Hoping to start this one soon!!
From the cover it has it all, botanical research, evolution, Love, magic, spiritual aspects... it‘s a gift from my best bud, Morgan!! Sorry my post is a day late @JoeStalksBeck
Hoping to start this one soon!!
From the cover it has it all, botanical research, evolution, Love, magic, spiritual aspects... it‘s a gift from my best bud, Morgan!! Sorry my post is a day late @JoeStalksBeck
#ScenesFromABook #ConnectToNature
I grew up in a family who's idea of summer vacations wasn't going to Disneyland or The Grand Canyon, but rather hopping into a canoe and disappearing into the Canadian wilderness for weeks at a time.
This is a book about a couple that paddle their way across Canada and its pretty friggen extraordinary.
Saw this #magic movie today and am very tempted by this lovely but expensive book. Due to violent scenes (including one involving an animal), plus, um, unusual romantic elements (which I suppose you could say #connecttonature), it might be for when you #feeladventurous. ❤️ the #devotion many of the characters showed each other and the homage to old movie musicals. #readingresolutions #startinganewjanuary #nuyear #scenesfromabook #multitasking
#connecttonature #scenesfromabook The sun came into the window, patterned the room, went away. The night passed as the previous one had and the next one would
Bill Bryson decided to reconnect with his mother country by hiking the length of the 2100-mile Appalachian Trail in this comical account.
#scenesfromabook #connecttonature