#UsedStamps #LitsyLove #WhoWeHelp
Taken directly from a WarPaws Instagram post - thank you to all my Litsylove friends who continue to send me your used stamps to help support these soft souls. #FurLove #WarPawsOrganization
#UsedStamps #LitsyLove #WhoWeHelp
Taken directly from a WarPaws Instagram post - thank you to all my Litsylove friends who continue to send me your used stamps to help support these soft souls. #FurLove #WarPawsOrganization
Dimples: my reading companion for the next 36 hours and most unenthusiastic model.
#furtherapy #dreamingofbiscuits #tokillamockingbird #dogsarebetterthanpeople #furlove #belikeAtticusFinch
He wants to be a pretty princess.... my nephew 🐶 As soon as I asked, “Are you a handsome boy?!” he proceeded to eat the princess crown.
@SumisBooks I‘m so sad to read about Molly!! She was so lucky to have you ❤️
#dogsarebetterthanpeople #furlove #woofers
Cooper and I wishing everyone a “Happy Memorial Day” before going to the parade to honor our Veterans. #pureMichigan #Memorialday2019 #dogsofLitsy #nonfiction #furlove
This is my nephew Cooper. I love spending time with my family so I can get in some quality time with this Woofer. #dogsoflitsy #furlove
An overcast day at the dog park, a book, and a pupper #Dimples #furlove #perfectday
Someone had a Bright Idea 💡... Let‘s read all weekend!!!! #Cooper #Furlove #Dogsoflitsy
1. Sweet, unassuming Rex in the Stephanie Plumb series is my favorite little critter #hamsterlove
2. My hours at work are too long to own a dog but I often get to pupper-sit Dimples the lazy Labrador #furlove
3. Hippopotamus #chunkster
4. I would love to be a large, lumbering hippo for a day. I think I have the eating part down #foodlover
The sweetest reading companion snuggles as I‘m getting in some reading before work. #furlove #cozymorningsinbed