Library book haul #bossypants #thesevenhusbandsofevelynhugo #kafkaontheshore
Library book haul #bossypants #thesevenhusbandsofevelynhugo #kafkaontheshore
My reading for the remainder of August and September. #KafkaOnTheShore will be tackled first...not sure what to expect from it based on reviews...
I might be lying if I said I understood this book completely, but I still loved it nonetheless. Weaving seemingly separate lives and characters into one tale, I would definitely recommend this to any murakami fans if you haven‘t already read it.
#harukimurakami #murakami #kafkaontheshore #recommend #goodbook
This book functions in the extremities appealing in a unique way to every individual. While reading, you might find yourself absorbed in a reverie leaving you astray. But once started, you will be reading more and more because simply you cannot stop. Like every other masterpiece, it has its highs and lows cloaked by a deeper purpose treasured within the string of words. In a nutshell, a must read for all.
Rating: 5/5 🌟
Full review #ontheblog
From my own experience, when someone is trying very hard to get something, they don‘t. And when they‘re running away from something as hard as they can, it usually catches up with them. I‘m generalising, of course. #kafkaontheshore #harukimurakami
Really looking forward to read my first Murakami💕💕
#harukimurakami #murakami #kafkaontheshore
Almost finished Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. All I can say is wow, this book has been a crazy experience. Not even sure how to go about reviewing it once I'm done! #kafkaontheshore #harukimurakami #book #cat #booklover #bibliophile
Two of my other favorite quotes come from Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
#riotgrams #favoritequotes #HarukiMurakami #kafkaontheshore
These two books made me fall in love with Murakami. As soon as I finished the Norwegian Wood I rushed to a bookshop to get Kafka on the Shore. Such good writing and plot!
Naoko is ❤
#harukimurakami #kafkaontheshore #norwegianwood