Four new books to read #tbrpile #preview #octoberrso2020 Not sure where to start. Jennifer Niven! Non Pratt! Nina LaCour! That‘s quality YA material! Plus one #loveOzya novel involving activitism. #luckyme
Four new books to read #tbrpile #preview #octoberrso2020 Not sure where to start. Jennifer Niven! Non Pratt! Nina LaCour! That‘s quality YA material! Plus one #loveOzya novel involving activitism. #luckyme
Yesterday I turned 26 and raked in all these baby‘s!!! Life has been so busy I have basically stopped reading but I think this is a sign it‘s tome to start again!!
...maybe I‘ll even finish one of the three I already started... 🤦🏻♂️ #birthdayhaul #luckyme
@Chasing_Pages @InBooksILive Look what came in the mail today! Hurray! #thebreakfastbookclub #abundance #luckyme
World Market has all the sloths! These are too stinkin‘ cute! I may seriously have to get this SlothLove Book. #slothlove
Look what just arrived in the mail: a surprise gift all the way from Australia! #luckyme #Ifeelloved
Harry Potter / Wizarding World inspired gifts are the best gifts, no question. 😊 How cute is this little Niffler?
Also, I love that my friend chose to use this beautiful, inspiring and uplifting quote from the OotP movie (which she probably spent quite some time googling since she's not that into HP). ❤
#awesomegifts #funkopop #harrypotter #orderofthephoenix #dumbledoresarmy #potterhead #inspirationfromharry #grateful #luckyme
My friend @ReadingRover sent me a huge unexpected surprise package. The Sibley Birds Book is divine. What a thoughtful gift for a bird lover like me! Thank you so much @ReadingRover ❤️❤️❤️ I absolutely love it all! Just back from the warmth of AZ and you made coming back to cold and snow so much easier. I‘m gonna get in the bath with Refugee, that bath bomb and a steaming cup of hot chocolate tonight.😃😃
#mademyday #thoughtfulfriend #luckyme
On our way to the Bay! 🚙🛣📖 My husband & I have a deal where he almost always drives because I drove exclusively for the first four years of our relationship. Works out great for me, especially with the #24in48 #readathon on this weekend! 😉 #luckyme #roadtrip #downbythebay