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#RelatedtoaPodcast #Booked2019

I thought I had not finished the companion podcast #MyDadWroteAPorno, but I guess I did. Anyway this book is hilarious piece of erotica. Belinda is a Sales Director at a pots & pans company in Britain. Making sales in that in that business apparently involves a lot of, ahem, action. Also, the author has no clue about women‘s anatomy. (You cannot reach the ovaries through sex!)

I was in a slump & it laughed me out.

Cinfhen Yay!! You‘re off to a good start 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Megabooks @Cinfhen Thanks Cindy! It was a fun read, although I‘m not sure I recommend it! 🤨 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Oh I‘ve listened to some of this podcast, it‘s really funny! 6y
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alisiakae This sounds intriguing! 😆 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage You can‘t convince me that this author‘s birth certificate really says Rocky Flintstone!! 🤣🤣 (edited) 6y
Amandajoy I really should put these books on my “have read” list since I‘ve listened to all four seasons of the podcast. It‘s so funny! 🤣 6y
Megabooks @LoveToReadLiveToRead Yes it is! 🤣🤣🤣 (edited) 6y
Megabooks @4thhouseontheleft The book or the podcast is great for some laughs. If you‘ve had a rough day, it‘s a great stress breaker! 6y
Megabooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage No, it‘s a pen name. A great one 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Megabooks @Amandajoy Is the fourth book an ending to it or will there be more? I think I stopped after the first season of the podcast because I wasn‘t commuting anymore. I loved listening in my car because I could crack up as loud as I wanted to!! 6y
Amandajoy Nope, there will be a book five coming! You should catch up, it only gets better! (Though he still has no understanding of the female anatomy.) 6y
Megabooks @Amandajoy I‘ll have to catch up when I‘m home alone, obviously. 😜 I never knew a cervix could be so sexy! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
SW-T Haven‘t finished the podcast but it‘s my go to for a chuckle😊 6y
Megabooks @SW-T It‘s so funny! 😂😂😂 6y
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Ok Litsy #mydadwroteaporno fans, I have a theory. What if Belinda Blinked is actually an dystopian novel. What if they live in a society something like that of The Hunger Games and they use food in sex shows and weird shit as a show of wealth? What if this is set in the richest class of society? Maybe that‘s why the kitchen ware companies are so revered and powerful.

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Please go ahead and listen to this podcast. Please also make sure that you‘re on your own, or listening with headphones or at least that there are no kids around waiting to be traumatized. 🙈🙉🙊 very explicit, very anatomically incorrect, and delightfully unrealistic. Bless‘em. #mydadwroteaporno #🍆🍑

Beckys_Books I love this podcast! It makes me laugh until I cry. I used to listen commuting to work, but had to be sure the volume was turned down when I pulled into the parking lot. 6y
CaroPi I love it. It wasn't a part that they say the guy went to the ovaries? 6y
Heideschrampf @CaroPi yupp! I hope his wife had a serious talk about the female anatomy with him 6y
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My Dad Wrote a Porno | Jamie Morton
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This. Book. Is. Hilarious.

Before you read this without any context, I highly recommend checking out the podcast of the same name. Otherwise, nothing you read will make sense.

It‘s the annotations from Jamie, Alice and James that make this book what it is. It‘s perfect to wile away the time, as a mood lifter, or just to have a good giggle with your similarly perverted friends 😂 #mydadwroteaporno #podcast


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I just realized that listening to all 3 seasons of #mydadwroteaporno totally counts as having listened to these three books because...I did! Going in the reading log! 😂😂😂

LauraJ Good thinking! 7y
ReadingSusan Omg ha ha!! I totally have to add those to Goodreads 🤣 7y
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