Meh. Last book to post for 2020.
This book is nothing more than a Renaissance gossip column, if it can even be called that. Supposedly this book is about Leo‘s notebooks, but they get no more attention than anything else. What this book is really about is Isaacson‘s obsession with Leo‘s sexuality, diet, and looks.
#walterisaacson #leonardodavinci #bail #killmenow #leo #theoriginalrenaissanceman #polymath
REALLY short, more like a half hour, but it gave a great over view of Leonard da Vinci‘s life. It‘s a good starting point. This would be great for kids. Each chapter is really short with very simple, straight forward language. Add in a book with his art and/or images of his notebooks and you‘re good to go. It‘s much better than Isaacson droning on about his sexuality and appearance.
#LeonardoDaVinci #HourlyHistory #polymath #autodidact #Leo
I think that last sentence is probably the most important part. We‘re lucky we have what we do of this indicative man. Why waste time lamenting what we don‘t have, and enjoy and learn from what we do have.
#LeonardoDaVinci #HourlyHistory #polymath #autodidact #Leo
These are supposedly Leonardo da Vinci‘s last words. They definitely give you something to think about.
#LeonardoDaVinci #HourlyHistory #polymath #autodidact #Leo
Here‘s hoping this is far less insufferable than Isaacson‘s book. The intro is already more entertaining.
#LeonardoDaVinci #HourlyHistory #polymath #autodidact #Leo
This is one of my favorite drawings ever. I‘ve been obsessed with it since I was a kid. I like this deeper analysis of it. (I wonder if there is a book completely about this drawing...hm)
#LeonardoDaVinci #WalterIsaacson #polymath #autodidact #Leo #Vitruvius #VitruvianMan
I would really like to see his sources on this. It‘s nothing more than speculation. He MAY have been gay, he equally as likely was what we would call bisexual today. Hell, he could have been secretly having sex with every woman he came into contact with for all we know. I‘ve yet to see anything conclusive on this, but Isaacson seems stuck on it. In fact, I‘m beginning to think he‘s got a man crush on Leo.