“I had my chance, and sometimes in life, there are no second chances. You look at what you have, not what you miss, and you move forward. He'd do what he always did, find the sweet among the bitter.”
“I had my chance, and sometimes in life, there are no second chances. You look at what you have, not what you miss, and you move forward. He'd do what he always did, find the sweet among the bitter.”
The end of the school year has us clearing spaces and slowly prepping for next year. One of the perks of cleaning our spaces is purging things that we no longer want or need. Well…one teachers trash is another teacher ‘s treasure! I scored this baby and I can‘t wait to crack the spine!
“Henry looked up and down the empty avenue—no cars or trucks anywhere. No bicycles. No paperboys. No fruit sellers or fish buyers. No flower carts or noodle stands. The streets were vacant, empty—the way he felt inside. There was no one left.”
This book is amazing. Not sure I was in the head space for something that punches you in the gut in the first section but that does not make this less amazing. The author has a unique narrative style that I appreciate.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (it's possible that I am behind and this was a January book)
Beautifully written. Gorgeous writing at times. But entirely too long.
Last year I had a list of chunky books on my shelf to read. I also created a new one for this year since I‘ve bought even more (of course) but I‘m going to return to my 2023 list and read this one first. #AnotherYearofChunkyReading!
Mina Tagawa and her family are sent to internment camp in 1942. They are understandably #UpInArms over their loss of freedom and liberty, but it‘s hard to voice that when machine guns are pointed at you…
#SummerEndReadathon Day 3
#RushAThon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES