@HannaPolkadots I have not forgotten about #monthofmontecristo but with my schedule and Thanksgiving plans it might have to wait until December and become #thecountofmontechristmas (even though I celebrate Hanukkah 😁)
@HannaPolkadots I have not forgotten about #monthofmontecristo but with my schedule and Thanksgiving plans it might have to wait until December and become #thecountofmontechristmas (even though I celebrate Hanukkah 😁)
This is a modest estimate for my #NovTBR since this month is my birthday month and I sense a readathon in my future 😁 My first priority is COMC since I fell behind on #monthofmontecristo last month 🙊#noteworthynovember 📚🔜 #emojinov
My #octoberreads. It was a good month, all in all, and I really enjoyed the #monthofmontecristo readalong with @RestlessFickleBookSlut - thank you!😀
I thought #monthofmontecristo peeps would appreciate this. Definitely my most amusing follow this month 🤣
#humpdaypost @MinDea
1. Random picture from the internet that I downloaded a few years ago. I've used it as my Halloween/Día de los muertos screensaver ever since.
2. Nickel and Dime and The Count of Monte Cristo (I've been remiss in my #monthofmontecristo duties)
3. Any kind of chocolate will do, but I do enjoy milk and white the most.
4. Sulfa drugs
5.The tagged book has a yellow cover.
I‘m so behind!! I have become one of those parents who are busy all the time running my kids everywhere!!
Questions for those of you who have read the Count of MC or are doing #monthofmontecristo with us:
1. What do you think of Edmond Dantes as a slaveowner? (Ali, Haidee)
2. The hashish?
3. The portrayal of Eugenie Danglars?
I have fallen a bit behind on #monthofmontecristo. But the sun is shining and I will enjoy some veranda reading and try to catch up.
I may be way behind on my #monthofmontecristo reading with @HannaPolkadots but that does not mean I haven't been loving this book.