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The Testaments: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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This is the story of my life today. And at the moment, I am out of any to give.
#margaretatwood #thetestaments #thehandmaidstale #zerofuckstogive #worksucks #hostileworkenvironment #toxicworkenvironment

TrishB Having one of those weeks too 😢 sorry for you! 2mo
GingerAntics @TrishB actually, this is tying wonderfully with therapy. lol Today was definitely one of those days, though. 2mo
vlwelser Why is this quote not on all of the things? Swearing is ok if it's Atwood, right? 2mo
GingerAntics @vlwelser I 100% agree with that. I just wasn‘t sure Litsy would agree with that. 2mo
vlwelser Atwood is one of my favorite people. She for sure gives zero fucks. 2mo
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The Handmaid's Tale | MARGARET. ATWOOD
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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The only logical reason for this book to be banned anywhere is that the conservatives reading it are down for a world similar to Gilead and they don‘t want the rest of us warned. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics This book is poignant. It should be required reading for every high school student. It opens the chance to talk about respect for all, freedom for all, consent for all. If those things offend your precious sensibilities, you‘re children need to read this book even more and so do you. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4y
GingerAntics This book is timely, seeing that we are - right this minute - faced with a president who is threatening to dispose of the democratic process for his own gains. This book has become even more timely in the last week and a half with the very real possibility of a new SCOTUS judge that would gladly take away women‘s rights to respect, freedom, and consent, even though that means she is forfeiting those rights for herself! (edited) 4y
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Branwen YES! 👏👏👏 4y
Scochrane26 When I heard about RBG, I texted my friend that this book is very close to reality now. I first read it about 20 yrs ago, but each time I read it, it‘s a little scarier. There‘s a reason people dress up as handmaids at protests. 4y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 I get why they do. It‘s clever, and it forces these idiots to see that trying to keep this book out of people‘s hands hasn‘t worked. I also feel like it‘s just giving them what they want, though. These people WANT silent women. These people believe a woman‘s highest destiny is pregnancy and motherhood. It‘s clever among women, but dangerous among men. 4y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 this new SCOTUS nominee reminds me of Serena Joy/Pam/Thelma. She wanted Gilead, she helped bring it about, until she had it. 4y
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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This could be said by any evening news anchor tonight, frighteningly.
#MargaretAtwood #TheHandmaidsTale #BannedBooksWeek

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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THIS!!! So poignant. So timely. (My review of this book in four words.)
#MargaretAtwood #TheHandmaidsTale #BannedBooksWeek

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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I remember this line from the show. It stood out to me on the show, and it stood out to me in the book.
I‘m sorry, but this belief is a cop out! It is perfectly possible to make things better for everyone. The only people who will be unhappy are the selfish people, because better for everyone doesn‘t make them feel special.
#MargaretAtwood #TheHandmaidsTale #BannedBooksWeek

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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I think this is true in all times and all places.
#MargaretAtwood #TheHandmaidsTale #BannedBooksWeek

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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I started reading this once before the Hulu show just started, but I got caught up in school (teaching) and since my mother was waiting to read it, I let her read it thinking I‘d finished it at Thanksgiving. I never saw the book again, and my mother has never read this book. (I‘m pretty sure it was left in Dallas, in the exact same place she stashed it in when I gave it to her.
#MargaretAtwood #TheHandmaidsTale #BannedBooksWeek

GingerAntics Since it‘s banned books week, I thought this would be the perfect time to finally return to the book. 4y
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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My September and October TBR pile since I'm having surgery at the end of the month and I'm going to have a bunch of free time. I've been good at reading recently and I'm really hoping I can keep it up 🥰

#onceuponariver #dianesetterfield #100nastywomenofhistory #thehandmaidstale #thetestaments #margaretatwood #wilding #isabellatree #nikitagill #poetry #fiction #richardosman

charl08 Nice stack of books! Wishing you successful surgery, too 4y
loiserin @charl08 thank you!! I've heard so many good things about Osman's book 😍 4y
Cathythoughts I have just got Thursday Murder Club for our Bookclub, looking forward to it 4y
loiserin @Cathythoughts I hope you love it! I was in a rural bookshop when I picked it up and apparently it has been incredibly popular 4y
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How to adjust having to be home all the time. I was used to always being stressful with work and not picking up a book in forever, being home brings some memories of lesser good times but after seven days I'm either adjusting or collapsing. Either way, I finally have time to read! Be safe.

#books #booklover #booknerd #bookaddict #currentlyreading #theheartgoeslast #margaretatwood #thehandmaidstale #bookish #bookstagram #bookphoto

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