This play was very impactful, I believe it‘s a must read. It‘s short but powerful
This play was very impactful, I believe it‘s a must read. It‘s short but powerful
That was probably not a good idea for a lunch time read (the second lunchtime read in 16 weeks!).
Left me very sad. RIP Matthew Shepard.
This was a powerful creative retelling in free form verse, of the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard. Audio was haunting. Told through the “voices” of witnesses, friends, students, the victim, the perpetrators, the inanimate objects that were part of the crime. Author published this on the 10 year anniversary of Matthew‘s death, which took place in 1998. 🏳️🌈
#ReadingUSA2020 #Wyoming
I had to DNF this one. I generally enjoy reading true crime, but I don't like Stephen Jimenez's investigative style or writing style. I got 25% of the way through before I bailed. I got to where I was dreading trying to finish it.
Day 3 of #adventrecommends : 24 books you think people should know about.
In 1998, Matthew Shepard, 21, was lured from a Wyoming bar by two men, savagely beaten, tied to a remote fence, and left to die — because he was gay. This is a series of 68 poems about his death, written from various points of views, including the fence he was tied to, the stars that watched over him as he was dying, the deer that kept him company, and Matthew himself.
Did you know that the author of Heather Has Two Mommies also wrote a book of poems about Matthew Shepard's death and that she has direct connections to that place and time? I enjoyed hearing her speak tonight.
October Mourning is a beautiful and devastating volume of poetry. It might be one of the only poetry volumes that has ever brought me to tears. It expresses every bit of emotion involved with the tragic loss of Matthew Shepard, and serves up a stunningly told narrative of his murder.
This is a play based on the death of M.Shepard who died in 1998 when he left a bar Wyoming with two men. The following day he was discovered at the edge of town: tied to a fence, brutally beaten. He died days later. This play is based on interviews of the community in Wyoming. It is chilling & heart wrenching. And it challenges major phrases, such as "live and let live" and "hate the sin, not the sinner." Ultimately, inherently dangerous phrases.
A must read for fostering empathy and a realization that all of us are human, irregardless of our differences.
Somebody entered the world with a cry
Somebody left without saying good-bye #matthewshepard