I have to catch up on #ReadJanuary again! I don't have a book for #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr my #Recommendedby is #AGentlemanInMoscow which seems to be by everybody!
I have to catch up on #ReadJanuary again! I don't have a book for #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr my #Recommendedby is #AGentlemanInMoscow which seems to be by everybody!
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way."
#InspiredbyMartinLutherKingJr #ReadJanuary
#readjanuary #day16 #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr Dr King isn't as well known and revered here in Aus like he is in the US, but even we know his "I have a dream" speech & his civil rights activism in the 60s.This book is about the cultural & political revolutions that were happening in America, specifically the year between Aug1969 & Aug1970. With chapters about the Weathermen & the Black Panther movement, it's definitely got inspiration from him.
Day 16: #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr. Last Friday, I showed my 3rd grade class this video, The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Kid President: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXZhXTFWnE In it, Kid President talks about meeting Dr. King's son and pledges to #bookitforward by sending 30 copies of Martin Luther King III's book to a school in his town. @RealLifeReading #readjanuary
I read The Fire This Time at the end of 2016 and it is so important. It should be required reading. I know I have a lot more to read so that I will be more informed. That list grew even longer today due to many of your posts. #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr #readjanuary
Day 16 #InspiredByMartinLutherKingJr #ReadJanuary This was such a beautiful book - I also want to read Another Brooklyn. And more books about lives that are different from mine.
Beautiful and overlooked novel about the Civil Rights movement in Birmingham.
I wish I was eloquent enough to put in words what MLK day means to me. And what it means to be celebrating his life today, when on Friday a man who threatens everything Dr. King fought for will become our president.
Its going to be a hard week for me and many Americans. And a long four years.
#readjanuary #inspiredbyMartinLutherKingJr @RealLifeReading
Still in stock at bn.com, and with the coupon BNJAN17, actually a bit cheaper than Amazon (which is currently sold out).
#InspiredByMartinLutherKingJr #ReadJanuary
#readjanuary #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr
This is the most recent race relations/community book I read. Toni Morrison, much like MLK, has brought a voice to the struggles faced by so many. This is a heartbreaking book, to say the least.