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Spending my work lunch snacking on some cheese and continuing The Dust Bowl Orphans. I'm about half way theough and enjoying it so far. I'm enjoying the chapters during the dust bowl much more than the present day chapters. I don't feel like the past-present chapters are always necessary.

#BookedInTime #DustBowl #Orphans #SmokedCheddarCheese #ColdBrew #LunchReading

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Wisdom from Ponder Stibbons, Unseen University's Reader in Invisible Writings. Thoroughly enjoying another #Discworld installment.
#OokBookClub #lunchreading

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Continuing my #lunchreading with the #OokBookClub book of the month. I've even got my own Great God Om to read with me (in the form of a frog). He's not talking though. At least not at the moment. 😂😂😂

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A terrific little story from the Hugo Winners list. You can read it on the b&n sci fi blog or download it for free to your Nook from bn.com.

This author is already on my #TBR list but now I feel excited and want to read more of her stuff NOW! That ever happen to you!? 😊 LOL! 😄
#shortstories #scifi #lunchreading #gimmemore

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“Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others.” - Ta-Nehisi Coates #lunchreading

SkeletonKey Currently listening to this on audiobook. 👍 7y
daniwithtea @SkeletonKey ooh I have heard mixed things about this in audio - how are you liking it? 7y
SkeletonKey @daniwithtea - I‘m really liking it! Heartbreaking. I wish the author was reading it because I really liked listening to him read Between the World And Me, but it‘s still clear and resonant. What were the complaints? 7y
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daniwithtea @SkeletonKey the biggest complaint I‘ve heard is that the narration was awkward to the point of mis-pronouncing the author‘s name. (I‘ll need to look for the audio of Between the World and Me - I *loved* it and think hearing the author read it would make it even better.) 7y
SkeletonKey @daniwithtea - Oh geez, yeah I rely on the narrators expertise in that area so that sucks if so. The author‘s reading is soooo good, definitely give it a go! 7y
daniwithtea I will - thanks, @SkeletonKey!! (edited) 7y
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Wolfcry | Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
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@Goombagirl is still sick so in an attempt to not get sick I‘m loading up on spinach, rest and we have the diffuser running an immune essential oil blend. Plus banana pudding because I can‘t stop. #lunch #lunchreading

Laura317 Hope she‘s better soon! Gotta love those diffusers, too. I swear by mine. 7y
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Follow Me Back | A. V. Geiger
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Tillie Litsy makes me so hungry! 7y
bitterbear @Tillie Lol me too!!! 7y
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Sleeping Giants | Sylvain Neuvel
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Starting reading this a couple of days ago (impulse buy from Waterstones a few weeks ago)... So far I'm enjoying it (50 pages in). The writing style isn't quite what I was expecting., but that's no bad thing. Definitely a good way to spend my lunch break. Id love to be sitting reading in the sunshine... But I being English, pasty and ginger I think it's safer to stay indoors #newbook #impulsebuy #fantasy #lunchreading

MayJasper @RhubarbandGin lol! Me too, bring English and pale need the shade for reading 7y
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So I started a new book at lunch time today. I am not really familiar with Joan Didion. Anyone have any thoughts about her work? Only read a few pages of this, but it seems good so far. #newreads #lunchreading

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Love Her Madly: A Novel | M. Elizabeth Lee
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This cover had me thinking romance novel but nope so far good mystery with an intense prologue and then a back to where it all began... #lunchreading

Bookworm83 That cookie looks divine 8y
Notafraidofwords That cookie though 8y
Matilda @Bookworm83 @Notafraidofwords it was double chocolate and it was everything my life needed! 8y
Carol Cue the Cake song 🎶Love You Madly🎶 8y
Zelma Yum! And random fact, author was a friend in high school. I didn't realize she wrote a book until last week. 8y
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