I love the original covers. They get at the creepiness and the fragility inside the story. But the cover redo I think opens it up to more people. #coverlove #changesedition
I love the original covers. They get at the creepiness and the fragility inside the story. But the cover redo I think opens it up to more people. #coverlove #changesedition
My last two books are complete series that didn't go for a cover change until after the series wS complete. But I couldn't leave them out. I think the original covers are better, but I own book 1 of the new covers. #coverlove #changesedition
Once again I'm not sure if this is a change in cover art or international editions. I like the original better. Book one was about so much more than just Zombies. #coverlove #changesedition
I'm not going to lie. Book 3 could be place holder or international cover. But usually BN only sells the US cover. On google I have seen an O cover but that could be fan art. I guess we'll know when it actually comes out. #coverlove #changesedition
Here is another debate between my friend and I. Book one -4 all have an animal on the cover. Book 5 isn't out yet, but it appears the only thing they changed were human. I say no cover change, she said yes. Add fuel to the fire and give me your two cents. #coverlove #changesedition
So a friend and I Re arguing over if this is a cover change or not. I say yes. The two barely resemble each other. The first as the butterfly with knives for wings and the second a bird coming out of a ball or an egg. I say cover change. What do you say.
#coverlove #changesedition
I know why this series has different covers. It started out as book a. And I think the first 6 book or so look like a. The Edge Chronicles is one big series, but it's broken up into various sagas as you can see in c. However it has a Narnia problem with which order you should read them. Publication order, saga order, or strait time line order. Thank goodness the list them all on their website. #coverlove #changesedition
Sorry. Had to do some real work. For the after posts of #coverlove #changesedition I shall start with Shatter Me. I love cover b. I haven't read them so I have no idea how well the represent the book. Your thoughts?
When the first cover came out this was an auto buy. It screamed read me! Then book 2 cover was released and a compleat change, with a change for book one cover. In another boom group this was a highly debated topic. One person even said that the original cover was stereotypical and racist. But I think that distinction belongs to the newer cover. Thoughts?
#coverlove #changesedition
Originally released as an ebook only companion story, it had a cover similar to its parent series. Just last month it was finally released in print. And has become my favorite cover of the year. Now I want the. To rerelease the rest of the series with matching covers. #coverlove #changesedition