So @LadyCait84 I sent your package out on 1/19 I promise, here‘s the the tracking number! I‘ve been stalking it since I sent it
So @LadyCait84 I sent your package out on 1/19 I promise, here‘s the the tracking number! I‘ve been stalking it since I sent it
#friyayintro @howjessreads
Oops I meant to do this yesterday but reading distracted me. 🤦
1.Goodreads goal was 85 and I just finished #220. I need two more on my MBC reading list and am a bit over half done with #nonfiction2019
2.I'm obsessed with researching and identifying bugs even though they terrify me. My friend used to send me pics of bugs he'd find on his walks to work in Ghana & ask for help id'ing them.
4.I have none
5. ✋
I'm clearly very late to this--haven't had time for Litsy the past couple days.
1- I love books that make me forget whatever has been consuming my thoughts lately. Also books that I can't stop thinking about when I'm doing other things.
2- I don't really collect things (except maybe dust bunnies). 😉
3- Cookbook? Lately Door Dash has been providing most of my meals.
4- I have never really gotten in to poetry.
5- Hmmm...
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
I know that I‘m late but I just want you all to know that your cards brightened my holiday season. ❤️ #jb
I don't take selfies because I never really know where to look! 😂 Snagged this at an event at a local amusement park last month on an exceptionally chilly night! I've got my purple Hockey Fights Cancer Devils hat on, I made my scarf for crocheting class AND wrote the pattern and both my daughter and I made it off the swings without getting sick! 😂
#lateasusual @howjessreads #FriYayIntro #butonaSaturday
Thanks for the tag @LazyDays I‘m a day late
1. So far for 2018 Circe by Madeline Miller is still my favorite read
2. I am at 46 and counting
3. My promotion into back office, I am no longer on the teller line!
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
4. Fall, my birthday in 25 days
1. Made chili!
2. Lasagna
3. Portland! Will see @That-Bookish-Hiker on Sunday before we leave!
4. Stephen King or Melanie Benjamin
5. Leaves changing, crisp smell tp the air and fall foods!
A day late with this one!
1. Tome. The longer the better!!
2. Neither!! They are not my preferred genre at all
3. I switch between both!
4. Iced coffee 🥤 even on the darkest coldest day of winter
5. King is my all-time favorite author!
Hello Littens! I'm so sorry I have been AWOL for quite a while, I discovered that my shoulder injury was much worse than previously assumed 😞
I'm somewhat out of my fog and wanted to post my swaps and tracking information because they are to be delivered by May 9th - just in the nick of time! 🎉
@JenlovesJT47 Thanks so much for organizing this!!
@PathfinderNicole #keychainswap
@4thhouseontheleft - just wanted to let you know that the #listygoespostaljr book is going to be a bit late. I lost track of the days and forgot to mail it by 3/10 so am hoping to get to the post office tomorrow or Tuesday the latest! Sorry😞 but Maya's book will be there soon! 😀
Thanks for tagging me @KrystleTheBookSlayer and so sorry my Tuesday tidbits stretched into Friday 🙄🤦🏼♀️
1. Every Winnie the Pooh story and the Ramona Quimby books by Beverly Cleary
2. Glass Houses by Louise Penny
3. I love to hate Moriarty
4. I don‘t like most literary fiction, especially if it has a romantic storyline 🤢
5. Anyone who is a latecomer like me!
A short novel with a great premise: a man fakes dementia to escape his domineering wife and moves into a nursing home. The writing is clean and crisp, and the protagonist's dry sense of humour & the situations he contrives to appear senile had me laughing out loud. His sad resignation to his marriage (until now) is familiar & well done, but the bitter hatred of his wife & his attitude to women generally troubled me. A pick but unsettling.