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I like Anna Quindlen and now that I have become a grandparent I wanted to read her book about her adventures in grandparenting. She wrote with a good mixture of humor and seriousness. At the end of some of her chapters she listed “lessons learned”. It certainly can‘t hurt if I can pick up a few hints on how to be a better grandparent.

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I was grumpy going into this book. Quindlen has made a fortune talking about her life and for some reason that fact was bugging me. But she‘s a smart lady and I‘m a grandmother, so, okay, I‘ll check it out. Turns out she taught me a thing or two and did it with humor and a dose of kindness. Any grandmother would appreciate what she has to say. Here is Gracie May who popped a squat to talk about the sun spots on the sidewalk. Grandkids are 💕💕.

AmyG What a cute picture. She matches the leaves! ❤️🍁 5y
Cortg Love her red hair! Enjoy every minute with her, she's precious!
ljuliel I agree , her hair is so pretty. 5y
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Suet624 @AmyG Haha. She does! 5y
Suet624 @Cortg @ljuliel people actually yell out their car window to me, saying how much they love her hair. Her mom says folks used to do the same thing to her. 5y
LeahBergen Lovely photo! 💕💕 5y
Laura317 Precious girl! 5y
marleed So sweet! 5y
BarbaraBB Gorgeous pic 😍. And I‘ve loved some Anna Quindlen books decades ago! 5y
batsy How precious! This photo is beautiful. 5y
Reggie That‘s a beautiful pic!!! Have you ever read Black and Blue by her? That book is one of the first books to make me feel an empty pit of sadness. 5y
ValerieAndBooks I love her hair, in case you didn‘t know 😊. My daughter ‘s girlfriend has red hair too, although its darker (almost auburn). 5y
Smrloomis Look at that hair 😍😍😍 5y
kspenmoll Gorgeous photo of your sweet Grace! 5y
Suet624 @Reggie Yes, I read Black and Blue. At the time it seemed like such a different book for her to write. I had been reading her columns and wasn't used to her writing such a devastating book. She used to bring tears to my eyes because she touched a sweet spot in my heart. The tears from reading B&B were from sadness. 5y
Suet624 @ValerieAndBooks Have I already mentioned that people in cars will yell out the window about how much they love her hair? 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Suet624 I can totally believe people would do that. Her hair is gorgeous! 5y
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I listened to this quick three disc audiobook while running errands and commuting to work. Such a sweet insightful commentary on grandmotherhood ? I really enjoyed listening to Anna Quinlan reading this and one of the fun parts was talking about all the different names for Grandma ? I became "Nonnie" (pronounced Nah-knee) not quite 2 years ago and will add one more grandbaby to that this December. If you're a grandma, what are you called? ♥️

ravenlee My daughter has Gramma and Nana. A friend of mine was GiGi. Another friend has Meemaw. Mine were Grandma and Gram. 5y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @ravenlee , it seems the list is long in the possibilities and less. I love how personalized so many of the names are. In the book she talks about how She is a nana and it's just a mashup of the letters in her first name (Anna). She said she has another friend whose first name is Ronnie and she is Nonnie. 😁 5y
Suet624 For some reason I am called Gaa-gee. One grandchild called me that and now all parents and kids I babysit call me that. 5y
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I enjoyed this collection of essays on how Anna Quindlen negotiated grandmotherhood and the lessons she learned along the way. This is my favorite pic of my son (who is a better father than he thinks) and my granddaughter.

Megabooks 💜💜💜 5y
Suet624 What a beautiful photo. 5y
KathyWheeler @Suet624 Thank you. It really encapsulates their relationship to me. 5y
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Not up to much that‘s deep or depressing tonight and I finished Checked Out, so no Grapes of Wrath for me. Instead, I‘m settling down with Anna Quindlen‘s book about becoming a grandma.

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It‘s a rare Wednesday night without work, so I‘m watching our 7 year-old granddaughter play softball. Her team is getting beat pretty badly right now. But it‘s a pretty night to be outside. I brought a book but so far I‘m just here—and watching. #grandparenting #timetoreadlater

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I don't really do #notebooks/journals myself. But I did love this sweet book, Dear Zoe, which is a journal that a grandfather wrote to his granddaughter Zoe. He wrote about her earliest tenuous days after her very premature birth. My own daughter zoe was born 7 weeks early and spent a brief time in the NICU. While our situation was nowhere near as dangerous as the tiny Zoe in this book, it resonated with me in many ways. #riotgrams @bookriot

Reviewsbylola Very sweet. ❤️ 7y
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My Big Art Show | Susie Hodge
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Yesterday was a non-reading day, but it was so fun! We went to a big art show in a beautiful park near us. My littlest grandgirls and I fed some ducks and held hands. So much good has happened in our lives since my DH proposed to me just before the show in 1994! #makingmemories #longsparkartshow #lifehistory #grandparenting #overflowwithlove

LauraBeth I ❤️ when I see couples that have been together for the long haul - and your grandkids are adorable 😀 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LauraBeth I agree to both! We were both married before and I think that taught us a lot so we made a better choice the second time. And we just straight up adore each other! 😎😎 8y
Dragon Sounds wonderful! 8y
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NatalieR So sweet! Looks like such a great day! ❤️ 8y
LiteraryinPA I was at that show yesterday!! I go every year. Thanks for sharing your memories! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @dragon @NatalieR Thanks - it was fantastic! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LiteraryinLititz We could've had a meet up! I'm hoping to get up to the Lititz Library book sale on Thursday afternoon. Are you going? 8y
LiteraryinPA YES I am!! When are you thinking of going? 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LiteraryinLititz Midafternoon on Thursday if my week works as planned. 📚📚📚📚 8y
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