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Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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I hadn't realized that this book would be heavily focused on a game. A gamblers game.

A game is one thing, but a story about gambling almost never catches my interest.

Although, for some reason this book reminds me of a game from Native America. Not the same, just to be clear. Just hints of these games have me weighing them together...👇

AnnCrystal There is an interesting legend about how this Native American game began, a game that always (equally) fascinated and frightened me.

It is said, that when the game is played, a foul smell arrives and animals react to the unseen...as if trying to warn their humans not to play.

Nope. Reading about the legend is one thing, actually playing the game...never, absolutely no...nope.
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Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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These characters have me analyzing this qoute...

I normally give a book only two chances, before tossing into our donation box. I was very nearly ready to toss when a new character came into the book. The mysterious, Brandt Solberg.

The “I found you“ scene on the last bit of chapter X (with Brandt and Fox) was incredible. 👇

AnnCrystal The amount of bickering, retorts, insults, etc. (some funny, most annoying) is overdone.

How nearly everyone is depressed and almost always grumpy sets a mood that gets gloomy and gloomier...not in the good “gothic“ style kind of way.

Yet, this story is starting to glimmer a bit with compelling reveals of all the characters backstories. 👇
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AnnCrystal I do like how everyone (all the worlds different Goddesses and Gods, etc.) seems to be real in this book's world (matches how I was raised).

I'm just about to begin chapter six...although there is one other thing about this book...which I will post about in a separate post.


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Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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Going to give this a second chance.

Been about six months since I took a break from this book. Hopefully I can connect to the story this time around.

Do want to like this one.


Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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This story seems to have everything going for it...yet I cannot connect ❕. Very frustrating.

I'm going to let it sit awhile and give the story another try later...I really want to like this one.

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Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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I haven't abandoned my current reads 😁... Just slow going.

This one isn't what I was expecting...yet interesting nonetheless.

Still trying to get used to the voice of the story...

I haven't connected with any character yet, although there are a few characters who have some of my favorite names.

This story is told from different character viewpoints, which I always like.

Still barely into this one 📗😉...was surprised by this illustration!

AnnCrystal ⚠️📚😉👍.

This is early, therefore the only warning there is to give is foul language...while this doesn't bother me, I know some might like to know.
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Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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The inside illustration of back cover, WOW 😃 double Epic.

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Masters of Death | Olivie Blake
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The inside illustration of front cover, WOW 😃 Epic.

Found my copy at Walmart. Too excited 😉.

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