And the winner of the #fave5 giveaway (picked randomly) was @Crystalblu (send me your address to emmamc_81@hotmail.com). Really enjoyed seeing the entries! Hope you enjoy this fab book @Crystalblu
And the winner of the #fave5 giveaway (picked randomly) was @Crystalblu (send me your address to emmamc_81@hotmail.com). Really enjoyed seeing the entries! Hope you enjoy this fab book @Crystalblu
These are my #fave5 at the moment. I've left out a lot ? All of these books made me think, "I didn't know you could write a book like that" or made me see the world with new eyes.
Thanks for the opportunity @Oryx
Picking favorites of anything is usually a tough ask for me. Top three are old favorites. The Odyssey is definitely due for a reread. The City of Dreaming Books is one of my favorite book about books. Moondogs was one of my favorite debuts. There are other amazing books missing from this stack. #fave5 @Oryx
#fave5 books of all time, on account of Oryx's excellent posting suggestion!
#reading #read #books #alltimefavorites #theroad #cormacmccarthey #thespywholovedme #ianfleming #jamesbond #howlsmovingcastle #dianawynnejones #tokillamockingbird #harperlee #thebridgesofmadisoncounty #robertjameswaller
Choosing a #fave5 was hard! So I had to narrow it down to my top five of the last 12 months. And we all know, series count as one book. Right? 😄
Thanks for doing this @Oryx 👌👏
I haven't been on Litsy lately, life has been so busy! We have visitors coming the next few weeks, too. I may not get much reading squeezed in.
My #Fave5 at the moment. @Oryx thanks for the chance!