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Lady Oracle
Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
25 posts | 39 read | 26 to read
An original and compelling work in which Margaret Atwood passes one womans bizarre life through the prism of her unique literary vision. The shy, awkward wife of a perpetual radical, Joan Foster is a formerly obese woman whose delicate equilibrium is threatened by the fact that the several lives she has lived separately and secretly are coming together and will be exposed. She is newly and notoriously famous as a bestselling author; she writes gothic novels under a nom de plume; she is having a hidden affair. Love, fear, understanding, suspense, sensuality, and humour there is hardly an emotional current that is not touched in Lady Oracle, and with a depth, vitality, and wit that are rare in any time. From the Hardcover edition.
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Chat #1: with Roz from The Eastern Cape in South Africa

Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood

Hag Seed - Margaret Atwood

Chat #2: with Ron Restrepo from Houston

The Storm by Tomás González
Andrea Rosenberg (Translator)

Difficult Light by Tomás González
Andrea Rosenberg (Translator)


Billypar Great episode! 🙂 I probably read Lady Oracle 9 or 10 years ago and it's one of those novels I definitely remember enjoying but can recall next to nothing else about it, so it was nice to hear it reflected on in that chat. 3y
shawnmooney Chat #3: with James from Adelaide

Nostalgia Has Ruined My Life by Zarah Butcher-McGunnigle

Chat #4: with Lwire from Kenya

You Will Be Safe Here by Damian Barr

shawnmooney @Billypar Thanks! Yes, Roz made me want to finally read Lady Oracle (edited) 3y
Ruthiella Wow! I‘ve not seen Roz in ages! I miss her. Will check this out ASAP. 3y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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“I thought, men who changed their names were likely to be con-men, criminals, #undercover agents or magicians, whereas women who changed their names were probably just married.” #QuotsyAug21

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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This was my #bookspin for July. The story was okay. There was a deeper layer that I couldn't quite get to. It wasn't smooth storytelling yet, I felt like there were soms threads that didn't have a resolution. But as this book is about life, in real life not everything gets resolved either. TBH, I am a bit lost about this book. But I think that's more me than the book.
TBR since ?; 345 pages.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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New bingo card for #bookspin and #doublespin the February round.

Freedom - Jonathan Franzen
The story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski

Lady Oracle - Margaret Atwood
Hartendief - Chelsea Cain


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
BarbaraBB Clan of the cave bear! I read them in the 90s and was addicted to the series 😂 3y
Tineke @BarbaraBB that one scares me and I know it's due any time now, because it has been on this list since April last year. And that was my first list... 3y
BarbaraBB Really?! In that case I must have commented on it before 😀 3y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood

One of Margaret Atwood's early works this novel is a bit of a parody of the Gothic romance. I found it an interesting read especially regarding the exploration of what we want in life, how we can be trapped by our fantasies, and how we see ourselves and how we present ourselves/what we allow others to see of ourselves.

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Picked up a copy of this at my favorite local bookstore last weekend. I had not heard of it, but it's by Margaret Atwood so I must give it a go!

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood

Pretty depressing. I'm not getting the humor other reviewers saw.

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Today‘s non- Folio haul from Riverby Books in Fredericksburg, VA.

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Rereading an old favourite! #LadyOracle #MargaretAtwood #classic

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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I've read quite a few Atwood novels, but this one was probably the most relatable one for me. It's not as dense as many of her more recent books and it's a great introduction to her more humorous side, especially the first half.

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Just about to start this one, got it from the library. I haven't read hardly any of her books! #book #bookcover #bluebook #margaretatwood #currentread #bookmad #lovetoread

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Haven't read this one, but I love me some Atwood. 6y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Margaret Atwood and a bath bomb on my day off are an ideal combination

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Apparently the #TBRjar decided to celebrate International Woman's Day with a pick from my favorite author! Atwood continues to amaze and inspire me with every piece of writing and I'm sure this one will be no exception. 🖤🖤🖤

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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The first of the year. A delicious light funny book by Margaret Atwood. I'm really impressed with her as a writer, she can write so many diferent styles and write them well. ❤📚 #sha20118 #clary #dogsoflitsy

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Hope you all have a great new year !!! 🎉📚❤

DarcysMom Happy New Year! 7y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Here's one from the backlist of one of my favorite authors. #publishedinthe1970s #canadianauthors #usedbooks #1970s #jubilantjuly

Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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1) I love Atwood
2) I am a redhead
3) My favorite color is purple
4) One of my nicknames is Oracle
5) I totally occasionally buy books based on their covers


elkeOriginal 👏👏 (I was a redhead for a few years back in college. I think I was trying to become a heroine via hair color 😆) 7y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Some Atwood #retrocoverfun for #riotgrams. These editions are from the 1970s, so not super retro, but the best that I can do!

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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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For the #KostovaGiveaway, though if I were to actually get to meet her I'm sure I would be too terrified with awe to speak a single word. I wish I could answer a question with the confidence and clarity that Ms Atwood conveys in her interviews. I'm quite sure I sound like a chimpanzee on speed when I speak about anything I find interesting 🙉 @Liberty

tricours I'd be an incoherent chimpanzee on speed. 👍 7y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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"I planned my death carefully; unlike my life, which meandered along from one thing to another, despite my feeble attempts to control it." My favorite opening line of all time, from my favorite Atwood (facing some stiff competition, especially from Alias Grace.) #favoritequote #riotgrams #atwoodrules

LeahBergen This is one of the (very few) Atwoods that I haven't read. 😮 (edited) 7y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Weekend read. I really like these Margaret Atwood covers. I have almost collected the entire series, now to get stuck into all the titles I haven't yet read.

BeththeBookDragon I love your mug! 8y
Lacythebookworm Those covers are great!❤️ 8y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Opening line:
"I planned my death carefully; unlike my life, which meandered along from on thing to another, despite my feeble attempts to control it."
#bookgnome #Dumbledwarf #margaretatwood #ladyoracle

lynneamch Ha. I just saw @theladygreer posted this as her fav quote. You both have great taste. 😊 7y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Reading in my favorite tee from local store kinshipgoods.com. I also have the sweatshirt and a back-up tee (a friend knew I'd love a shirt of a cat reading). Stay cozy.

CherylDeFranceschi Yay! I have this sweatshirt, too! 8y
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Comfort food.

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