Oh my, I am so flabbergasted @LibrarianRyan
I guess I didn't pay any attention to #characterslikealice being a contest. Thank you for all the wonderful goodies. The game was so much fun. 💜
Oh my, I am so flabbergasted @LibrarianRyan
I guess I didn't pay any attention to #characterslikealice being a contest. Thank you for all the wonderful goodies. The game was so much fun. 💜
@LibrarianRyan Thank you for the cutest mail I have received in ages! 🤩
And yes, my daughter is definitely still a manga/anime fan, even to the point where she has started trying to teach herself Japanese.
@LibrarianRyan These bookmarks are so cute!! Did you make them yourself? 😮💝
#CharactersLikeAlice was such a fun photo challenge (even though I was only a part-time participant 😬). So sweet of you to send a little gift! 🎁
P.S. Yes, thankfully my Libby is back to normal. 🙌🏼
I need to do a two-in-one for the #gryphon and the #mockturtle. I feel justified because they are pretty much a duo in the book. I also had to ask the Spouse for help, and he insists that they are just like Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting for Godot. (I have to take his word for it because I have, shamefully, neither read nor watched it!
The #mockturtle is described as very melancholic, so have eeyore for #CharacterslikeAlice @LibrarianRyan
And last but not least is the #MockTurtle. He is timid and melancholy. And his parts are not all turtle. I could think of no better example than Eeyore.
The King in Alice is so much like the King of the Jungle in the Wizard of oz. both a bit cowardly. Both need goading from the female lead, etc.
#characterslikealice. #kingofhearts
The #gryphon is a friendly, cheerful, and proud character in Alice in Wonderland. But he can also be dismissive and in a fun way wants to be obeyed. This made me think of Bert from Mary Poppins. He wants Mary to do something, she does it.
Twice killed katharine is melancholy just like #themockturtle #characterslikealice @LibrarianRyan