Look what just arrived! 🤩 Thank you so much for sending this to me @Kalalalatja And for the fab stickers! I can‘t wait to read it! 😀 👍 #travellingbook
Look what just arrived! 🤩 Thank you so much for sending this to me @Kalalalatja And for the fab stickers! I can‘t wait to read it! 😀 👍 #travellingbook
Loved this! It‘s the tale of Caitlin who has a debilitating fear of dying and it‘s one of those books that you just can‘t put down, as you really *need* to know that she‘s going to be OK. Loved Tom and in fact all of her supporting cast of friends.
Katja- the #travellingbook is already on its way to you - just been to the PO. Thanks to Barbara for sending it to me!
Oh and #covercrush but did anyone else get their fingers tangled in the holes?!
I‘m involved in a few round robins, sending off books to the next recipient and reading some fun books, a few of which I would not pick up on my own.
I was wondering...any interest in a historical fiction round robin? Pick a book, grab a journal, jot down thoughts of the book, then send to the next person. If there is interest, I‘ll create a Google form and start collecting names. I‘m thinking to start this in the fall. Let me know! #hfswap
The #travellingbook arrived this morning- I'm excited to start my first Virginia Woolf, but also, strangely, a little nervous. And the notebook is looking amazing!
@Libby1 Thank you so much for the extras 😊. That bookmark 😍😂, Dairy Milk is always most welcome 😋, and the book is just fab!
@River_Voice who am I sending this to after?
Have you ever wondered what books you would bring to a castaway island?
I‘m not, in general, a re-reader of books, but I think I just might bring Woolf‘s books with me into exile. I find layer upon layer of beauty and meaning to her words.
This is not a book for someone who wants a clear plot or resolution. I couldn‘t read something like this all the time, but it was a treat.
Thank you, @River_Voice for choosing this as a #TravellingBook.
“The flower blazed between the angles of the roots. Membrane after membrane was torn. It blazed a soft yellow, a lambent light under a film of velvet; it filled the caverns behind the eyes with light. All that inner darkness became a hall, leaf smelling, earth smelling of yellow light. And the tree was beyond the flower; and the grass, the flower and the tree were entire.”
The parcel has arrived!
Thanks so much, @4thhouseontheleft . I didn‘t realise you were posting this from America! I‘ll try to send you a wee present from Northern Ireland. 🍀
Thanks for organising the #travellingbook , @River_Voice . Please add the appropriate hashtag if there‘s one I‘ve missed. Can you please tell me where to send this when I‘ve finished? Am I correct in thinking I‘ll need to send it on before the end of June?
It was wonderful to delve back into the world of Virginia Woolf again after a long time away. While it was a bit more disjointed than her other books (likely due to her unfortunate death prior to final revisions), it was still a thought provoking and excellent read.
Thank you @River_Voice for organizing this #travellingbook! Who do I send it to next?
For #Booked2018 participants, you‘ll hear the winner of the Season 1 giveaway VERY soon! 😃
Settling in with a bit of Virginia Woolf this morning. It‘s been a few years since I ventured into her world and I am looking forward to it.
#booksandtea #travellingbook