtheday #andnowamyisofftoeuropewiththeaunts #allbecausejoisjo 🤷🏻‍♀️ #staytuned

Librarybelle 😂 4w
julieclair I totally loved how Laurie and his friends came in and rallied around Amy! And now she‘s off to Europe. Jo lost out because yes, #joisjo. 🙃 4w
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TheAromaofBooks I really enjoyed how these chapters have showcased how much Amy has matured, and how intentional she is about working to be a better person. Also love the mental image of Laurie walking around with May's vases 😂 4w
Clare-Dragonfly I forgot that it‘s Aunt Carroll—who has barely been in the book up until now—and not Aunt March who takes Amy to Europe! 4w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I know! In both new movies, it‘s Aunt March 4w
mcctrish I feel for Jo. My aunt took my younger sister to Scotland back in the day because she thought she‘d be more amiable than me, who was a teenager at the time. My sister and I are 5 years apart so I think she was 10 - I‘m not sure what my aunt thought I‘d get up to on my own or even with them. 4w
Bookwormjillk I feel for Jo but also think she‘ll be better off figuring out how to go on her own terms. I can‘t imagine she‘d enjoy having to behave for Aunt Carroll. 4w
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julieclair Poor Amy. I imagine she regrets forcing Jo to go with her. 😳🥴😂 4w
TheAromaofBooks Jo taking Amy's instructions literally at every stop just cracks me up every time 😂 4w
Clare-Dragonfly I love that they‘re so different and drive each other crazy but have respect for each other in the end. 4w
mcctrish Oh Jo 🤦🏻‍♀️ #wereapwhatwesow poor Amy 4w
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So, on Tuesday night we found out my daughter might be induced a week before her due date, so Wednesday morning I binge read so I could post every day. I didn‘t get far enough though, so I will post about today‘s chapter either tonight or tomorrow, depending on when I get to it!
But let me introduce Rhiannon Marvel, born Thursday morning at 6:03 am!! This pic is from today!

Ruthiella Beautiful baby! Congratulations. ❤️ 4w
Amor4Libros What a cutie, congratulations!! ❤️ 4w
ElizaMarie The most adorable baby! She is beautiful! Congrats. Her name is exquisite! 4w
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AmyG Congrats! She is beautiful! 4w
Bookwormjillk Congratulations 🎉 Don‘t worry about the chapters. This is great news. 4w
Librarybelle Congratulations!! 4w
hannah-leeloo Shes gorgeous congratulations, love her name ❤️ 4w
AnnCrystal 😘💕💖What A Wonderful Gift, Congratulations 🌞💝. 4w
JessClark78 Congratulations! 4w
Cupcake12 Absolutely perfect. Congratulations xx 4w
Meshell1313 Congrats! ❤️ 4w
TheDaysGoBy Congrats! 4w
GinaKButler What a blessing! Congratulations! 4w
Nessavamusic Congratulations! 4w
IndoorDame Congratulations! 💕💗💓 4w
kspenmoll So precious! Congratulations!🎉 4w
BarbaraJean 💜Congratulations!! 🎉 4w
Deblovestoread Congratulations! She is beautiful 💜 4w
TheBookgeekFrau She's beautiful!! Congratulations!!!🎊🎊💕 4w
LiteraryinLawrence Oh my gosh, what a cutie!! Congratulations!! 4w
marleed Oh, she‘s beautiful and I love her name! 4w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 Congrats! 4w
mrp27 Congrats! 4w
wanderinglynn How precious! Congratulations! 🩷🎉🎊 4w
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ Congrats! 4w
Roary47 Dawww congrats! 4w
Clare-Dragonfly 🥰🥰🥰 4w
Cuilin Congratulations, 💗 4w
julieclair Oh wow... Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful! 💕💖 4w
kezzlou85 Congratulations she's beautiful. I love the name. 4w
mcctrish Congratulations ( I am so behind but catching up) this is wonderful news 💝 4w
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kspenmoll I cannot keep up! Sorry will not continue. 1mo
BarkingMadRead @kspenmoll awwww I‘m sorry! Should I remove you from the tag list? 1mo
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Librarybelle I was exasperated with both John and Meg in this chapter. Newlywed squabbles! 1mo
Bookwormjillk @Librarybelle agree! Also why does freaking Laurie get to name their twins? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - I think the twins were already being named after their parents (John and Margaret), with Margaret Jr getting called Daisy as a nickname, so Laurie just came up with a diminutive nickname for John Jr. “Demi“ means half/partial, so basically Little John haha 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - Although actually you inspired me to look up and see why “Daisy“ is a nickname for “Margaret“ and apparently it's because Margaret=Marguerite in French and Marguerite=oxeye daisy. Talk about convoluted 😂 1mo
Cuilin I‘m not giving up but I‘ll be honest, I‘m not liking it. 1mo
Librarybelle Oh! Thanks for the meaning of Margaret, @TheAromaofBooks ! I was wondering how Laurie got Daisy for Margaret! Laurie has to be involved in everything, @Bookwormjillk . 🙄😂 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly THE JELLY. I always felt for Meg so much in this chapter. I would have been crying, too. And John never seems to actually apologize for what he did wrong! 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I know! She one of asked for it, but dude, read the room! 1mo
mcctrish This chapter is like a year in the life 4w
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peanutnine Okay, but actually, what does their dad do?? Now that he's not in the army they haven't mentioned his profession that I can recall 1mo
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IndoorDame I think it said dad became a minister after the war, but I don‘t know enough about the church to have any idea who or what subsidies a minister (now or back then) 1mo
Cuilin @IndoorDame @peanutnine I think he was a minister too. I believe he was a chaplain in the army also. (edited) 1mo
Bookwormjillk He kind of said he‘s been waiting 30 years for someone to recognize his genius like that was a good thing. 1mo
dabbe I don't think ministers made diddly squat back then. I don't think they make much today either. In the book CLEAR for #CampLitsy, one of the main characters was a minister in the 1800s who needed side jobs just to get by--one of which was removing a man from an island during the Scottish Clearances. 1mo
willaful @Bookwormjillk 🤣

He's a minister so I guess he has some kind of “living“?
Clare-Dragonfly I have always wondered if the quotes from Jo‘s reviews are actual quotes from reviews of the original first book of Little Women. Some of them certainly sound like it! 1mo
julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly I also wondered if the whole writing and editing process was autobiographical. 4w
mcctrish @dabbe in Clear the side gigs were to raise money to rent a space to attract a congreagation that would then tithe the church and fund the minister 4w
mcctrish Mr March would only be as wealthy as his congregation so he‘d be wanting a wealthy benefactor and he‘d use his own money to help and support the poor within his parish 4w
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dabbe I totally forgot just how much comical relief Amy provides--even more than Jo! 😂 1mo
Bookwormjillk The history of salads 🤣🤣🤣 1mo
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BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk scintillating conversation! 🤣🤣 1mo
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead shhhh I almost liked Mr March for a second there 1mo
mcctrish Such deadpan descriptions of Amy‘s oil paintings 🤣🤣🤣 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly This chapter seems to be making fun of Amy but I love that she works so hard! And that she takes her failure in stride! 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly exactly! She was such a good sport when everything started going wrong! 1mo
julieclair I think I was more upset by the snooty friends‘ rudeness than Amy was! 🙃 4w
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peanutnine I loved their little dance party! So cute 1mo
Bookwormjillk Loved Aunt March tucking her cane under her arm and dancing. 1mo
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TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - and the part where Aunt March got all misty when she saw John and Meg steal a kiss ❤ 1mo
Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks yes! Some parts of this book make me so irritated but there are so many sweet parts I‘ll never stop reading it. 1mo
dabbe And they simply walk off into the sunset to their new home all ready and waiting for them. 💚💙💚 1mo
julieclair I totally loved the simplicity of this wedding. 👰‍♀️💗🤵‍♂️ 4w
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Clare-Dragonfly I found it interesting that they‘re putting all the stuff in the house and getting it fitted up before Meg and John actually get married and move in. 1mo
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dabbe It's been so long since I last read this. I totally don't remember the 2nd-person POV when the narrator talks directly to us as various points in the story. It's an interesting way to write and definitely brings us into the fold of the March family household. 1mo
Bookwormjillk I wish someone would have set up my house like that! I don‘t know why the thought of a lifetime supply of linens is so soothing! 1mo
mcctrish I love that Meg‘s favourite room in her new house is the linen closet 🤍🤍🤍 I do not remember this part 1mo
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Clare-Dragonfly Did anyone else think of Lady Catherine de Bourgh? 😂 I thought this part was so romantic when I was a kid. Now I think John Brooke is really putting the pressure on Meg! 1mo
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Cuilin Since my book is a UK edition it ends at this chapter, and I now have to get Good Wives. Anybody else? (edited) 1mo
Bookwormjillk @Clare-Dragonfly yes! So Lady Catherine! 1mo
dabbe @Cuilin Mine ended as Part 1, but Part 2 follows. 1mo
dabbe @Bookwormjillk @Clare-Dragonfly ... agree, but Aunt March seems a “wee“ bit nicer. Maybe? 😂 1mo
Cuilin @dabbe I downloaded part Il “Good Wives” on Kindle for $.49 1mo
dabbe @Cuilin Now that's a deal! 🤩 1mo
julieclair At first, I actually thought Aunt March was purposely trying to goad Meg into accepting him. Boy, was I wrong! 😂 1mo
BarkingMadRead @julieclair same!! @Cuilin I never realize it was two parts! Both of my books have both! 1mo
mcctrish @julieclair I wondered that too. I absolutely love the term “high dungeon “ 1mo
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Bookwormjillk Just going to say it now- I can‘t stand Mr March 1mo
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BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I never felt like he fit anywhere, he doesn‘t make sense in the family. I don‘t know if I‘m explaining it very well 🤣 1mo
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead I always resented his presence. They were getting along fine without him and then he shows up like they need his approval. (It was the times I know.) 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I totally agree! Even as a kid, I was like, why are you here? They don‘t need you! 🤣🤣 1mo
kspenmoll You all said it well- he seems so apart from them. This book, fictionalized account from Marmee‘s point of view helped, but in Alcott‘s real life he was like a child to be catered to- why Louisa went to work writing. 1mo
rubyslippersreads I can‘t stand Mr. March because I can‘t stand Bronson Alcott. 1mo
dabbe @rubyslippersreads It's difficult to ignore the resemblance. 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly I found it interesting that he mentions Amy taking drumsticks at dinner as though it‘s an example of her selflessness, but I thought the drumsticks were a desirable portion! Don‘t kids usually fight over the drumsticks? I remember one of the kids in the Little House books really wanting bear drumsticks! I‘m a lifelong vegetarian so this is a genuine question 😂 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I hate the drumsticks 🤣 I want the breast, it‘s the white meat and it‘s so much better. I think it‘s down to personal preference (edited) 1mo
Bookwormjillk @kspenmoll Thanks for the recommendation. I also liked 1mo
willaful I think Mr. March shows more to advantage in Little Men. 1mo
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mcctrish This chapter turned me right off Laurie. He was a SHIT to Meg and then he gets on his high horse and won‘t talk to his grandfather or eat because he feels like his grandfather was out of line?! Mr Laurence didn‘t shake him hard enough 1mo
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Bookwormjillk @mcctrish agree. Jo should have brought him skating on thin ice too. 1mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish @Bookwormjillk this is above and beyond spoiled and childish! A total brat, for sure! 1mo
Cuilin @BarkingMadRead @mctrish @Bookwormjillk sorry I‘m late to the discussion, what I found so upsetting about Laurie is he was so aware of everything that they had just been through, regarding Beth‘s health to then pull a stunt like that. 1mo
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Bookwormjillk It feels kind of ick that they‘re all deciding this stuff for Meg without her knowing. 1mo
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Cuilin @Bookwormjillk the last line about “learning to love him” was a bit ominous. 1mo
mcctrish @Cuilin absolutely ominous and ick 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly Poor Jo! She just wants her family to stay the same always—probably more than ever, after her fears for Beth. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk @Cuilin @mcctrish - I don't feel like her parents are trying to push her into a relationship she isn't interested in. More that it was common at the time for a young man to check with the parents and let them know that his intentions/attentions are honorable, and that they approved him as a potential suitor. Women who ended up in a bad marriage didn't have a lot of recourse at this time; it was important that parents “preapproved“ ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) potential husbands to help protect women, who had limited options to care for themselves. I think Marmee just sees that Meg already admires and respects Brooke, plus thinks he's kind of cute haha so it's likely that she'll be open to his attentions. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - I have so much empathy for Jo!! My siblings and I were so close growing up and I hated it when we got older and everyone started going their own directions!! It's tough to make that adjustment. 1mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks I was just going to say the exact same thing! I have 3 sisters--just like Jo, and I hated it when we all moved away and got our own lives. We all live in the same area, but it's not the same. 💚💙💚 1mo
julieclair @Cuilin Agreed. The “learning to love” him idea doesn‘t sound like a great way to plan a life together. But as @TheAromaofBooks noted, times were different then. Kind of sad. 1mo
Cuilin @julieclair @TheAromaofBooks yes times were definitely different back then and I‘m guilty at looking at it through a lens of fourth wave feminism. 😬 1mo
julieclair @Cuilin So are we all! 😃😘 1mo
Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks oh for sure it was a different time, but did even Jo have to be in on it? 🤣 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - LOL As someone with a bunch of siblings... yes 😂 😂 😂 but more seriously, I think it was because Jo came to Marmee with concerns that Brooke was “sneaking around“ (the whole glove thing), and that Marmee told Jo so that she would know that he was being straightforward/honorable and not trying to do anything behind their backs. 1mo
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Ch 19: Amy makes a will #pooramy #auntmarchisabore #thatparrotthough #littleamyisgrowingup #hashtagbrigade
Laughing at the 🦚 in the background. Where‘s the 🦜?

Bookwormjillk Amy is…a bit much. I do feel bad that she had to be sent away though. 1mo
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Clare-Dragonfly Poor Amy! Aunt March liking her might be worse than Aunt March disliking her! I noticed that Aunt March had a daughter who must have died very young. 😢 1mo
julieclair The listing of Amy‘s possessions, and who she chose to give them to, was pretty interesting. 1mo
mcctrish That parrot deserves an Oscar 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly In Jo‘s Boys, a podcast about a queer & trans reading of Little Women, the host contrasts Amy dressing up with this chapter with Meg being dressed up at the ball. I think a big difference that both shows and shapes their characters is that Amy gets the opportunity to dress up and experiment in private, allowing her to go bold and silly and find out what she likes. Meg is dressed up by and for other people, and doesn‘t get to pick out what nice… 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly …things suit her best, which I think strongly informs her dislike of the whole experience. Without spoilers, I think that difference shows even more strongly in their adult lives. 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I love that! 1mo
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Clare-Dragonfly This chapter is so scary! And the doctor saying she‘ll pull through “this time”… 😭😭😭 1mo
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BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I knowwwwww ugh! 1mo
Bookwormjillk 🥹🥹🥹🥹 1mo
Cuilin “ if life is often as hard as this, I don‘t see how we shall ever get through it” 😢 (edited) 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Hannah refusing to let Marmee know what's going on always infuriates me. I would rather be worrying from a distance than not know that my own daughter is dangerously ill! 1mo
dabbe I call this the “waiting“ chapter. #ughindeed! 1mo
kspenmoll @TheAromaofBooks Totally agree! 1mo
julieclair I agree about Hannah, @TheAromaofBooks . Definitely bad judgment on her part. But I love how Laurie cares for them all! 1mo
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Bookwormjillk Oh, Beth. Too funny about the bird though. 1mo
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TheAromaofBooks Beth is only like, what 13ish? I can't imagine having a baby die IN MY ARMS, especially at that age! How horrible!

Flip side, gotta wonder where that parrot picked up its language 😂
Clare-Dragonfly So heartbreaking! @TheAromaofBooks I don‘t think we have to ask 😂 I love “no boys allowed!” 1mo
dabbe Aunt March must have quite a vocabulary. 😂 1mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe the real truth comes out 🤣🤣 1mo
mcctrish What a roller coaster chapter - baby dying and the parrot squawking 1mo
julieclair This chapter was so sad. 1mo
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dabbe Reading Amy's letter just cracked me up. 😂😂😂 1mo
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BarkingMadRead @dabbe it also made my head hurt a little 🤣 1mo
dabbe @BarkingMadRead IK! It was challenging just getting through it with all of the misspellings and absence of punctuation! 😂 1mo
Bookwormjillk #IAlwaysSkimLetters it‘s my fatal flaw. No matter what the book. If it‘s a letter I skim. 1mo
peanutnine One downside of listening to the audiobook is I don't see all the quirks like that in the letters @dabbe 1mo
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Bookwormjillk Good for Jo! 1mo
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Cuilin Well, this was a very exciting chapter. And Jo 💇‍♀️ 💗 1mo
TheAromaofBooks “Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.“ The last line of this chapter always gets me. 1mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks What a powerful line! 🤩 1mo
julieclair It‘s so strange to think that Marlee had to pack whatever medical supplies she could, knowing that the hospital would not have enough supplies on hand. Tough, tough times. 1mo
mcctrish No is just so fierce and health care hasn‘t changed much 1mo
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Cuilin Having a lark ✅ being wild ❎ runnng down hills also ❎ I also can‘t decide if the thieving of the glove is creepy or not. 1mo
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mcctrish @Cuilin it is kind of or mean, considering they are expected to wear them but the March‘s don‘t have money for new ones very often. I love that Jo is published but I‘m mad about the lack of payment! They don‘t pay newbies or they don‘t pay girls?! (edited) 1mo
dabbe @mcctrish Based on the seediness of the place, I'd say both. #grr 1mo
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish reminds me of today‘s unpaid internships 1mo
Cuilin @mcctrish I didn‘t even consider the financial aspect. Yes. 1mo
julieclair I‘m thinking Brooke picked up the glove so he‘d be able to return it to Meg and look like a hero. Which is still kind of creepy. I‘m waiting to see what he does next before I give him a creep-o-meter score. 1mo
mcctrish @julieclair you are right, he wants to be gallant and is just waiting for the opportunity to 1mo
julieclair I‘m so proud of Jo for having the guts to submit her stories to the paper. But I‘m angry that she‘s not being paid anything - not even a tiny amount. Good - but disturbing - comparison to today‘s unpaid internships, @Bookwormjillk . 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly Yes, I‘m mad that the newspaper won‘t pay Jo, and she doesn‘t question it or shop her stories around to other papers! 1mo
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My daughter and I are buddy reading Little Women 📚❤️
I'm so excited to hear her thoughts on one of my favorites 🤗

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Ch 13: I love their castles in the sky! #megpeepingonbrooks #whatdoeslaurieknow #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

Clare-Dragonfly Beth is such a sweetie. Why doesn‘t she stay with Mr. Laurence and Laurie run off? 😂 1mo
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Cuilin Why did Laurie throw stones and how did the squirrel betray Laurie exactly? 🤔 oh and can we take a day off from the puritanical work ethic? geez (edited) 1mo
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin I think the squirrel was squawking at him. Not really sure. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks I love the way each person's “castle“ shows something of their personality. I also think it's funny how “dreaming big“ is a part of youth, no matter the time period. I appreciate the way the girls are working hard to become better people, and the way that we see that it doesn't happen magically, in a day, but over time with ups and downs. 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin @Bookwormjillk yes, the squirrel screeched or something and it caused Beth to look up and see Laurie. 1mo
peanutnine @Clare-Dragonfly that's what I thought! He and Beth get along great, Laurie can go do his thing 1mo
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SpellboundReader Love the notes going back and forth! ❤ If Jo were a boy, I wonder if the same expectation to 'hold your temper' would apply if someone were caught cheating during a game. Excellent therapy for Beth. She needs to get out more, I think. 1mo
dabbe I also love that Marmee and Laurie's grandfather are involved in the PO fest as well.

It's been so long since I've read this that I had forgotten how each chapter could stand alone just like a Sherlock Holmes story with titles like “The Adventure of the Croquet Picnic“ or “All Play and No Work“. 🤩
(edited) 1mo
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Cuilin So I was at a picnic yesterday by a lake in Massachusetts. Ours was more of a frisbee, Jack Johnson on the boom box and lashings of Rosé. Lol I liked this chapter. 1mo
Bookwormjillk This chapter always reminds me of Persuasion. I wonder if LMA read Jane Austen. 1mo
Bookwormjillk @SpellboundReader good question re Jo‘s temper 1mo
willaful This is one of my favs. My first copy of LW was abridged (!) and this was one of the sections that delighted me when I found the complete book. 1mo
mcctrish @SpellboundReader I love the notes too 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly This chapter is so fun! It bugs me that Beth assumed Frank is nice based on his disability, but it all seems to work out. Warning: my spoilered comment will contain spoilers for the very end of the book! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m glad Amy doesn‘t marry Fred. Cheater. 😂 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 1mo
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Librarybelle Poor Pip!! 1mo
dabbe “Pip“ and the “Pickwick“ Club. Someone likes Dickens! 🤩 #rippip 1mo
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Bookwormjillk RIP Pip! 🦜☠️ 1mo
mcctrish Poor Pip and what a waste of food 😬 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly I love the lesson they learn in this chapter! Everyone needs to pitch in! I don‘t think Little Women had a huge influence on me for how many times I read it as a kid, but this chapter may have been formative. Poor Pip 😭😭😭 1mo
peanutnine Pip 😭😭 1mo
TheAromaofBooks I know Marmee's little lessons sometimes sound a little pithy, but I appreciate “make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.“ Such wonderful advice!! 1mo
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