#currentlyreading #preview #marchrso2019 #digitalcopy Even though this was released internationally in 2018, 🇦🇺 only gets it in March. Lots of reviews at #goodreads mostly positive #weneeddiversebooks #historicalya
#currentlyreading #preview #marchrso2019 #digitalcopy Even though this was released internationally in 2018, 🇦🇺 only gets it in March. Lots of reviews at #goodreads mostly positive #weneeddiversebooks #historicalya
Recently was lucky enough to listen to Alison Goodman talk about her Lady Helen series, and with the impending release of the third and final book, I have dragged out my ARC (from 2016) to finally read. #eyeroll here she is, surrounded by newly repotted baby cacti 🌵 prickly as the demons she confronts. #currentlyreading #historicalya #butwithdemons #regencyera #excusemytoes
Last morning in Townsville. Couldn‘t resist buying this when I saw it in the shop yesterday. #squee #planeread #holidayreading #currentlyreading #historicalya #feministpower #nofilter #townsvillesky
A bit torn on this one. Dust Girl takes place in
Kansas in 1935 during the worst dust storm in history. Callie learns she‘s not fully human and we enter the world of the fae. Callie and Jack make a good team, though their friendship does get a bit strained as they try to achieve separate goals. Race, gender, and anti-semitism are brought up as well.
#Fairies #Fae #Music #Seelie #Unseelie
#YA #historicalya
Not much gold left in the sky 🌌 after 7 am. #currentlyreading #preview #rso #historicalya #coverlove
Another forgotten photo from when I dressed up as Mary/Persephone for my March Wrap-Up. Unveiling Venus is the sequel to Following Ophelia, the story of a red-haired servant girl who becomes a Pre-Raphaelite muse and much more. You can find the link to my YouTube channel in my profile 😊 These books have stunning covers, don't they? 😉 #historical #UKYA #YA #historicalYA
#abouttostartreading #historicalya #translatedfromspanish #WWII #holocaust I don't know how I will go with this one.