I missed out on reading this last year with #Naturalitsy so it‘s still in my TBR
The background is #Clouds from a somewhat recent neighbor island flight. ☁️🌥️🤍
I missed out on reading this last year with #Naturalitsy so it‘s still in my TBR
The background is #Clouds from a somewhat recent neighbor island flight. ☁️🌥️🤍
Personally, I find hammocks to be too tippy & I‘m too clumsy to fully relax in them-especially drink in hand, but the #Hammock on the cover of this cookbook (from my collection) looks pretty comfortable. 🤷🏻♀️
Two #BodyPart covers from my #Aardvark books.
I‘ve not read the tagged book yet but A Sweet Sting of Salt was one of my favorite books last year.
Clifford the Big Red Dog is a VERY #LargeAnimal & a favorite of mine growing up. I had most of the early books but the first & Clifford‘s Halloween were my favorites. 🐶❤️
1. Just okay, still stuffy & wheezy so not as much sleep as I wanted to get but I have the next few days (mostly) off which makes me happy.
2. “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha
I find it is very easy to forget this sometimes.🪷🍵 I actively try to be kind & loving to myself🩶
#Naturalitsy #HyggeHourReadathon
Hanging out with Nancy Drew tonight during my #HyggeHour with herbal tea & a soft & chewy chocolate chunk/chip oatmeal raisin cookie. (So good!)🍪😋
Mood is tired. My asthma/allergies are still bugging me & I have to work tomorrow, but then I‘m taking some PTO days so I don‘t lose it. So, I‘m grateful to have much of the week officially off (even if I‘ll be working on a big work project part of the time).
My TBR for March includes books for #SundayBuddyRead #NancyDrewBR #BobWhiteBuddies #EBBR #AuthorAMonth #ChildrensClassicRead2025 #SheSaid #RiseUpReads #JaneAustenThenAndNow #BookedInTime #FoodAndLit #Ireland #Roll100 #ThematicCozies #FictionalTraveler #NonFictionReads #SeriesLove2025 & #AuldLangSpine
Whew! It‘s a lot of books but I feel good about it!
A couple of #SundayBuddyRead books where F. Scott Fitzgerald is mentioned have made me want to reread The Great Gatsby again (my first time since high school) so I‘m making it my pick for #FictionalTraveler March: #BigCity
While I‘m reading the edition with the iconic blue cover, the 2013 movie tie-in cover & the movie itself have more than one beautiful #EveningGown soI‘m using it for today‘s #CoverStories prompt.
February Recap: Finished 15 books & started/made progress with 3 more. Completed books for #SundayBuddyRead #ChildrensClassicRead2025 #NancyDrewBR #BobWhiteBuddies #EBBR #AuthorAMonth #SheSaid #AuldLangSpine #JaneAustenThenAndNow #FictionalTraveler #YhematicCozies #FoodAndLit #Nepal & SeriesLove2025 & #MonthlyNonFiction #Roll100
Favorites were The Feather Thief, Margo‘s Got Money Troubles, Sense and Second Degree Murder, From Dust to Stardust
My March #Roll100 picks:
# 9 Any Series or #90 Any Back List: Nettle and Bone (T. Kingfisher backlist)
#51 Any Library Book: The Frozen River (also on my #AuldLangSpine list from @JacqMac )
# 74 Any BOTM: Leather & Lark #SeriesLove2025
It was the top #2SimilarCovers that I first mixed up (maybe also because they both are about writers/writing) but I think all 5 of these covers have a similar look & vibe that screams THRILLER! 😱
Finished this past week for February!s #FoodAndLit #Nepal I ended up really liking it. About a journalist going after a story that requires her to summit Manaslu, the 8th highest peak in the world. Mountain climbing fascinates me probably because I am clumsy, not good in cold, scared of heights, can‘t breathe as it is (let alone at high altitudes) & could never do it & it gives me high anxiety which actually works with a thriller.😱😉⬇️
My second #ThematicCozies pick for February: Romance was just okay for me. It had potential (the author of a mystery series is invited to a wedding on a private island in the San Juan‘s where the groom is her ex) but there were too many characters & it came across really disjointed. The transitions between the MC & her own mystery series MC felt muddled. I don‘t know if it‘s meant to be a series or a stand alone title & it‘s the ⬇️
#ChatterDay vibe is mellow. Having a bit of an asthma/allergy flare up which is messing with my eyes. I did make a stop at the monthly makers market by my house & got some cards, postcard & such.
Now at the coffeeshop with a piece of coffee cake & my usual dirty chai. Starting this book for March as it fills a reading challenge prompt & is my #Roll100 March #90 “Any Backlist” prompt. Still need to run a few errands then home to rest my eyes.👀
I finally read this one thanks to #AuthorAMonth It‘s been in my TBR for ages & it‘s my 2nd Roxane Gay (I read Hunger in 2017). I had hoped to finish Not That Bad too but I ran out of time. Although some of the cultural references are dated (it was written 12 years ago), the fact that so little has changed is pretty telling & sobering. Some essays were better (or at least I connected with them more) than others but overall, a good read.
And another week it was. Here‘s my #5JoysFriday list:
1. A 4-Day work week brings me joy—I needed an extra day off. 💛
2. I got this little heart-shaped hot/cold pack from a vendor at a benefits summit. The rainbow colors & “Powered By Love” message is joyful.🌈
3. My local library brings me joy when they are open until 7 PM on Thursdays & my favorite librarian gave me this cozy fantasy ARC-extra joy! 📒💛
4. Got this fun botanical sticker,⬇️
Finished last weekend for #SheSaid this one was just okay for me. I think the concept is great & it had some good nuggets of wisdom like: “You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.” But, for a fairly short book (224 pgs) it seemed to drag along. I ⬇️
My #ThematicCozies picks for March: #Hobby I picked two in case I don‘t like one. Both are first in series & free with my Audible membership. The tagged book is probably most on theme. ✂️
#Narcissism at it‘s finest. 🖤
It‘s the end of February & Friday yet again, so it‘s time for #5JoysFriday 💛 Think of 5 things big or small that brought you some joy this week because it‘s tough out there lately & we all need a little joy.
Use the #5JoysFriday hashtag & tag me in your post & tag others if you want to spread the joy. You can use the background graphic as you like or use your own.
I‘m tagging some friends to get things started but all are welcome to join!
It‘s been a hot minute since I‘ve joined in #ThreeListThursday #TLT but since I loves me some movies, I had to join in. Thanks to my Dad, I did well with 88/96!
My top 3 from this list:
1️⃣ The Greatest Show On Earth: great memories watching this with my dad SO MANY TIMES! 🎪
2️⃣ The Silence of the Lambs: just rewatched it a month or so ago. Still just as 😱
3️⃣ The Sound of Music: a favorite of my mom, how can you not sing along?🎶
There is lots of #BrotherLove with the Bennetts (brothers Joe, Carter & Kelly) & within their pack of found family too. Brothersong is the 4th book in the series while Wolfsong is the first. 🐺🩶🐺🩶🐺🩶
There is a lot of #SisterLove between Elinor & Marianne in Sense and Sensibility & the tagged book, a fun retelling read this month for #JaneAustenThenAndNow with the #Pemberlittens
Three cozy & witchy “potion” titles from my TBR There‘s got to be a #LovePotion in at least one of them. ♥️✨🧪
Back to the usual Hilo day trip for meetings. Finishing up this one for February‘s #AuthorAMonth.
Finished last night for Feb‘s #ChildrensClassicRead2025 I never really went through a horsey stage as a girl🤷🏻♀️but I can see the appeal. This was a good blend of history & the story of a boy who wants to train & ride the beautiful Lipizzaner stallions he sees everyday delivering for his family‘s bakery in Vienna. It has a good moral of hard work & daring to dream. I also learned a lot about horse training & these beautiful horses.
Two #Lonely titles from my Kindle TBR
Thanks for the #MentalHealthMonday tag @Kerrbearlib
1️⃣ Tired! Weird sleep last night & too many meetings today.
2️⃣ Yes, I use music to both relax & to feel happier.
3️⃣ 80s pop mostly, the sappier the better. My favorite playlist I named: “80s Sappy Makes Me Happy” (it‘s not all 80s-some 70s & 90s snuck in) but it‘s songs that bring back good memories & I like to sing along to. Linking below in comments. ⬇️
Anyone else want to share?
#Naturalitsy #HyggeHourReadathon
Reading the tagged book for #ChildrensClassicRead2025 & tonight‘s #HyggeHour Drinking some Sleepytime tea & snacking on a Cara Cara orange.
My mood is not ready for Monday but I took Friday off, so it‘s a short week.
Read for #SundayBuddyRead I‘m a classic movie & old Hollywood buff & so this novel based on a real-life actress & star of the silent screen (Colleen Moore) was right up my alley. I didn‘t know much about her as an actress or the castle dollhouse she built for charity that still sits in the Griffin Museum in Chicago. The book has lots of personal & relationship drama & Hollywood tea that kept me entertained. I would have loved more ⬇️
My #FictionalTraveler Feb pick for #APlaceYouLove finished yesterday. Kyoto, Japan is a favorite place of mine & the setting of this book of interconnected stories set around a mysterious coffee shop that randomly pops up in the city. The fact that it‘s run by talking cats who dispense magical desserts & beverages along with astrological advice for those feeling lost in their lives was appealing to me & I enjoyed this quietly sweet book.
#Read2025 #SeriesLove2025
I enjoyed my first of 2 picks for #ThematicCozies February #Romance This was a cozy mystery about Laurel, a divorced mother of two & mortgage underwriter who is talked into joining a local dating service. When her first 2 dates end up murdered, it‘s up to Laurel & her friends to solve the case. I liked the characters & the pacing was good. It was a cozy so the mystery wasn‘t difficult to solve but it was fun. The ⬇️
When I think of books with #ParentChildLove Little Women comes to mind quickly. Marmee had great love for her daughters & they for her.
(The 1994 movie version is my nostalgic favorite, but the 2019 version is also excellent).
#Read2025 #SeriesLove2025
Finished book 10 last Sunday for #BobWhiteBuddies & I‘m pretty sure this was the first Trixie Belden book I ever read. My sister had this copy & I ended up “borrowing” it & then asking for the rest of the series since she wasn‘t much of a reader. I remembered quite a bit of it as I was reading it, Gaye & her puppy & the gathering of the plants for their teacher. This one was pretty mild mystery-wise & as usual, Dan ⬇️
This novella in the Half Moon Hollow Series is about #LoveOnTheRoad when a human who has failed at all her other jobs, finds herself driving an uptight & difficult vampire cross-country. Cute & funny. 🧛🏻♥️
My #5JoysFriday for this week:
1. Lunch for 1 with a book & a joyful bowl of delicious pho-noodle-y soup always brings me joy.
2-4. (2) Started up our Conscious Leadership program for 2025, led by our CEO. It gives me joy that our employee-owners (& I) can take advantage of this mindfulness training & I do find it helps with my stress when I apply the principles & techniques. (3) Coffee (in particular a cinnamon dolce latte with oatmilk & ⬇️
Taking today‘s #LoveOnTheRocks prompt in a slightly different direction. I have a few books about crystals & gemstones & using them for self-care & bringing things like love, prosperity & wellbeing into your life. 💎
It‘s been another week & I almost forgot that tomorrow is Friday, so time to start making your #5JoysFriday lists! 💛
Make & post your list of the 5 things big or small that gave you joy this week. Use the #5JoysFriday hashtag & tag me in your post & others if you want to spread the joy. Use the background graphic I as you like or use your own.
Tagging some regular friends to get things started, but as always, everyone is welcome to join in! 🥳
I just realized I used this same book I read & reviewed in 2011 for a similar prompt 5 years ago! 😂 Oh well… it‘s a good one for a #BrokenHeart 💔
This classic book came immediately to mind for #IllicitLoveAffair probably because I was on a chick-flick binge this weekend & watched both these movies where it plays a role. (I love both these movies, don‘t love the book so much but I haven‘t read it since high school!) 😆
Some #Hearts titles from my Kindle/ebook TBR. Someday I will get to these, especially the tagged for #SeriesLove2025
Does stuffing my face with chocolate & watching chick flicks this weekend count as celebrating #GalentinesDay ? Then yes… I celebrated it. 🍫😍 I have to honor its originator, Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation.
1️⃣ I‘ve got a bit of the Monday blues & a tension headache 🤕
2️⃣ Not that great. I have restless legs, restless thoughts & a doom scrolling habit.😬I‘m trying to focus on getting more & better sleep.🛌
3️⃣ I‘ve been using the Calm app for a while now & I recently started some of the sleep features. I like the sleep stories, the ambient music & the Drifting Off with Gratitude meditation.
Anyone want to share sleep tips?
#Naturalitsy #HyggeHourReadathon
Spending my #HyggeHour on the couch with Trixie & the Bob-Whites for #BobWhiteBuddies & maybe catching up a bit with my tree-a-day reading (I‘m a little behind). There is tea & chocolate involved. 🫖 🍫
Mood is a little tired & not ready for Monday & my sure to be busy workweek, but I‘m getting close to some PTO time in the first week of March, so there‘s that.😵
Hmm… should I be worried about me?!? 🤔😬😱😆
Type: “Literally my character” into your Pinterest search bar & the first 6 images are who you are…
Thanks (I think) @TheBookHippie for this trend!
#literallymycharacter #pinterest
I don‘t get in reading slumps very often but here‘s what I do to jump the slump:
1️⃣ Changing to something light & low-stakes will usually get me moving through it. My top choices are cozy mysteries, cozy fantasy or thrillers.
2️⃣ Switching to a different format (print to audio or Kindle) or choosing a different genre of book from what I was reading mixes it up.
3️⃣ Changing location—reading outside or going to a coffeeshop can help.
Hart & Mercy are a great example of a #LoveHatePairing in this favorite romantasy book that has a definite You‘ve Got Mail vibe. 💌
Finished a few days ago, the 4th book from the #AuldLangSpine list of @JacqMac & another really good one that‘s on the dark side. (I‘m sensing a pattern… 😱😂 but I like it!) It‘s also my 3rd pick for February‘s #Roll100 (#42 Any Mystery-although it‘s more dystopian horror thriller than mystery). Bizarre & very brutal murders start happening in every state & a few days later the killers start to mobilize & start reading the names of ⬇️
My #Chatterday is the usual errands & spending some time at the coffeeshop to read more of this #ThematicCozies February #Romance pick. Maybe a little magazine reading in there too. Just decompressing from another busy workweek.
Hope your Saturday/weekend is going well. 🤗
Timeless is the title of the final book in the Parasol Protectorate series & I feel like Alexia & Conall have a #TimelessLove