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Surfacing | Margaret Atwood

3/22 I used #booked2022 as the push I needed to finally read an Atwood but I‘m sad to say this book won‘t push me to pick up another. Although some of the writing is truly masterful, so much so that towards the beginning I almost forgot it wasn‘t a memoir a couple of times, I didn‘t enjoy it and I didn‘t enjoy spending time with the characters. I could see where I was meant to go but I didn‘t enjoy the journey #ecofeministnovel

Cinfhen Too bad that this book wasn‘t a winner. I‘ve read a few Atwood‘s that were truly excellent if you ever change your mind. 3y
Magpiegem @Cinfhen it‘s interesting, this is definitely a book that will stay with me for a while. I keep finding myself thinking about it. There was a lot going for it and if hasn‘t put me off reading another Atwood, it just wasn‘t one of those books that immediately made me want to pick up everything the author has written. I felt as if maybe if I had read this closer to when it was written I would have gotten more from it? I don‘t usually feel that. 3y
Cinfhen I get that. I thought these two were both excellent 3y
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Magpiegem @Cinfhen thank you for the recommendations I will look out for them 😊 3y
Singout One of my least favourite Atwood books. 3y
Magpiegem @Singout which would you recommend I read next? X 3y
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Flight Behaviour | Barbara Kingsolver
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#booked2022 #ecofeministnovel

I‘ve really enjoyed the previous two Kingsolver books that I‘ve read, and this one was no exception. I loved all of the characters, particularly Dellarobia and Ovid, but also all of the minor characters too.

I like how the author manages to teach without being didactic and I certainly learnt a lot from this book.

First book ticked for both #aam and #booked 2022..On to the next Kingsolver soon….!

AmyG I read this last year and enjoyed it, too. 3y
youneverarrived Glad you enjoyed it! Which other two have you read? 3y
LeeRHarry Glad you enjoyed it - I read this one whilst I was in the US in 2017 - aaah travel 😊 my fave of hers so far is Prodigal Summer (edited) 3y
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squirrelbrain @youneverarrived - I‘ve read The Lacuna and The Poisonwood Bible. I have Prodigal Summer on Kindle @LeeRHarry so hoping to get to that, but I‘m going to read Unsheltered next as a #buddyread so we‘ll see…. 3y
LeeRHarry @squirrelbrain I have Unsheltered and the Lacuna to read - how did you find the Lacuna? 3y
Caroline2 So glad you liked it. I‘ll be ready for flight behaviour at the wkend if that‘s good for you? Just need to finish my current book. 👍 3y
Caroline2 See what I did there?! 🤦‍♀️ it really has been one of those days!! I meant Unsheltered. 3y
squirrelbrain @Caroline2 yes definitely ready at the weekend, for whichever book! 🤣 3y
squirrelbrain @leerharry I liked The Lacuna better than Poisonwood; it was more broad-ranging and less depressing. That makes it sound like I didn‘t like Poisonwood, but I did! 3y
Caroline2 Hey Helen, I‘m ready to jump into Unsheltered tonight if you are?? Xx 3y
squirrelbrain @Caroline2 - yes, you make a start. I was planning on having a reading weekend but have work to do instead. Things should calm down by Tuesday 🤞🏻 so I‘ll catch up then! 3y
Caroline2 There‘s no rush. I‘m a slow reader with little time to read lately so I‘m only up to page 40 so far. 😆 it‘s gonna take me ages. 👍 3y
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The Last First Time | Andrea Bramhall
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I started these 3 books in the last day or so, knowing that I wouldn‘t finish them before the end of the year. That‘s because I‘m going all out with the 2022 challenges already!

Other Words for Home and Tiddas are from the #nywd22 list of the wonderful @LeeRHarry - loving them both so far! (Listening to Tiddas while #audiocooking a lasagne)

The Kingsolver is of course for #authoramonth, but also for #booked2022 #ecofeministnovel

LeeRHarry Ooh I‘m excited you‘re getting to those two first ! 👏 Also if I was pushed to pick a favourite author it would Barbara Kingsolver so I hope you enjoy that one too 😊 I‘ll be interested to hear what the audio for Tiddas is like. 3y
squirrelbrain Loving the audio @LeeRHarry , although I do wish I could get hold of a printed copy / ebook too, as I‘m not getting some of the words, such as place names and Aboriginal words…. I‘ll be starting on Fault Lines and Dignity soon too! 3y
rockpools That looks like a fab selection! 3y
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youneverarrived Flight Behaviour is a good one! Look forward to seeing what you think (edited) 3y
LeeRHarry @squirrelbrain so it‘s officially 2022 here so I‘ve decided to start with All The Young Men in the morning - I have a feeling it will rip my heart out but I‘m here for that. HNY! 🎉 (edited) 3y
squirrelbrain Happy New Year @LeeRHarry - and, yes, be ready for 😢 💔 but so worth reading…. 3y
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