Finally thought of a use for this board I got in my once upon a book club box. The quality isn‘t great and there‘s no hanger on it but I thought it would be a great visual. #weeklyforecast #lateasusual @Cinfhen
Finally thought of a use for this board I got in my once upon a book club box. The quality isn‘t great and there‘s no hanger on it but I thought it would be a great visual. #weeklyforecast #lateasusual @Cinfhen
I don't take selfies because I never really know where to look! 😂 Snagged this at an event at a local amusement park last month on an exceptionally chilly night! I've got my purple Hockey Fights Cancer Devils hat on, I made my scarf for crocheting class AND wrote the pattern and both my daughter and I made it off the swings without getting sick! 😂
#lateasusual @howjessreads #FriYayIntro #butonaSaturday