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"Try to understand. For older, hard-core generations of Florida natives, no scandal is so delectable as a Disney scandal."

Orlando: A Biography | Virginia Woolf
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I‘ve read better classics. Started off good but got confusing towards the end and it was pretty uneventful after Orlando became a woman tbh. Also, I understand it was written during a time filled with different social standings, but all evident gender roles and assumptions of what makes a man and what makes a woman was difficult for me to absorb, even though the discussion of such in the book makes it important.


#orlando #virginiawoolf

Orlando People | Alexander C. Kane
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This was my first time reading something of Carl‘s. I appreciate a hard jab at corporate greed especially when the greed is hidden under layers of sanitized family fun. 🤨That being said, I can‘t wait to get back to Disney World to see the new Star Wars attractions. 😜🤷‍♀️

Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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Less of a book than a critical essay at just under one hundred pages. I‘m a Hiaasen fan and even agree with his criticisms of Disney‘s greed and overly sanitized experiences as well as it‘s detrimental effect on the environment in general and the state of Florida in particular. However, I missed the biting humor and character development through which he usually makes his case. Give me Skink anytime.

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Vicious | V. E. Schwab
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Loved this! I have read the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy and enjoyed it so thought I‘d try Schwab‘s Vicious and I was pleasantly surprised to find a very different type of book. I was reminded quite a bit of the old TV show Heroes, and a little bit of Flatliners and The OA. The characters are fascinating and I‘m excited that there are more books to follow. I brought #2 on the trip so I can keep going! #vacationreading #orlando #disneyworld #epcot

kspenmoll Gorgeous photo! 6y
TheDaysGoBy You‘re at one of my favorite places! And I‘m glad I wasn‘t the only one that got Flatliners from that book 6y
Dragon Lovely flowers! 😀🐉 6y
Bookgirl @kspenmoll thanks, my daughter took it - she‘s 16 and much better at iPhone pics!! @TheDaysGoBy @Dragon It‘s beautiful there right now! 6y
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First I read Jose Baez‘s book. Obviously I had to round it out by reading prosecutor Jeff Ashton‘s book.

I absolutely believe Casey killed Caylee. I absolutely believe the jury should have convicted her. I admit I initially gave Jose‘s theory a bit of weight initially about Caylee accidentally drowning in the pool. It just doesn‘t make sense though. The jury seemed to put a lot of stock in the lack of an official cause of death.

Cinfhen I remember this horrific story 💔💔💔 6y
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I devoured this book. It is written by one of the prosecuting attorneys in the case and I loved his approach to the book. The whole thing can be summed up by the picture. It ended up being not about Caylee and the justice she deserved, but about Casey. Toward the end, I felt there was some repetition, but I was able to overlook it. I‘m tempted to read Jose Baez‘s book to see what the other side has to say.

DGRachel It may be wrong of me, but I don‘t give a rat‘s patootie about what the defense team has to say. I am still appalled that she was acquitted. 6y
Burghbookaddict @DGRachel I agree I'm so disgusted by this woman 6y
keys_on_fire @DGRachel Oh I‘m 💯% with you, but according to this guy they were so all over the place with their approach it makes me curious to see if they thought they had ANY logic behind it. It‘s also interesting that there were no psychological witnesses during the trial. 6y
Copwithabook You would be amazed at the stuff the police know that never gets allowed in the court room. I‘m guessing lawyers found a way to keep psych experts out of it. 6y
keys_on_fire @Copwithabook In this case, the defense was going to have two psychologists as witnesses, but pulled them when the prosecution then wanted to have a state expert examine her. This book was truly a fascinating read 6y
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I like to have a kindle book going even if I‘m reading a print book so that if I find an opportunity to read, I can take advantage of it. I was watching an A&E special on Casey Anthony‘s parents tonight, & decided to find a book to read about the case. I flew through 50 pages in about 40 minutes! Am loving this one so far!

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