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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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I went through a big Margaret Atwood phase about 15 years ago but I never came across this one. Her books are always unique and this one can even be called weird but it's marvellously written; I can never quite pinpoint what is so masterful about the way she writes about her characters' inner lives. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

BarbaraJean I hadn‘t heard of this one! I need to read more Atwood—she‘s always so good. I have several on my shelves that I really should prioritize! 2d
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @BarbaraJean you should 😉 which ones do you have? 2d
BarbaraJean I just checked my shelves--I knew I had Alias Grace and Blind Assassin, but I'd forgotten I also have Cat's Eye and Hag-Seed! 2d
MommyWantsToReadHerBook I especially loved Cat's Eye. Hag-seed was less great. 1d
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The Testaments: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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This is the story of my life today. And at the moment, I am out of any to give.
#margaretatwood #thetestaments #thehandmaidstale #zerofuckstogive #worksucks #hostileworkenvironment #toxicworkenvironment

TrishB Having one of those weeks too 😢 sorry for you! 2mo
GingerAntics @TrishB actually, this is tying wonderfully with therapy. lol Today was definitely one of those days, though. 2mo
vlwelser Why is this quote not on all of the things? Swearing is ok if it's Atwood, right? 2mo
GingerAntics @vlwelser I 100% agree with that. I just wasn‘t sure Litsy would agree with that. 2mo
vlwelser Atwood is one of my favorite people. She for sure gives zero fucks. 2mo
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Wilderness Tips | Margaret Atwood
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Number 6 for#24in2024, this is another set of short stories full of Atwood‘s mischievous humor and prescient insights. Loved it!

Jas16 6! That is incredible! 5mo
Lcsmcat @Jas16 I front-loaded it with books I knew I‘d get through so if I get distracted later in the year I can still make it. 😀 5mo
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Wilderness Tips | Margaret Atwood
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“Roughing it builds a boy‘s character, but only certain kinds of roughing it.”

The Testaments: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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It‘s amazing how many quotes popped up on Readwise today that fit with the book I finished this evening.
#TheTestaments #MargaretAtwood #GodIsNotGreat #ChristopherHitchens #sexism #antiwoman #rebellion #religion

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Surfacing | Margaret Atwood
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“I have to be more careful about my memories. I have to be sure they're my own and not the memories of other people telling me what I felt, how I acted, what I said: if the events are wrong the feelings I remember about them will be wrong too, I'll start inventing them and there will be no way of correcting it, the ones who could help are gone. I run quickly over my version of it, my life, checking it like an alibi; it fits...“

Surfacing | Margaret Atwood
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I've had barely any reading time this month with insane work deadlines, but the TBR continues to grow...Hoping to dive into at least one of these this weekend.

Tamra Inviting & enticing stack! Sometimes that makes it worse when time is limited. 8mo
TheBookHippie Frida!!! 7mo
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Wilderness Tips | Margaret Atwood
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Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid's Tale, turns 84 today.

"Canadians are fond of a good disaster, especially if it has ice, water, or snow in it. You thought the national flag was about a leaf, didn't you? Look harder. It's where someone got axed in the snow."

Surfacing | Margaret Atwood
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I wouldn't say this is a favourite of mine. I think mostly because I didn't particularly engage with the characters.
However, the nature writing/scene setting is beautiful. The rural coming-of -age back story is moving and captures the post-war era perfectly.

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Decided it was time to make my way through more of Margaret Atwood‘s canon. Between the poetry and incredible art this was fantastic.

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