My pick for today's #augustphotochallenge is Catelyn Stark. Not only is she strong in herself, but she raised a group of super badass kids including her stepson Jon Snow. #favefemalecharacters #favfemalecharacters
My pick for today's #augustphotochallenge is Catelyn Stark. Not only is she strong in herself, but she raised a group of super badass kids including her stepson Jon Snow. #favefemalecharacters #favfemalecharacters
I couldn't let today's #AugustPhotoChallenge go by without shouting out the legendary female characters of contemporary crime fic - both on the page and those who create them! There's nothing I love more than a female character who DGAF - and as time goes on, the more I realize Amy Dunne is in a class of her own. #favfemalecharacters #teamamy
Resisting the urge to go with my "easy" answer for today's #augustphotochallenge . One of my #favfemalecharacters has to be the character of "Joan Didion" in the nonfiction of Joan Didion. In putting herself back in the narrative, Didion becomes almost an avatar for late 20th century American malaise and confusion, and the deep emotions that result from being unmoored in time and space. It's brilliant - and impossible to imitate.