1. My grandmother. I got to live with her and my grandfarher when I was 3 1/2-5….when my father died.
2. My grandson.
@Eggs #WondrousWednesday
1. My grandmother. I got to live with her and my grandfarher when I was 3 1/2-5….when my father died.
2. My grandson.
@Eggs #WondrousWednesday
I like Anna Quindlen and now that I have become a grandparent I wanted to read her book about her adventures in grandparenting. She wrote with a good mixture of humor and seriousness. At the end of some of her chapters she listed “lessons learned”. It certainly can‘t hurt if I can pick up a few hints on how to be a better grandparent.
I was grumpy going into this book. Quindlen has made a fortune talking about her life and for some reason that fact was bugging me. But she‘s a smart lady and I‘m a grandmother, so, okay, I‘ll check it out. Turns out she taught me a thing or two and did it with humor and a dose of kindness. Any grandmother would appreciate what she has to say. Here is Gracie May who popped a squat to talk about the sun spots on the sidewalk. Grandkids are 💕💕.
I listened to this quick three disc audiobook while running errands and commuting to work. Such a sweet insightful commentary on grandmotherhood ? I really enjoyed listening to Anna Quinlan reading this and one of the fun parts was talking about all the different names for Grandma ? I became "Nonnie" (pronounced Nah-knee) not quite 2 years ago and will add one more grandbaby to that this December. If you're a grandma, what are you called? ♥️
I enjoyed this collection of essays on how Anna Quindlen negotiated grandmotherhood and the lessons she learned along the way. This is my favorite pic of my son (who is a better father than he thinks) and my granddaughter.
Not up to much that‘s deep or depressing tonight and I finished Checked Out, so no Grapes of Wrath for me. Instead, I‘m settling down with Anna Quindlen‘s book about becoming a grandma.
It‘s a rare Wednesday night without work, so I‘m watching our 7 year-old granddaughter play softball. Her team is getting beat pretty badly right now. But it‘s a pretty night to be outside. I brought a book but so far I‘m just here—and watching. #grandparenting #timetoreadlater
I don't really do #notebooks/journals myself. But I did love this sweet book, Dear Zoe, which is a journal that a grandfather wrote to his granddaughter Zoe. He wrote about her earliest tenuous days after her very premature birth. My own daughter zoe was born 7 weeks early and spent a brief time in the NICU. While our situation was nowhere near as dangerous as the tiny Zoe in this book, it resonated with me in many ways. #riotgrams @bookriot
Yesterday was a non-reading day, but it was so fun! We went to a big art show in a beautiful park near us. My littlest grandgirls and I fed some ducks and held hands. So much good has happened in our lives since my DH proposed to me just before the show in 1994! #makingmemories #longsparkartshow #lifehistory #grandparenting #overflowwithlove