Reading as escapism 😀 #coffeeandbooks #MysteryofAncientIreland #SisterFidelma
Reading as escapism 😀 #coffeeandbooks #MysteryofAncientIreland #SisterFidelma
Of these 3 books from my #TBR, I settled on Vera for my before bed read tonight. An Altar in the World I began yesterday. #NFNovember. Act of Mercy is for another day. #mysteryofAncientIreland #SisterFidelma
#serieslove2024 #10BeforeTheEnd #Rushathon
Good night my friends,ending this challenging, heartbreaking day. ❤️
Top Row: Reading: #camplitsy24 #nunlit #hyggeread
Middle Row: More Reading: #librarybook #Paris #LittleWomen #readyourkindle
Bottom Row: listening-#audiobook #SisterFidelma #MysteryofAncientIreland
Breakfast with Sister Fidelma. #locallibrary #MysteryofAncientIreland
The cover is #beige #coverlove #day16