Musk is quite a character -- sometimes lovable and sometimes infuriating. If I ever met him I would be hard pressed to know whether to hug him or slap him. Just kidding. No doubt he‘s a genius with grand intentions so nothing but respect from me. ⬇️
What a wonderful biography! The book is marvellous, hard cover with great pics. Genius indeed. #LeonardoDaVinci #WalterIsaacson #book #bookaholic #booklovers #ler #leitura #leitora #reading #instabook #instaread #instabooks #bookstagram #litsy #booklover #readingabook #amreading #books #Sha2019
This book is nothing more than a Renaissance gossip column, if it can even be called that. Supposedly this book is about Leo‘s notebooks, but they get no more attention than anything else. What this book is really about is Isaacson‘s obsession with Leo‘s sexuality, diet, and looks.
#walterisaacson #leonardodavinci #bail #killmenow #leo #theoriginalrenaissanceman #polymath
This is one of my favorite drawings ever. I‘ve been obsessed with it since I was a kid. I like this deeper analysis of it. (I wonder if there is a book completely about this drawing...hm)
#LeonardoDaVinci #WalterIsaacson #polymath #autodidact #Leo #Vitruvius #VitruvianMan
I would really like to see his sources on this. It‘s nothing more than speculation. He MAY have been gay, he equally as likely was what we would call bisexual today. Hell, he could have been secretly having sex with every woman he came into contact with for all we know. I‘ve yet to see anything conclusive on this, but Isaacson seems stuck on it. In fact, I‘m beginning to think he‘s got a man crush on Leo.
Why grow up? Intellectually, Leo never did.
#LeonardoDaVinci #WalterIsaacson #polymath #Leo #autodidact #HappyBirthday #curiosity #experimentation #wonder
Happy Birthday to this guy (Leo, not Tom... even though Tom is hot... that‘s another post for another day... in fact we‘ve [sadly] missed that day by ten days... oops)!!! He‘s 567 today!!! Starting this book today with the goal of finishing by 2 May (the 500th anniversary of his death). Here goes nothing.
#leonardodavinci #walterisaacson #polymath #leo #happybirthday
One of the best biographies I‘ve read so far! So id you want to know something more about this interesting person, I recommend to read it!
#stevejobs #walterisaacson #czechedition #aprilread #nonfiction #biography
Knowing that the Vitruvian Man may be a type of self-portrait of Da Vinci makes me look at it in a whole new way. #davinci #leonardodavinci #walterisaacson #vitruvianman #art #history #biography
#Bookstagram #ElonMusk #WalterIsaacson 1y