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Joined December 2016

hardback, paperback, electronic, and audio. fiction, literary fiction, non-fiction, memoir, historical fiction, YA, some sci-fi and fantasy
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I loved the last book and loved this just as much. I read through it just as fast and wow, what an ending!!!

j9brown Is it the end or is there supposed to be more to the series? Really enjoyed the first one too! 3y
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The Drowning Kind | Jennifer McMahon
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I have been in a terrible reading rut. But I picked this one up from the library and hopefully have broken the drought! I could not stop reading. I raced through the pages with a sense of urgency and NEEDED to know the ending. Y‘all, it was so good!

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The Maidens: A Novel | Alex Michaelides
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Work has been busy because crime goes up with the warmer weather. I‘ve been up since 4:30 am for a search warrant with the SWAT team so I feel like I deserve some reading time!!

SamAnne You do! 3y
Grrlbrarian Holy crow! Wishing you a great book and an early bedtime 😴 3y
Aims42 You definitely deserve some reading time!! 🙌🏻 3y
sprainedbrain I hope you got some you time! ❤️ 3y
Copwithabook @SamAnne @Grrlbrarian @Aims42 @sprainedbrain thank you all for the lovely well wishes! Yes, I was able to sneak in a whole hour of uninterrupted reading time. Shocking, I know 😂 3y
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The Maidens: A Novel | Alex Michaelides
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That was the most suspenseful wait!! There are still so many books coming out this month that I want to read but I‘m glad BOTM included these three.

Project Hail Mary | Andy Weir
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Holy cow what did I just read?! I loved this book and found myself slowing down toward the end because I absolutely did not want to be done with this story. Warning though: some of the pacing gets slowed down by all that science, however, for some that may be a plus.

mcctrish I‘m getting this for my husband for Father‘s Day, he‘s loved everything else AW wrote 3y
Copwithabook @mcctrish I told my husband I thought he would like it 3y
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The Four Winds: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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Broken Horses: A Memoir | Brandi Carlile
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Holy shit that was a good book. Here‘s what I love about memoirs: they are written by the living, therefore, because the end is not set in stone yet, they are almost always hopeful. I have loved Brandi Carlile since I was a confused queer college kid (who could not yet embrace being queer). Turns out her music still moves me to tears. Do yourself a favor and get the audiobook!

Addison_Reads Great review! I can't wait to read this one. I love her music. 3y
AmyG I will have to get in line for the audiobook at the library. I love her music, too. (edited) 3y
Copwithabook @Addison_Reads and @AmyG if you like her music then definitely do audio. She sings throughout the audio. I honestly cannot imagine reading it; the book was so obviously meant to be heard!! 3y
SamAnne Waiting for my library hold to come in! 3y
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Ariadne | Jennifer Saint
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It‘s like Christmas once a month! Anyone order the twin to my box?

bookandbedandtea I did! Mine arrived today too. 😊 3y
Kristy_K I chose the same ones! 3y
Copwithabook @bookandbedandtea @Kristy_K well I dropped everything and launched into Ariadne. How about you two? 3y
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bookandbedandtea @Copwithabook @Kristy_K I haven't started either of them yet. I find that the more excited I am about a book the longer I put off reading it. Which doesn't make sense, even to me! 3y
Copwithabook @bookandbedandtea oh gods, I don‘t know if I could stand the suspense of putting it off. But how good does it feel when you finally dive in to one of those? 3y
Kristy_K @bookandbedandtea I do that too! I think I‘m afraid of it not living up to my expectations. 3y
bookandbedandtea @Copwithabook It depends on how long I take to get to it. If it's only a few weeks I feel excited but if I wait months (or years 😬) I feel anxious that it won't live up to my hopes for it. I'm weird. 3y
bookandbedandtea @Kristy_K I think it's kind of comforting for me to know that it's still there and unread. Something to keep looking forward to. But if I wait too long I definitely get nervous about it not living up to my expectations. 3y
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Ariadne | Jennifer Saint
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They were both on my TBR list so I am super excited. I‘ve been in a slight reading slump with my physical books. Can‘t wait for these babies to knock me off my socks.

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I start Crime Scene Tech class this week (a 6 week class that meets one week a month for 6 months). This class is no joke and already feels like being in college again. I have a 64 page reading assignment that we are being tested on first thing when we get there 🙀 I‘m getting a little nervous about how intense this class is going to be.

BookDragonNotWorm One of my degrees is in Crime Scene Technology - focus on the details (I know, there's a ton) because the bigger concepts are intuitive if you know the minutia. Making acronyms for the order of steps helps, too. Good luck! 🤞 3y
Reggie You can do it! 3y
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Fledgling | Octavia E. Butler
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Help! Has anyone read Fledgling? I‘m not far into it at all and because of my job I‘m super weirded out by the relationship between the MC and Wright. Does that continue? I‘m she‘s described as looking 10 or 11. My mental picture may be too sharp to keep going.

Reggie Yeah it‘s very weird because she is in a child‘s body but I think she‘s 300 years old. And yes the relationship does continue. 3y
Copwithabook @Reggie thanks for letting me know! I may give it a bit more effort. It‘s disappointing that I may DNF this once bc I do love Octavia Butler. 3y
ReadingisMyPassion I love her book “Kindred“. 3y
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The Witch's Heart | Genevieve Gornichec
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One of the most fun yet emotion stirring books I have read in a long time. This was a great spring read and gave me all the feels by the end.

AllisonM89 I LOVED this book!
Copwithabook @AllisonM89 right?!! I‘m so glad I listened to it so I could hear the correct pronunciation of all those names 3y
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Libertie: A Novel | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Lord I was wearing out my refresh button. New books are always so exciting. I took a plunge with the McClain book. I don‘t do novels like this often because I‘m a detective (believe it or not fiction often gets the job wrong- shocking I know). And I investigate sexual assault cases so I try to stay away from it in my entertainment. But that author has not led me astray yet.

AmyG I kept refreshing, too. Book nerds unite! 3y
Eggbeater Wow. That's a tough job. Thank you for doing it. ♥️ 3y
Copwithabook @AmyG exactly!! 3y
Copwithabook @Eggbeater it is tough at times. I‘m lucky to have a great support system 3y
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This Close to Okay: A Novel | Leesa Cross-Smith
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I listened to the tagged book while taking a walk. My mother is doing better and will be coming home from the hospital on Friday. This is the first bit of reading/listening I‘ve really been able to do in several weeks. Glad I could usher in spring while I was at it.

Bookwormjillk That‘s great news! 3y
Crazeedi Love seeing the blossoming of spring. Glad your mom is doing better💗 3y
Jas16 Wonderful news! 3y
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Thank you @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for the positive quote yesterday. I definitely needed it. I had to rush to my hometown because my mother had a stroke that has left her uncommunicative. Which is frustrating and saddening for us both. They are continuing to run tests today to find out why she is having back to back strokes. I packed a new book and an old favorite.

AmyG I hope your mother is ok. 🙏🏻 3y
mklong Sending love to you and your mother ❤️ 3y
Aims42 Prayers for your mom and your family!! ❤️ 3y
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Jas16 Sending ❤️ 3y
MamaGina 🙏🏼 and 💗 3y
rabbitprincess Thinking of you and your mom ♥️ (edited) 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so sorry sending love and hugs... 🙏🏻🙏🏻 3y
BookNAround I hope they figure things out for your mom. Love and light for both of you. 3y
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Hello Hello | Brendan Wenzel
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@laurenashley had a great idea to #introduceyourself so I‘m playing along. Hi, I‘m Rachel. I‘m a detective in Arkansas and work crimes against children/sex crimes/major crime. I‘m also polyamorous. I‘ve been with my husband for eight years and we have been with our girlfriend for almost a year. We have a beautiful 3 year old. When I‘m not working, I‘m reading as much as my family will let me. I adore audiobooks.

Honey Girl (Original) | Morgan Rogers
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I highly recommend this book. I told my girlfriend sweet things about this book and then told her that it reminded me of the butterflies in the stomach days of our early relationship. Apparently I did good because I came home to flowers. 😏

Julsmarshall Awww! (edited) 3y
Copwithabook @Julsmarshall right?! So cheesy 🥰 3y
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Dearly: New Poems | Margaret Atwood
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I was an English Major in college and have decided to go back to my roots and add more poetry back into my reading this year. I‘m 40 pages into this collection, and I have already laughed, cried, and swooned a little. I didn‘t know I missed poetry.

SamAnne Ack. I have lost this book somewhere in my house and I desperately want to read it. 3y
Copwithabook @SamAnne oh no! I don‘t think you can blame the dryer for this one like we blame it for missing socks 😂 3y
HeathHof I'm not too far in but loving it! Coconut is my favorite so far, I'm sure I will have lots of favorites by the end though. 3y
Copwithabook @Mynameisacolour I think Cicadas is my favorite so far 3y
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The Four Winds | Kristin Hannah
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Well this one gave me just as many feels as The Nightingale. I can‘t wait to pass it along to other readers in my life! Also, forgive the bad pic, I was trying to take a pic with all the falling snow. There‘s a reason I‘m not a photographer.

Aims42 I passed this to my mom as soon as I finished it. Such a great book!! 3y
Copwithabook @Aims42 that‘s what I do with my BOTM books. My mom is retired and I cannot keep up with how much reading time she now has! 3y
Aims42 @Copwithabook That‘s my mom and grandma! They tell me how many books they through in a week and I‘m like, “Yeah, that‘s a good month for me” 😂 3y
Copwithabook But because of that I cannot wait for retirement 🤣 3y
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Honey Girl | Morgan Rogers
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Baby girl spent an entire week at her grandmother‘s because every adult in our household is an essential worker and had to be at work in all the snow. So now that we are back at home, she hasn‘t left my side. At least she doesn‘t care if I read a book while she watches tv.

BookDragonNotWorm I hope you're getting some much needed downtime! Glad to see you all weathered the storm well! 3y
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Aftershocks: A Memoir | Nadia Owusu

I have Aftershocks four stars on Goodreads. I was impressed with how well she crafted her story, particularly with using earthquake terminology as metaphor to structure the book. And while I do not have a wide range of ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity in my own background as Owusu does(or the best private and international education), I can certainly relate to her need to understand her parents and her relation to them as a young adult.

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If you added a 309 after this number, we can be friends. Love playing the number game with my litfluence.

Librariana Should we start calling you Jenny?? 😁😊 3y
Cinfhen Hahaha, Jenny!!! 3y
Bookwormjillk 😂😂 3y
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JenReadsAlot 😂😂 3y
BookDragonNotWorm I got your number! 3y
BookNAround But you have to sing it as you say it. 😂 3y
Copwithabook @BookNAround yes you do!!! 3y
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I adore this novel! It was well crafted and brought setting to life. In the end I closed the book and the title took on new meaning (isn‘t that always fun). I can‘t wait to pass this one along to other readers in my life. Also, I‘m clearly writing this too soon after reading because my mind is still jumbled up with my emotional adoration for this story!

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The Four Winds | Kristin Hannah
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My BOTM came in!! It‘s so hard not to drop absolutely everything right now and launch into these books.

Chelsea.Poole The Push!!! 3y
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Harry Potter: fun book | J.K. Rowling
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Can you guess which Hogwarts house I belong to? Lol my girlfriend is Slytherin and is trying hard to get me to embrace my secondary house, Ravenclaw.

Lizpixie I‘m a Gryffynclaw too! 50-50 straight down the middle for me. My DIL made me a beautiful sign for my library door🦁🦅 3y
Copwithabook @Lizpixie best house split there is! Will you post a pic of the sign? I‘d love to see it 3y
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Sky Without Stars | Jessica Brody, Joanne Rendell
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Now I‘m trying it on audio too. Im pretty far into it and I‘m not sure if it is grabbing my attention. I‘m shockingly considering DNFing. Anyone read this one that could encourage me to keep going?

Sky Without Stars | Jessica Brody, Joanne Rendell
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This is what my self care looks like today. The cookie is a snack from our Universal Yum box. This month was from the Netherlands.

rabbitprincess Mmmmm stroopwafels! 3y
janeycanuck Oh man, stroopwafel is so good! We put ours on top of our mugs so they soften up a bit 😍 3y
Copwithabook @janeycanuck the snack box comes with descriptions of the foods and customs from that country so lucky putting on top of a mug was recommended to me and I‘m glad I didn‘t miss the experience! 3y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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This was a quick easy read and very well written. I loved falling in to this world!

The Removed: A Novel | Brandon Hobson
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This book reminded me of Leslie Marmon Silko ‘s writing and is the contemporary Native American writing I‘ve been waiting for. I‘ve read reviews in which people seemed confused by it. But I loved the integration of myth, family and ancestral history, and their present reality. It is a hell of a book about healing and the layers of healing humans must go through.

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The Removed: A Novel | Brandon Hobson
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I started reading the tagged book and am loving it. But sometimes you gotta stop and watch My Little Ponies with your toddler 🥰 and in case you were wondering, yes that‘s market on her face 🤦🏻‍♀️. Clearly I needed to get my nose out of my book.

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First book to actually finish in the new year. This was not the first book I started but it grabbed me and kept me listening. I‘m thankful for books like this to help me broaden my perspective. This was my first read to look at our system of race as a caste system- girl ain‘t wrong tho!

Anything is Possible | Elizabeth Strout
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Thank you @kspenmoll for the #LCS gifts! Only one candy bar made it long enough to take a pic 😁🤫 @bookish_wookish thank you for hosting

bookish_wookish 🎄🎁 4y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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First read of the new year. I decided to break out my iPad bc it‘s been a while since I‘ve read from my elibrary, and just bc I haven‘t been reading them absolutely doesn‘t mean that I haven‘t been continuing to buy them.

RainyDayReading I‘ve gotten so many ebooks lately! It‘s great....except for all the physical books I own that I still have yet to read 😅 4y
Copwithabook @RainyDayReading meee toooooo! I pass my physical books along to my mother who is retired, so I‘ve been giving more attention to them. 4y
RainyDayReading @Copwithabook I just recently got my hands on a kindle so I‘ve been having fun getting ebooks for it and messing around with it 🙈 That‘s awesome that you pass them along! I hoard mine in boxes in the garage after I‘ve read them 😅 4y
MamaGina I‘m pretty sure that if my ebooks suddenly materialized as physical books in my apartment I‘d have trouble moving around the place! 😂 4y
Copwithabook @MamaGina I‘m glad ebooks won‘t materialize! Then my husband would know how many books I ACTUALLY buy 😬 4y
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Omg this book gave me all the feels!! Harper wrote such a beautiful book of stories that used her experiences in the ER to expound upon deeper issues of abuse, identity, grief, love, and most of all...hope. There is so much human experience is such a small book! I highly recommend.

Megabooks I agree! 4y
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This is how I am blissfully spending my New Year‘s Eve. Thank the gods for being comfortable in my 30s and not being in a too tight outfit, drinking beer I don‘t even like while being around more strangers than friends in a bar or party. I‘m also thankful that this last year saw me promoted to detective so that I could be home in bed with my husband and not on the streets tonight.

Chelsea.Poole Looks like a great evening! 4y
Bookwormjillk Congratulations on your promotion! 4y
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The End | Lemony Snicket
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I didn‘t quite make my goal, but I‘m happy with the amount of reading I did this year. Considering all the changes, ups and downs, and pressures put on me this year I‘m dang proud of how I‘ve pulled through- and not just in my reading. Also, I‘m clearly not as good at keeping up with what I‘ve read on this platform.

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I‘ll be honest, this was slow going. But I often feel that way when I read Hoffman‘s books. And as per usual, I was in love with the work by the end! The last 100 pages really were the best even if it took a long while to get there.

BooksNBowls So should I read this one first since it‘s the prequel?? 4y
Copwithabook She wrote them in reverse so no I don‘t think you have to read this one first. I certainly didn‘t 4y
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Discovery of Witches | Deborah Harkness
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Thank you @MicrobeMom for my #jolabokaflodswap package!! That is a lot of chocolate that almost didn‘t make it long enough for the picture. I can‘t wait to jump into this book!

MicrobeMom I hope you enjoy and have a great holiday!! 4y
TheLibrarian Those peanut butter cups look divine! 4y
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No matter what else I‘m reading, it‘s all being dropped for Ready Player Two. I‘m so excited!!

bookish_wookish Hey! Just checking in to see if you have shipped/received your #littlechristmasswap 4y
Copwithabook @bookish_wookish yes I have. I completely forgot to take pics and post about it 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
bookish_wookish Ok! Thanks! 🎁 4y
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To Sleep in a Sea of Stars | Christopher Paolini
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I should be preparing for classes I‘m going to be teaching at our academy, instead I‘m listening to the tagged book and coloring. It‘s called balance (aka procrastination).

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This story was strange and a little slow going at first. However, I slowly started to identify with and root for these sisters. It was a fun, easy listen.

Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception | Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, Susan Carnicero, Don Tennant
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In case you were wondering what an SVU detective might be reading, here‘s a stack of recent books I‘ve been reading. The tagged book isn‘t in this picture but a really good one if you are interested in deception detection. Happy reading my friends. #truecrime #criminalinvestigation

Hestapleton 😍 4y
JenReadsAlot Great stack of books! 4y
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I am seriously behind if I want to meet my Goodreads goal of 100 books this year. So I‘m picking up some poetry! I was an English Major in undergrad with a serious love for Barbara Kingsolver so this collection is speaking to my soul.

Holiday Swap | Zara Stoneley
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I can‘t resist!! #jolabokaflodswap hosted by the awesome @MaleficentBookDragon great, easy, and fun book swap. #bookswap #swap #christmasswap

What Every BODY is Saying | Joe Navarro, Marvin Karlins
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In case you were wondering about some of the books I‘ve been reading to get better at interview and interrogation. This book was all about the non verbals and is useful for anyone who wants to “read” others better.

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Halloween may be over but I‘m carrying on with the spirit of the season.

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I know people are saying this book is racist, but I don‘t think that was the author‘s intent. The MC is highly guarded and mistrustful of others- as she should be since everything and everyone seems to want to kill her. But I also LOVE El! She smart and powerful, and has more sarcasm in her little pinky than I have in my whole body I enjoyed this world and can‘t wait for the next one that is coming out next summer.

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Look what my girlfriend got me! We both have an interest in hedge magic and have started building up our witchy library.

annahenke I‘m just starting to learn tarot! 4y
Copwithabook @annahenke I love tarot! I‘ve played around with them on and off for years and haven‘t really taken an intensive study. But now that I have someone in my life who is also interested I‘m looking at being more serious in my learning 4y
annahenke Very cool! 4y
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Grocery shopping took absolutely everything out of me today. Self care right now means a book, a bath, and cinnamon apple tea. And I am seriously enjoying Addie LaRue! I can honestly say that I was not expecting some of the surprises presented already.

LiteraryinLawrence I hear you about grocery shopping. Glad you‘re taking care of yourself! 4y
Nute So important to find a way to unwind. The immeasurable value of a warm ‘scented‘ bath is undeniable. Take Care, Ms. Rachel! Oh, I can‘t wait to read that book...I keep reading so many good comments about it. 4y
Copwithabook Thanks for the love ladies! @Nute I really enjoyed. Crossing my fingers for a second one. I look forward to seeing what you think of it! 4y
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This Tender Land: A Novel | William Kent Krueger
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It took me a few tries to get into this book. But after I did, it really became a world I kept being drawn back to. Solid coming of age story!

Erinreadsthebooks I‘m such a fan of his other book, Ordinary Grace. I have this one on my TBR but might have to move it up. 4y
Crazeedi Great book and I definitely need CD to read ⬆️ one too! 4y
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