Another #keeplitsypositive #nonbook post . It‘s needed though in times like these. My amazing niece and her new “funny face” . #socialisolation #quarantined
Another #keeplitsypositive #nonbook post . It‘s needed though in times like these. My amazing niece and her new “funny face” . #socialisolation #quarantined
#nonbook post but something all you #nerds #weirdos and #witches might appreciate: i went to a pirate-themed middle-age christmas market yesterday (yepp, thats a thing) and finally got myself the witches hat i always wanted. Channelling my inner #grannyweatherwax #pratchettposse #mpsdortmund
#nonbook post: my commute could be worse i guess... walking through a pre-medieval castle, listening to the most recent episode of #thisamericanlife #nofilter #humblebrag
#nonbook post: i just went to see the glorious Amanda FUCKING Palmer live and once again it was amazing. #neilgaiman even came on stage to sing. And you know what? It was all being recorded. Check out the webcast: 🎶🎥 https://youtu.be/017OrBcfd9o #afp #litsygaimanfanclub